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Husband Material

Husband Material

Autor: Alexis Hall

Número de Páginas: 442

An Instant USA Today Bestseller! "Our favourite chaos demon & stern brunch daddy return in this delicious, ridiculous, and often poignant romcom about all the ways love can grow." —Talia Hibbert, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author WANTED: One (very real) husband, nowhere near perfect but desperately trying his best In BOYFRIEND MATERIAL, Luc and Oliver met, pretended to fall in love, fell in love for real, dealt with heartbreak and disappointment and family and friends...and somehow figured out a way to make it work. Now it seems like everyone around them is getting married, and Luc's feeling the social pressure to propose. But it'll take more than four weddings, a funeral, and a hotly contested rainbow balloon arch to get these two from "I don't know what I'm doing" to "I do". Good thing Oliver is such perfect HUSBAND MATERIAL. "Brilliance on every single page."—Christina Lauren, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, for Boyfriend Material "The apotheosis of the rom-com."—Entertainment Weekly, A+ Review, for Boyfriend Material "Every once in a while you read a book that you want to SCREAM FROM ROOFTOPS about. I'm screaming, people!"—Sonali Dev,...

Se busca novio

Se busca novio

Autor: Alexis Hall

Número de Páginas: 488

SE BUSCA: Novio (falso) Perfecto en todos los sentidos Luc pertenece a una familia de estrellas del rock. Su padre se ha pasado veinte años entrando y saliendo de programas de desintoxicación. Ahora que ha regresado, Luc vuelve a estar en el ojo público y una foto comprometedora lo estropea todo. Para limpiar su imagen, Luc debe encontrar una relación bonita y normal... y Oliver no podría ser más bonito y normal. Es abogado, vegetariano y no ha provocado un escándalo en su vida. Por desgracia, no tienen nada en común, así que Luc y Oliver hacen un pacto para ser (falsos) novios de cara a la galería. Pero el problema de los noviazgos falsos es que pueden parecerse mucho a uno real. Te acostumbras a alguien, empiezas a enamorarte y no quieres soltarlo nunca.

Un lugar en el cielo

Un lugar en el cielo

Autor: Ann Napolitano

Número de Páginas: 363

A veces la vida te reserva un nuevo camino hacia la felicidad Un lugar en el cielo es al mismo tiempo una novela de aprendizaje, un relato coral de múltiples e inolvidables personajes y una historia de los muchos caminos que la vida nos ofrece para que un corazón roto vuelva a sentir y a amar. Una mañana de verano, Edward Adler, de doce años, su hermano mayor, sus padres y ciento ochenta y tres pasajeros embarcan en Newark rumbo a Los Ángeles. Entre ellos, además de los Adler, está un prodigio de Wall Street, una chica que acaba de descubrir que está embarazada, un veterano de la guerra de Afganistán que arrastra las secuelas de la contienda, un magnate de los negocios, una mujer independiente que huye de un marido demasiado controlador. A mitad de camino, el avión se estrella. Edward es el único superviviente. La historia se convierte en la gran noticia del momento y acapara la atención de todos los medios del país. Pero Edward no siente que haya sobrevivido al accidente. Una parte de él se ha quedado para siempre en ese avión en el que perdió a su familia, junto a esos pasajeros a los que conoció por unas horas, en ese cielo en el que su vida, tal como la...

El largo río de las almas

El largo río de las almas

Autor: Moore, Liz

Número de Páginas: 538

El barrio de Kensington, situado en las afueras de Filadelfia, es el lugar donde se ubica El largo río de las almas. Allí, el alcohol y la heroína tienen gran demanda. La autora Liz Moore retrata, a través de la relación entre dos hermanas, a una deprimente sociedad cuyo único futuro está puesto en conseguir la próxima dosis. Michaela Fitpatrick, Mickey o Mick, es una policía de esa zona de la ciudad. Recorre a diario su avenida principal, de la cual salen múltiples callejones en los que se cometen todo tipo de delitos. Una mañana, su compañero Eddie Lafferty y ella encuentran el cadáver de una joven. Un cuerpo sin vida, sin nombre y sin un ser querido que lo reclame. Esta chica le recuerda a su hermana Kacey. Ésta abandonó su casa atraída por el mundo de las drogas. Vagabundea, como tantas otras, por las calles del barrio sin otro sitio donde refugiarse que las casas abandonadas. Quisiera ayudarla a desintoxicarse, sin embargo, hace tiempo que perdieron el contacto. Por eso, le angustia pensar que la próxima vez que la vea pueda estar muerta.

