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Número total de libros encontrados: 38 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!
Guidelines for Process Equipment Reliability Data, with Data Tables

Guidelines for Process Equipment Reliability Data, with Data Tables

Autor: Ccps (center For Chemical Process Safety)

Número de Páginas: 326

The book supplements Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis by providing the failure rate data needed to perform a chemical process quantitative risk analysis.

Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes

Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes

Autor: Ccps (center For Chemical Process Safety)

Número de Páginas: 604

This book provides designers and operators of chemical process facilities with a general philosophy and approach to safe automation, including independent layers of safety. An expanded edition, this book includes a revision of original concepts as well as chapters that address new topics such as use of wireless automation and Safety Instrumented Systems. This book also provides an extensive bibliography to related publications and topic-specific information.

Offshore Risk Assessment

Offshore Risk Assessment

Autor: Jan-erik Vinnem

Número de Páginas: 591

Offshore Risk Assessment was the first book to deal with quantified risk assessment (QRA) as applied specifically to offshore installations and operations. This book is a major revision of the first edition. It has been informed by a major R&D programme on offshore risk assessment in Norway (2002-2006). Not only does this book describe the state-of-the-art of QRA, it also identifies weaknesses and areas that need development.

Human Reliability and Safety Analysis Data Handbook

Human Reliability and Safety Analysis Data Handbook

Autor: David I. Gertman , Harold S. Blackman

Número de Páginas: 480

Takes into account the human element as well as the classical aspects of mechanical, electrical and chemical designs that contribute to risk. Features a significant amount of data essential for risk analysis not normally available. Contains numerous examples of authentic applications and case studies.

Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis

Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis

Autor: Ccps (center For Chemical Process Safety)

Número de Páginas: 784

Chemical process quantitative risk analysis (CPQRA) as applied to the CPI was first fully described in the first edition of this CCPS Guidelines book. This second edition is packed with information reflecting advances in this evolving methodology, and includes worked examples on a CD-ROM. CPQRA is used to identify incident scenarios and evaluate their risk by defining the probability of failure, the various consequences and the potential impact of those consequences. It is an invaluable methodology to evaluate these when qualitative analysis cannot provide adequate understanding and when more information is needed for risk management. This technique provides a means to evaluate acute hazards and alternative risk reduction strategies, and identify areas for cost-effective risk reduction. There are no simple answers when complex issues are concerned, but CPQRA2 offers a cogent, well-illustrated guide to applying these risk-analysis techniques, particularly to risk control studies. Special Details: Includes CD-ROM with example problems worked using Excel and Quattro Pro. For use with Windows 95, 98, and NT.

Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume Two

Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume Two

Autor: Bela G. Liptak

Número de Páginas: 2460

The latest update to Bela Liptak's acclaimed "bible" of instrument engineering is now available. Retaining the format that made the previous editions bestsellers in their own right, the fourth edition of Process Control and Optimization continues the tradition of providing quick and easy access to highly practical information. The authors are practicing engineers, not theoretical people from academia, and their from-the-trenches advice has been repeatedly tested in real-life applications. Expanded coverage includes descriptions of overseas manufacturer's products and concepts, model-based optimization in control theory, new major inventions and innovations in control valves, and a full chapter devoted to safety. With more than 2000 graphs, figures, and tables, this all-inclusive encyclopedic volume replaces an entire library with one authoritative reference. The fourth edition brings the content of the previous editions completely up to date, incorporates the developments of the last decade, and broadens the horizons of the work from an American to a global perspective. Béla G. Lipták speaks on Post-Oil Energy Technology on the AT&T Tech Channel.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Autor: Marvin Rausand

Número de Páginas: 467

An introduction to risk assessment that utilizes key theory and state-of-the-art applications With its balanced coverage of theory and applications along with standards and regulations, Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications serves as a comprehensive introduction to the topic. The book serves as a practical guide to current risk analysis and risk assessment, emphasizing the possibility of sudden, major accidents across various areas of practice from machinery and manufacturing processes to nuclear power plants and transportation systems. The author applies a uniform framework to the discussion of each method, setting forth clear objectives and descriptions, while also shedding light on applications, essential resources, and advantages and disadvantages. Following an introduction that provides an overview of risk assessment, the book is organized into two sections that outline key theory, methods, and applications. Introduction to Risk Assessment defines key concepts and details the steps of a thorough risk assessment along with the necessary quantitative risk measures. Chapters outline the overall risk assessment process, and a discussion of accident models and...

