Critical edition of Estoria de los godos, a 13th-century vernacular chronicle of the history of Spain, loosely translated as a medieval romance from the Latin chronicle De rebus Hispanie by Rodrigo Ximénez de Rada. Text is based on three mss. at the Biblioteca nacional in Madrid (MS 302, MS Res/278, and MS 12.990 (N).
Volume one of a two volume set outlining and comparing three approaches to the study of language labelled 'structural-functionalist': functional grammar (FG); role and reference grammar (RRG); and systemic functional grammar (SFG).
This book examines the resources that speakers employ when building conversations. These resources contribute to overall coherence and cohesion, which speakers create and maintain interactively as they build on each other s contributions. The study is cross-linguistic, drawing on parallel corpora of task-oriented dialogues between dyads of native speakers of English and Spanish. The framework of the investigation is the analysis of speech genres and their staging; the analysis shows that each stage in the dialogues exhibits different thematic, rhetorical, and cohesive relations. The main contributions of the book are: a corpus-based characterization of a spoken genre (task-oriented dialogue); the compilation of a body of analysis tools for generic analysis; application of English-based analyses to Spanish and comparison between the two languages; and a study of the characteristics of each generic stage in task-oriented dialogue.
Educational resource for teachers, parents and kids!
17 papers take a holistic view of beekeeping archaeology (including honey, wax, associated products, hive construction, and trade) in one large interconnected geographic region, the Mediterranean, central Europe, and the Atlantic Façade. The book serves as a handbook for current and future researchers considering the archaeology of beekeeping.
Issued 1931- in two parts: Bulletin and Statistiques; in two volumes, one consisting of regular monthly numbers, the other the Compte rendu of the annual sessions of the Comité and Commission de l'office.
UNESCO pub. Conference report on national level and regional level science policy and research policy trends since 1978 in Latin America and the Caribbean - discusses relationships between science, technology and rural employment, and the implications for development planning; defines major problems in public expenditure budgeting for university research; includes recommendations. List of participants.
This book contains a selection of papers on various legal issues of interest to developing countries which have been prepared by Fellows from InWent who came to Germany between 2002 and 2004 from Africa, Asia, and Latin America to research and write about subjects of their choice at the IUCN Environmental Law Centre.
The 1st World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy and Industry, held in Sevilla in June 2000, brought together for the first time the traditional European Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry and the Biomass Conference of the Americas, thus creating the largest and most outstanding event in the worldwide biomass sector. The conference elaborated innovative global strategies, projects and efficient practice rules for energy and the environment at a key stage in the industry's development. New concepts and projects were highlighted to increase the social and political awareness for a change in worldwide resource consumption and to promote economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development for the next millennium. In 2 volumes, the Proceedings include some 470 papers essential to an understanding of current thinking, practice, research and global developments in the biomass sector - a vital reference source for researchers, manufacturers, and policy makers involved or interested in the use of biomass for energy and industry.
Pathogenesis and epidemiology of Septoria tritici; Specialization of Septoria tritici; Breeding and genetics of Septoria tritici resistance in wheat; Chemical control.
This volume comprises forty-eight essays, presented by friends, colleagues and students in honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez. The articles are primarily in the field of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but also cover many other fields of Second Temple Judaism, from late biblical texts and Septuagint up to the pseudepigrapha and early rabbinic writings.
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