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Número total de libros encontrados: 25 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!
Before Salem

Before Salem

Autor: Richard S. Ross Iii

Número de Páginas: 342

Decades before the Salem Witch trials, 11 people were hanged as witches in the Connecticut River Valley. The advent of witch hunting in New England was directly influenced by the English Civil War and the witch trials in England led by Matthew Hopkins, who pioneered "techniques" for examining witches. This history examines the outbreak of witch hysteria in the Valley, focusing on accusations of demonic possession, apotropaic magic and the role of the clergy. Although the hysteria was eventually quelled by a progressive magistrate unwilling to try witches, accounts of the trials later influenced contemporary writers during the Salem witch hunts. The source of the document "Grounds for Examination of a Witch" is identified.

Building a New Jerusalem

Building a New Jerusalem

Autor: Francis J. Bremer

Número de Páginas: 438

John Davenport, who cofounded the colony of New Haven, has been neglected in studies that view early New England primarily from a Massachusetts viewpoint. Francis J. Bremer restores the clergyman to importance by examining Davenport’s crucial role as an advocate for religious reform in England and the Netherlands before his emigration, his engagement with an international community of scholars and clergy, and his significant contributions to colonial America. Bremer shows that he was in many ways a remarkably progressive leader for his time, with a strong commitment to education for both women and men, a vibrant interest in new science, and a dedication to upholding democratic principles in churches at a time when many other Puritan clergymen were emphasizing the power of their office above all else. Bremer’s enlightening and accessible biography of an important figure in New England history provides a unique perspective on the seventeenth-century transatlantic Puritan movement.

Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, Including Waltham and Weston

Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, Including Waltham and Weston

Autor: Henry Bond

Número de Páginas: 1150
The Nash Family; Or, Records of the Descendants of Thomas Nash of New Haven, Connecticut, 1640

The Nash Family; Or, Records of the Descendants of Thomas Nash of New Haven, Connecticut, 1640

Autor: Sylvester Nash

Número de Páginas: 336
Cyclopaedia of American literature, by E. A. and G. L. Duyckinck

Cyclopaedia of American literature, by E. A. and G. L. Duyckinck

Autor: Evert Augustus Duyckinck

Número de Páginas: 718
Cyclopaedia of American Literature

Cyclopaedia of American Literature

Autor: Duyckinck (evert)

Número de Páginas: 708
Cyclopaedia of American Literature

Cyclopaedia of American Literature

Autor: Evert Augustus Duyckinck , George Long Duyckinck

Número de Páginas: 698

Reprint of the original, first published in 1856.

Before Jonathan Edwards

Before Jonathan Edwards

Autor: Adriaan Cornelis Neele

Número de Páginas: 281

Early New England and the early modern era -- Jonathan Edwards and the Protestant scholastics -- Sources of Christian homiletics -- Sources of biblical exegesis: an ecumenical enterprise -- Sources of the formulation of doctrine: continuity and discontinuity? -- Sources of history as theology -- Conclusion and prospect

Cyclopædia of American Literature

Cyclopædia of American Literature

Autor: Evert Augustus Duyckinck

Número de Páginas: 706
Cyclopaedia of American Literature

Cyclopaedia of American Literature

Autor: Evert Augustus Duyckinck

Número de Páginas: 706
History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day: 1765-1812

History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day: 1765-1812

Autor: John Thomas Scharf

Número de Páginas: 684
Hertfordshire in History

Hertfordshire in History

Autor: Doris Jones-baker

Número de Páginas: 334

This collection of essays offers a historical glimpse into the lives and happenings in Hertfordshire from the 13th century to the present. Topics range from graffiti evidence of medieval music. King James's connections with Hertfordshire, settlements in the Connecticut Valley, art traditions in the 19th century, and the history of Christ's Hospital. This compilation was designed to honor Lionel Munby, one of Hertfordshire's leading 20th-century historians.