Risk Management

Risk Management

Autor: Gerald Mars , David T. H. Weir

Número de Páginas: 762

First published in 2000, Risk Management is a two volume set, comprised of the most significant and influential articles by the leading authorities in the studies of risk management. The volumes includes a full-length introduction from the editor, an internationally recognized expert, and provides an authoritative guide to the selection of essays chosen, and to the wider field itself. The collections of essays are both international and interdisciplinary in scope and provide an entry point for investigating the myriad of study within the discipline.

Risk Assessment and Management in the Context of the Seveso II Directive

Risk Assessment and Management in the Context of the Seveso II Directive

Autor: Michalis D Christou , Georgios A Papadakis

Número de Páginas: 560

The assessment and management of risk to society from the operation of chemical process plants and other industrial activities in which dangerous substances are produced, used, handled or stored will remain a topic of great importance in the next decade. In order to evaluate this specific risk on a qualitative and/or quantitative basis, the concepts of risk analyses are linked together in this book.The "performance based" and "goal oriented" regulatory requirements of the European Council's new "Seveso II Directive" for the identification of large scale industrial hazards, prevention of sudden and uncontrolled releases of dangerous substances from industrial plants and mitigation of serious consequences of industrial accidents to people and the environment are examined. The fact that risk assessment and management are key elements to such forms of regulation is also demonstrated.While the "Seveso II Directive" defines "what" has to be achieved on the control of major hazards involving dangerous substances within the European Union, the methods of risk assessment and management give guidance on "how" to achieve it. The text provides a practical guide for decision-makers in...

Functional Safety from Scratch

Functional Safety from Scratch

Autor: Peter Clarke

Número de Páginas: 356

Functional safety is the task of developing and implementing automatic safety systems used to manage risks in many industries where hazardous processes and machinery are used. Functional Safety from Scratch: A Practical Guide to Process Industry Applications provides a practical guide to functional safety, as applied in the chemical process industry, including the oil and gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and energy sectors. Written by a seasoned professional with many years of functional safety experience, this book explains the purpose of the relevant international standard IEC 61511 and how to achieve compliance efficiently. It provides in-depth coverage of the entire lifecycle of a functional safety system, assuming no prior knowledge of functional safety and only a basic understanding of process safety concepts. SIL assessment, the functional safety management plan, the safety requirements specification, verification, validation and functional safety assessment are covered in particular detail. Functional Safety from Scratch: A Practical Guide to Process Industry Applications is a highly practical source for process and instrumentation engineers, engineering managers and...

Fiabilité et maintenance des matériels industriels réparables et non réparables

Fiabilité et maintenance des matériels industriels réparables et non réparables

Autor: Henri Procaccia , Eric Ferton , Marc Procaccia

Número de Páginas: 553
Functional safety of machine controls

Functional safety of machine controls

Autor: Hauke, M. , Schaefer, M. , Apfeld, R. , Bömer, T. , Huelke, M. , Borowski, T. , Büllesbach, K.-h. , Dorra, M. , Foermer-schaefer, H.g. , Uppenkamp, J. , Lohmaier, O. , Heimann, K.-d. , Köhler, B. , Zilligen, H. , Otto, S. , Rempel, P. , Reuß, G.

Número de Páginas: 324

The EN ISO 13849-1 standard, “Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems”, contains provisions governing the design of such parts. This report is an update of BGIA Report 2/2008e of the same name. It describes the essential subject-matter of the standard in its third, revised 2015 edition, and explains its application with reference to numerous examples from the fields of electromechanics, fluidics, electronics and programmable electronics, including control systems employing mixed technologies. The standard is placed in its context of the essential safety requirements of the Machinery Directive, and possible methods for risk assessment are presented. Based upon this information, the report can be used to select the required Performance Level PLr for safety functions in control systems. The Performance Level PL which is actually attained is explained in detail. The requirements for attainment of the relevant Performance Level and its associated Categories, component reliability, levels of diagnostic coverage, software safety and measures for the prevention of systematic and common-cause failures are all discussed comprehensively. Background information is...