Men Come with Price Tags

Men Come with Price Tags

Autor: Tammy Calderon

Número de Páginas: 90

Certain men come with price tags. What price will you pay to stay? Let us be smart and think deeply before we invest our time, emotions, and heart. If you are not careful, you will spend an emotional fortune on a man God never designed you to be with in the first place. Let us stop going into our relationships mindlessly so that we can choose wisely and develop relationships that are healthy, satisfying, strong, and lasting.

A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women, Part 2

A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women, Part 2

Autor: Jacob Neusner

Número de Páginas: 166

The history of Jews from the period of the Second Temple to the rise of Islam. From 'A History of the Mishnaic Law of Appointed Times, Part 1' This volume introduces the sources of Judaism in late antiquity to scholars in adjacent fields, such as the study of the Old and New Testaments, Ancient History, the ancient Near East, and the history of religion. In two volumes, leading American, Israeli, and European specialists in the history, literature, theology, and archaeology of Judaism offer factual answers to the two questions that the study of any religion in ancient times must raise. The first is, what are the sources -- written and in material culture -- that inform us about that religion? The second is, how have we to understand those sources in reconstructing the history of various Judaic systems in antiquity. The chapters set forth in simple statements, intelligible to non-specialists, the facts which the sources provide. Because of the nature of the subject and acute interest in it, the specialists also raise some questions particular to the study of Judaism, dealing with its historical relationship with nascent Christianity in New Testament times. The work forms the...

Un esposo conforme al corazón de Dios

Un esposo conforme al corazón de Dios

Número de Páginas: 260

Jim George trata acerca de doce áreas de la vida del esposo, proporcionando aplicaciones prácticas para que un esposo sea conforme al corazón de Dios. El esposo descubrirá cómo ganar el corazón de su esposa y cómo desarollar un hogar feliz mediate el liderazgo cristiano.

Creada para Ser Su Ayuda Idonea

Creada para Ser Su Ayuda Idonea

Autor: Debi Pearl

Número de Páginas: 0

Discover How God Can Make Your Marriage Glorious



Autor: Edward D. Andrews

Número de Páginas: 177

In an era where marriages face challenges from all sides, "HUSBANDS LOVE Your WIVES: How Should Husbands Treat Their Wives?" offers a Scriptural roadmap for men striving to emulate the love and leadership demonstrated by Christ. As the Apostle Paul has outlined, the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church. This headship is not one of tyranny or arbitrary rule but one characterized by love, respect, and spiritual guidance. In this comprehensive guide, each chapter focuses on a distinct principle or practice crucial for husbands to internalize. The book begins by laying the foundation with "The Head of a Woman Is the Man," where the Biblical view of a husband’s role is carefully examined. Following chapters delve into gaining deep respect from one's spouse, the two keys to a lasting marriage, and how to build a strong and happy marital relationship. Through chapters like "Husbands—Recognize Christ’s Headship," the book underscores the essentiality of acknowledging the ultimate Headship of Christ over every Christian institution, including the family. Understanding the weight of this responsibility, the book provides "Wise Guidance for Married...

A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women, Part 5

A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women, Part 5

Autor: Jacob Neusner

Número de Páginas: 306

The history of Jews from the period of the Second Temple to the rise of Islam. From 'A History of the Mishnaic Law of Appointed Times, Part 1' This volume introduces the sources of Judaism in late antiquity to scholars in adjacent fields, such as the study of the Old and New Testaments, Ancient History, the ancient Near East, and the history of religion. In two volumes, leading American, Israeli, and European specialists in the history, literature, theology, and archaeology of Judaism offer factual answers to the two questions that the study of any religion in ancient times must raise. The first is, what are the sources -- written and in material culture -- that inform us about that religion? The second is, how have we to understand those sources in reconstructing the history of various Judaic systems in antiquity. The chapters set forth in simple statements, intelligible to non-specialists, the facts which the sources provide. Because of the nature of the subject and acute interest in it, the specialists also raise some questions particular to the study of Judaism, dealing with its historical relationship with nascent Christianity in New Testament times. The work forms the...