Parliamentary Papers

Parliamentary Papers

Autor: Great Britain. Parliament. House Of Commons

Número de Páginas: 542
Laisse la vivre (Un thriller du FBI de Fiona Red — Tome 5)

Laisse la vivre (Un thriller du FBI de Fiona Red — Tome 5)

Autor: Blake Pierce

Número de Páginas: 224

Quand des corps en état avancé de décomposition sont découverts dans les Everglades, grouillant d'insectes, il s’agit du cauchemar de tout entomologiste. Face à l'incapacité des agents à résoudre cette affaire déconcertante, le FBI fait appel à sa brillante experte médico-légale et entomologiste, Fiona Red. Confrontée à l'affaire de sa vie — et à un nouveau tueur en série inquiétant — Fiona parviendra-t-elle surmonter ses propres démons et résoudre l'énigme avant que le tueur ne frappe à nouveau? « Un chef d’œuvre de thriller et de suspense. » Roberto Mattos, Books and Movie Reviews (SANS LAISSER DE TRACES) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ LAISSE LA VIVRE est le cinquième tome d’une nouvelle série très attendue signée par l’auteur à succès Blake Pierce dont le best-seller SANS LAISSER DE TRACES a reçu plus de 7000 critiques à cinq étoiles. Fiona Red, membre du FBI aussi brillante que décalée, passe le plus clair de son temps dans son laboratoire ou sur des scènes de crime. Elle vient d’une famille habituée à traiter avec la mort et les cadavres, puisque ses parents possèdent une entreprise de pompes funèbres, et qu’elle aurait repris le...

Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790 ...: New York

Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790 ...: New York

Autor: United States. Bureau Of The Census

Número de Páginas: 250
Annals of the American Pulpit: Trinitarian Congregational. 1859

Annals of the American Pulpit: Trinitarian Congregational. 1859

Autor: William Buell Sprague

Número de Páginas: 802
The Pushcart Peddlers

The Pushcart Peddlers

Autor: Murray Schisgal

Número de Páginas: 100

THE STORIES: In the first play, THE PUSHCART PEDDLERS, the greenhorn, Shimmel, fresh from the old country, meets the older, wiser Cornelius and is inveigled into buying his pushcart business. Complications arise when Cornelius returns with another

Genealogies of Connecticut Families

Genealogies of Connecticut Families

Autor: Judith Mcghan

Número de Páginas: 2456
Annals of the American Pulpit: Trinitarian Congregational

Annals of the American Pulpit: Trinitarian Congregational

Autor: William Buell Sprague

Número de Páginas: 800
Slaves and Slaveholders in Bermuda, 1616-1782

Slaves and Slaveholders in Bermuda, 1616-1782

Autor: Virginia Bernhard

Número de Páginas: 336

Slaves & Slaveholders in Bermuda, 1616-1782, offers a fresh perspective on the complex relationship between racism & slavery in the often overlooked second-oldest English colony in the New World. As the first blacks were brought onto the islands not specifically for slave labor, but for their expertise as pearl divers & cultivators of West Indies plants, Bermuda's racial history began to unfold much differently from that of the Caribbean islands or of the North American mainland. Bermuda's history records the arrival of the first blacks, the first English law passed to control the behavior of the "Negroes," & the creation of ninety-nine-year indentures for black & Indian servants. Slavery may have dictated & strained the relationships between whites & blacks, but in this smallest of English colonies it differed from slavery elsewhere because of the uniquely close master-slave relations created by Bermuda's size & maritime economy. At only twenty-one square miles in size, Bermuda saw slaves & slave-holders working & living closer together than in other societies. Additionally, the emphasis on maritime pursuits offered slaves a degree of autonomy & a sense of identity unequaled in...

Laws of Maryland Made and Passed at a Session of Assembly

Laws of Maryland Made and Passed at a Session of Assembly

Autor: Maryland

Número de Páginas: 204
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland

Autor: Maryland. Court Of Appeals , Richard W. Gill , Richard Wordsworth Gill , John Johnson

Número de Páginas: 566
The Post Office Directory of Somerset and Devon, with Bristol, Etc

The Post Office Directory of Somerset and Devon, with Bristol, Etc

Autor: Directories. - Somerset

Número de Páginas: 1384
The American Accomptant; Being a ... Compendium of Federal Arithmetic, Etc

The American Accomptant; Being a ... Compendium of Federal Arithmetic, Etc

Autor: Chauncey Lee

Número de Páginas: 322

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