Handbook of Fire and Explosion Protection Engineering Principles

Handbook of Fire and Explosion Protection Engineering Principles

Autor: Dennis P. Nolan

Número de Páginas: 487

Written by an engineer for engineers, this book is both training manual and on-going reference, bringing together all the different facets of the complex processes that must be in place to minimize the risk to people, plant and the environment from fires, explosions, vapour releases and oil spills. Fully compliant with international regulatory requirements, relatively compact but comprehensive in its coverage, engineers, safety professionals and concerned company management will buy this book to capitalize on the author's life-long expertise. This is the only book focusing specifically on oil and gas and related chemical facilities. This new edition includes updates on management practices, lessons learned from recent incidents, and new material on chemical processes, hazards and risk reviews (e.g. CHAZOP). Latest technology on fireproofing, fire and gas detection systems and applications is also covered. An introductory chapter on the philosophy of protection principles along with fundamental background material on the properties of the chemicals concerned and their behaviours under industrial conditions, combined with a detailed section on modern risk analysis techniques makes...

Maintenance Management in Network Utilities

Maintenance Management in Network Utilities

Autor: Juan F Gómez Fernández , Adolfo Crespo Márquez

Número de Páginas: 411

In order to satisfy the needs of their customers, network utilities require specially developed maintenance management capabilities. Maintenance Management information systems are essential to ensure control, gain knowledge and improve-decision making in companies dealing with network infrastructure, such as distribution of gas, water, electricity and telecommunications. Maintenance Management in Network Utilities studies specified characteristics of maintenance management in this sector to offer a practical approach to defining and implementing the best management practices and suitable frameworks. Divided into three major sections, Maintenance Management in Network Utilities defines a series of stages which can be followed to manage maintenance frameworks properly. Different case studies provide detailed descriptions which illustrate the experience in real company situations. An introduction to the concepts is followed by main sections including: • A Literature Review: covering the basic concepts and models needed for framework design, development and implementation. • Framework Design and Definition: developing the basic pillars of network utilities maintenance management...

Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment

Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment

Número de Páginas: 2163

Leading the way in this field, the Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment is the first publication to offer a modern, comprehensive and in-depth resource to the huge variety of disciplines involved. A truly international work, its coverage ranges across risk issues pertinent to life scientists, engineers, policy makers, healthcare professionals, the finance industry, the military and practising statisticians. Drawing on the expertise of world-renowned authors and editors in this field this title provides up-to-date material on drug safety, investment theory, public policy applications, transportation safety, public perception of risk, epidemiological risk, national defence and security, critical infrastructure, and program management. This major publication is easily accessible for all those involved in the field of risk assessment and analysis. For ease-of-use it is available in print and online.

GB/T 16855.1-2008 English-translated version

GB/T 16855.1-2008 English-translated version


Número de Páginas: 85

GB/T 16855.1-2008 Cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars English-translated version

Component Reliability for Electronic Systems

Component Reliability for Electronic Systems

Autor: Titu I. Băjenescu , Marius I. Bâzu

Número de Páginas: 706

The main reason for the premature breakdown of today's electronic products (computers, cars, tools, appliances, etc.) is the failure of the components used to build these products. Today professionals are looking for effective ways to minimize the degradation of electronic components to help ensure longer-lasting, more technically sound products and systems. This practical book offers engineers specific guidance on how to design more reliable components and build more reliable electronic systems. Professionals learn how to optimize a virtual component prototype, accurately monitor product reliability during the entire production process, and add the burn-in and selection procedures that are the most appropriate for the intended applications. Moreover, the book helps system designers ensure that all components are correctly applied, margins are adequate, wear-out failure modes are prevented during the expected duration of life, and system interfaces cannot lead to failure.

Process Systems Risk Management

Process Systems Risk Management

Autor: Ian T. Cameron , R. Raman

Número de Páginas: 631

Process Systems Risk Management provides complete coverage of risk management concepts and applications for safe design and operation of industrial and other process facilities. The whole life cycle of the process or product is taken into account, from its conception to decommissioning. The breadth of human factors in risk management is also treated, ranging from personnel and public safety to environmental impact and business interruption. This unique approach to process risk management is firmly grounded in systems engineering. Numerous examples are used to illustrate important concepts –drawn from almost 40 years authors' experience in risk analysis, assessment and management, with applications in both on- and off-shore operations. This book is essential reading on the relevant techniques to tackle risk management activities for small-, medium- and large-scale operations in the process industries. It is aimed at informing a wide audience of industrial risk management practitioners, including plant managers, engineers, health professionals, town planners, and administrators of regulatory agencies. - A computational perspective on the risk management of chemical processes - A...

Reliability Engineering

Reliability Engineering

Autor: Alessandro Birolini

Número de Páginas: 640

This book shows how to build in, evaluate, and demonstrate reliability and availability of components, equipment, systems. It presents the state-of-the-art of reliability engineering, both in theory and practice, and is based on the author's more than 30 years experience in this field, half in industry and half as Professor of Reliability Engineering at the ETH, Zurich. The structure of the book allows rapid access to practical results. This final edition extend and replace all previous editions. New are, in particular, a strategy to mitigate incomplete coverage, a comprehensive introduction to human reliability with design guidelines and new models, and a refinement of reliability allocation, design guidelines for maintainability, and concepts related to regenerative stochastic processes. The set of problems for homework has been extended. Methods & tools are given in a way that they can be tailored to cover different reliability requirement levels and be used for safety analysis. Because of the Appendices A6 - A8, the book is also self contained from a mathematical point of view, and can be used as a text book or as a desktop reference, with a large number of tables (60),...

Handbook of Loss Prevention Engineering

Handbook of Loss Prevention Engineering

Autor: Joel M. Haight

Número de Páginas: 1066

Loss prevention engineering describes all activities intended to help organizations in any industry to prevent loss, whether it be through injury, fire, explosion, toxic release, natural disaster, terrorism or other security threats. Compared to process safety, which only focusses on preventing loss in the process industry, this is a much broader field. Here is the only one-stop source for loss prevention principles, policies, practices, programs and methodology presented from an engineering vantage point. As such, this handbook discusses the engineering needs for manufacturing, construction, mining, defense, health care, transportation and quantification, covering the topics to a depth that allows for their functional use while providing additional references should more information be required. The reference nature of the book allows any engineers or other professionals in charge of safety concerns to find the information needed to complete their analysis, project, process, or design.

Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis

Autor: Marius Bazu , Titu Bajenescu

Número de Páginas: 372

Failure analysis is the preferred method to investigate product or process reliability and to ensure optimum performance of electrical components and systems. The physics-of-failure approach is the only internationally accepted solution for continuously improving the reliability of materials, devices and processes. The models have been developed from the physical and chemical phenomena that are responsible for degradation or failure of electronic components and materials and now replace popular distribution models for failure mechanisms such as Weibull or lognormal. Reliability engineers need practical orientation around the complex procedures involved in failure analysis. This guide acts as a tool for all advanced techniques, their benefits and vital aspects of their use in a reliability programme. Using twelve complex case studies, the authors explain why failure analysis should be used with electronic components, when implementation is appropriate and methods for its successful use. Inside you will find detailed coverage on: a synergistic approach to failure modes and mechanisms, along with reliability physics and the failure analysis of materials, emphasizing the vital...

Safety and Reliability. Theory and Applications

Safety and Reliability. Theory and Applications

Autor: Marko Cepin , Radim Bris

Número de Páginas: 3668

Safety and Reliability – Theory and Applications contains the contributions presented at the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017, Portorož, Slovenia, June 18-22, 2017). The book covers a wide range of topics, including: • Accident and Incident modelling • Economic Analysis in Risk Management • Foundational Issues in Risk Assessment and Management • Human Factors and Human Reliability • Maintenance Modeling and Applications • Mathematical Methods in Reliability and Safety • Prognostics and System Health Management • Resilience Engineering • Risk Assessment • Risk Management • Simulation for Safety and Reliability Analysis • Structural Reliability • System Reliability, and • Uncertainty Analysis. Selected special sessions include contributions on: the Marie Skłodowska-Curie innovative training network in structural safety; risk approaches in insurance and fi nance sectors; dynamic reliability and probabilistic safety assessment; Bayesian and statistical methods, reliability data and testing; oganizational factors and safety culture; software reliability and safety; probabilistic methods applied to power systems;...

Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering

Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering

Autor: Eduardo Calixto

Número de Páginas: 810

Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering: Modeling and Analysis, Second Edition, provides the latest tactics and processes that can be used in oil and gas markets to improve reliability knowledge and reduce costs to stay competitive, especially while oil prices are low. Updated with relevant analysis and case studies covering equipment for both onshore and offshore operations, this reference provides the engineer and manager with more information on lifetime data analysis (LDA), safety integrity levels (SILs), and asset management. New chapters on safety, more coverage on the latest software, and techniques such as ReBi (Reliability-Based Inspection), ReGBI (Reliability Growth-Based Inspection), RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance), and LDA (Lifetime Data Analysis), and asset integrity management, make the book a critical resource that will arm engineers and managers with the basic reliability principles and standard concepts that are necessary to explain their use for reliability assurance for the oil and gas industry. - Provides the latest tactics and processes that can be used in oil and gas markets to improve reliability knowledge and reduce costs - Presents practical knowledge...

Layer of Protection Analysis

Layer of Protection Analysis

Autor: Ccps (center For Chemical Process Safety)

Número de Páginas: 292

Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) is a recently developed, simplified method of risk assessment that provides the much-needed middle ground between a qualitative process hazard analysis and a traditional, expensive quantitative risk analysis. Beginning with an identified accident scenario, LOPA uses simplifying rules to evaluate initiating event frequency, independent layers of protection, and consequences to provide an order-of-magnitude estimate of risk. LOPA has also proven an excellent approach for determining the safety integrity level necessary for an instrumented safety system, an approach endorsed in instrument standards, such as ISA S84 and IEC 61511. Written by industry experts in LOPA, this pioneering book provides all the necessary information to undertake and complete a Layer of Protection Analysis during any stage in a processes' life cycle. Loaded with tables, charts, and examples, this book is invaluable to technical experts involved with ensuring the safety of a process. Because of its simplified, quicker risk assessment approach, LOPA is destined to become a widely used technique. Join other major companies and start your LOPA efforts now by purchasing this...

Nutritional Care of the Patient with Gastrointestinal Disease

Nutritional Care of the Patient with Gastrointestinal Disease

Autor: Alan L Buchman

Número de Páginas: 3428

This evidence-based book serves as a clinical manual as well as a reference guide for the diagnosis and management of common nutritional issues in relation to gastrointestinal disease. Chapters cover nutrition assessment; macro- and micronutrient absorption; malabsorption; food allergies; prebiotics and dietary fiber; probiotics and intestinal microflora; nutrition and GI cancer; nutritional management of reflux; nutrition in IBS and IBD; nutrition in acute and chronic pancreatitis; enteral nutrition; parenteral nutrition; medical and endoscopic therapy of obesity; surgical therapy of obesity; pharmacologic nutrition, and nutritional counseling.

Automotive Software-Connected Services in Mobile Networks

Automotive Software-Connected Services in Mobile Networks

Autor: Manfred Broy , Ingolf Krüger , Michael Meisinger

Número de Páginas: 169

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First Automotive Software Workshop, ASWD 2004, held in San Diego, CA, USA in January 2004. The 10 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 lectures held at the workshop that brought together experts from industry and academia, working on highly complex, distributed, reactive software systems related to the automotive domain.

Safety and Reliability 92

Safety and Reliability 92

Autor: K.e. Peterson , B. Rasmussen

Número de Páginas: 1226
Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of Chemical Releases

Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of Chemical Releases

Autor: Ccps (center For Chemical Process Safety)

Número de Páginas: 350

This Guidelines book provides technical information on how to conduct a consequence analysis to satisfy your company's needs and the EPA rules. It covers quantifying the size of a release, dispersion of vapor clouds to an endpoint concentration, outcomes for various types of explosions and fires, and the effect of the release on people and structures. Special Details: Includes CD-ROM with example problems worked using Excel and Quattro Pro. For use with Windows 95, 98, and NT.

Process and Plant Safety

Process and Plant Safety

Autor: Ulrich Hauptmanns

Número de Páginas: 695

Accidents in industrial installations are random events. Hence they cannot be totally avoided. Only the probability of their occurrence may be reduced and their consequences be mitigated. The book proceeds from hazards caused by materials and process conditions to indicating engineered and organizational measures for achieving the objectives of reduction and mitigation. Qualitative methods for identifying weaknesses of design and increasing safety as well as models for assessing accident consequences are presented. The quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of safety measures is explained. The treatment of uncertainties plays a role there. They stem from the random character of the accident and from lacks of knowledge of some of the phenomena to be addressed. The reader is acquainted with the simulation of accidents, with safety and risk analyses and learns how to judge the potential and limitations of mathematical modelling. Risk analysis is applied amongst others to “functional safety” and the determination of “appropriate distances” between industry and residential areas (land-use planning). This shows how it can be used as a basis for safety-relevant decisions....

Failure Data Handbook for Nuclear Power Facilities: Failure data and applications technology

Failure Data Handbook for Nuclear Power Facilities: Failure data and applications technology

Número de Páginas: 856
Assessment of Power System Reliability

Assessment of Power System Reliability

Autor: Marko Čepin

Número de Páginas: 302

The importance of power system reliability is demonstrated when our electricity supply is disrupted, whether it decreases the comfort of our free time at home or causes the shutdown of our companies and results in huge economic deficits. The objective of Assessment of Power System Reliability is to contribute to the improvement of power system reliability. It consists of six parts divided into twenty chapters. The first part introduces the important background issues that affect power system reliability. The second part presents the reliability methods that are used for analyses of technical systems and processes. The third part discusses power flow analysis methods, because the dynamic aspect of a power system is an important part of related reliability assessments. The fourth part explores various aspects of the reliability assessment of power systems and their parts. The fifth part covers optimization methods. The sixth part looks at the application of reliability and optimization methods. Assessment of Power System Reliability has been written in straightforward language that continues into the mathematical representation of the methods. Power engineers and developers will...

Photovoltaic (PV) System Delivery as Reliable Energy Infrastructure

Photovoltaic (PV) System Delivery as Reliable Energy Infrastructure

Autor: John R. Balfour , Russell W. Morris

Número de Páginas: 581

PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEM DELIVERY AS RELIABLE ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE A practical guide to improving photovoltaic power plant lifecycle performance and output Photovoltaic (PV) System Delivery as Reliable Energy Infrastructure introduces a Preemptive Analytical Maintenance (PAM) for photovoltaic systems engineering, and the RepoweringTM planning approach, as a structured integrated system delivery process. A team of veteran photovoltaics professionals delivers a robust discussion of the lessons learned from mature industries—including PV, aerospace, utilities, rail, marine, and automotive—as applied to the photovoltaic industry. The book offers real-world “technical and fiscal” examples of the impact of photovoltaics to all stakeholders during the concept, specification, operations, maintenance, and RepoweringTM phases. In each chapter, readers will learn to develop RAMS specifications, reliability data collection, and tasks while becoming familiar with the inherent benefits of how these affect the cost of design and development, maintenance, spares, and systems operation. The authors also explain when and how to consider and implement RepoweringTM, plant upgrades and the...

Reliability of High-Power Mechatronic Systems 1

Reliability of High-Power Mechatronic Systems 1

Autor: Abdelkhalak El Hami , David Delaux , Henri Grzeskowiak

Número de Páginas: 314

This first volume of a set dedicated to the reliability of high-power mechatronic systems focuses specifically on simulation, modeling and optimization in automotive and aerospace applications. In the search to improve industrial competitiveness, the development of methods and tools for the design of products is especially pertinent in the context of cost reduction. This book seeks to propose new methods that simultaneously allow for a quicker design of future mechatronic devices in the automotive and aerospace industries while guaranteeing their increased reliability. The reliability of these critical elements is further validated digitally through new multi-physical and probabilistic models that could ultimately lead to new design standards and reliable forecasting. - Presents a methodological guide that demonstrates the reliability of fractured mechatronic components and devices - Includes numerical and statistical models to optimize the reliability of the product architecture - Helps users develop a methodology to characterize critical elements at the earliest stage

Lees' Process Safety Essentials

Lees' Process Safety Essentials

Autor: Sam Mannan

Número de Páginas: 570

Lees' Process Safety Essentials is a single-volume digest presenting the critical, practical content from Lees' Loss Prevention for day-to-day use and reference. It is portable, authoritative, affordable, and accessible — ideal for those on the move, students, and individuals without access to the full three volumes of Lees'. This book provides a convenient summary of the main content of Lees', primarily drawn from the hazard identification, assessment, and control content of volumes one and two. Users can access Essentials for day-to-day reference on topics including plant location and layout; human factors and human error; fire, explosion and toxic release; engineering for sustainable development; and much more. This handy volume is a valuable reference, both for students or early-career professionals who may not need the full scope of Lees', and for more experienced professionals needing quick, convenient access to information. - Boils down the essence of Lees'—the process safety encyclopedia trusted worldwide for over 30 years - Provides safety professionals with the core information they need to understand the most common safety and loss prevention challenges - Covers the ...

Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis

Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis

Autor: Sebastian Martorell , Carlos Guedes Soares , Julie Barnett

Número de Páginas: 3512

Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications contains the papers presented at the joint ESREL (European Safety and Reliability) and SRA-Europe (Society for Risk Analysis Europe) Conference (Valencia, Spain, 22-25 September 2008). The book covers a wide range of topics, including: Accident and Incident Investigation; Crisi

Developments in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources

Developments in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources

Autor: Carlos Guedes Soares , Fernando Lopez Pena

Número de Páginas: 1136

Covering recent developments in maritime transportation and exploitation of sea resources, encompassing ocean and coastal areas, this book is intended for academics and professionals involved in the development of marine transportation and the exploitation of sea resources.

Inventario Cero

Inventario Cero

Autor: Alberto Mora

Número de Páginas: 303

Ofrece un estudio detallado de los fundamentos, conceptos, casos reales exitosos y metodologías ligadas a la gestión efectiva de inventarios. Para ello, el libro aborda el tema con el soporte de programas informáticos propios que responden a dos interrogantes básicos: ¿cuánto y cuándo pedir? Mediante ilustraciones y ejemplos de los programas informáticos propuestos para el control de los inventarios, se racionaliza la gestión de stocks, actividad que no sólo es importante en temas comerciales, sino que tiene gran repercusión en la industria, pues es un elemento clave para el desarrollo de estrategias de mercado efectivas, modernas y exitosas.

Reliability Assessment of Safety and Production Systems

Reliability Assessment of Safety and Production Systems

Autor: Jean-pierre Signoret , Alain Leroy

Número de Páginas: 887

This book provides, as simply as possible, sound foundations for an in-depth understanding of reliability engineering with regard to qualitative analysis, modelling, and probabilistic calculations of safety and production systems. Drawing on the authors’ extensive experience within the field of reliability engineering, it addresses and discusses a variety of topics, including: • Background and overview of safety and dependability studies; • Explanation and critical analysis of definitions related to core concepts; • Risk identification through qualitative approaches (preliminary hazard analysis, HAZOP, FMECA, etc.); • Modelling of industrial systems through static (fault tree, reliability block diagram), sequential (cause-consequence diagrams, event trees, LOPA, bowtie), and dynamic (Markov graphs, Petri nets) approaches; • Probabilistic calculations through state-of-the-art analytical or Monte Carlo simulation techniques; • Analysis, modelling, and calculations of common cause failure and uncertainties; • Linkages and combinations between the various modelling and calculation approaches; • Reliability data collection and standardization. The book features...

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