Amore Immortal

Amore Immortal

Autor: Kalyani Kathane

Número de Páginas: 123

Love is ethereal feeling which resides in the very soul of nature. It is the most pure and oldest feeling in the world, yet in every relationship it somehow feels new. It is the most spectacular, indescribable, deep and euphoric feeling. 'Amore Immortal' is a book which gives words to the most delicate feeling, It describes forms of love present in every relationship .This book is collection of thoughts of amazing writers. It encapsulates the essence of love. This book is all about this unspoken and unexpressed love. It summaries the boundless love beautifully penned by the author and the co-authors of the book. I wish our readers lots of happiness, prosperity and a great years ahead.

Preparándonos para el matrimonio

Preparándonos para el matrimonio

Autor: John Piper

Número de Páginas: 91

Aquí encontrará el consejo de John Piper sobre temas prácticos como compromiso, planificación de bodas, finanzas y sexo. Pero lo más importante, John comparte su palabra más vital sobre el matrimonio: una visión más grandiosa de lo que muchos de nosotros nos hemos atrevido a soñar, sobre lo que Dios está haciendo en cada matrimonio cristiano.

A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women

A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women

Autor: Jacob Neusner

Número de Páginas: 305
Hacia otro nivel de cuidado: Guía para la crianza con respeto

Hacia otro nivel de cuidado: Guía para la crianza con respeto

Autor: Janet Lansbury

Número de Páginas: 161

Millones de lectores de todo el mundo citan y comparten los consejos de Janet Lansbury sobre la crianza con respeto. Inspirada por la filosofía de crianza de su amiga y mentora Magda Gerber, la voz influyente de Janet anima a padres y profesionales del cuidado de los niños a percibir a los bebés como seres humanos competentes y únicos con las capacidades naturales para aprender sin que se les enseñe; desarrollar habilidades motoras y cognitivas; comunicarse; enfrentar dificultades de acuerdo a su edad; iniciar y dirigir el juego independiente durante períodos largos; y mucho más. Una vez que logramos ver a nuestros hijos con estos ojos, incluso las experiencias de crianza diaria más comunes se vuelven oportunidades estimulantes para aprender, descubrir y conectarnos con nuestro hijo. “Hacia otro nivel de cuidado” es una colección de treinta artículos que tienen gran aceptación y son muy leídos en el sitio web de Janet. Se centran en algunos de los aspectos más comunes del cuidado de los bebés y los niños pequeños, como la alimentación, el sueño, el cambio de pañal, la comunicación, la separación, la atención y la capacidad de concentración, la...

El Poder del Esposo Que Ora

El Poder del Esposo Que Ora

Autor: Stormie Omartian , Michael Omartian

Número de Páginas: 192

No hay mejor manera de amar a su esposa que orar por ella. Usted encontrará el gozo y la esperanza que viene del Dios que oye y contesta la oración en su matrimonio.

Close to Home

Close to Home

Autor: Christine Delphy

Número de Páginas: 257

Classic analysis of gender relations and patriarchy under capitalism Close to Home is the classic study of family, patriarchal ideologies, and the politics and strategy of women’s liberation. On the table in this forceful and provocative debate are questions of whether men can be feminists, whether “bourgeois” and heterosexual women are retrogressive members of the women’s movement, and how best to struggle against the multiple oppressions women endure. Rachel Hills’s foreword to this new edition explores how Christine Delphy’s analysis of marriage as the institution behind the exploitation of unpaid women’s labor is as radical and relevant today as it ever was.

Ba't Di Ako Rich

Ba't Di Ako Rich

Autor: William Girao

Número de Páginas: 101

Note: This book is written in coversational Tagalog Madali lang maging Cristiano sa gitna ng pagba-Bible study o sa church. Pero out in the real world, mukhang ibang usapan na. Bakit hindi ako ginawang mayaman ng Diyos? Paano ko malalabanan ang lustful thoughts? Anong gagawin ko kapag nabiktima ako ng masasamang tao? Malamang ay may mga questions na nagbo-bother din sa iyo. Tungkol sa pera. Sa opposite sex. Sa priorities sa buhay, sa mga problema – mga questions na feeling mo, hindi ka matutulungan ng Bible. “Be practical,” ang madalas mong marinig. “Wala na tayo sa simbahan.” Pero teka muna. Did you know that the Bible has answers to your questions? “Kung ano ang biblical,” sabi ni Rev. William B. Girao, “iyon din ang practical.” In this book, find the answers to many of your questions. Contrary to what some people might think, living out your faith each day is possible. Get solid and straightforward advice on how to be a Christian in the everyday world. Originally published in English as “Not Just Sundays”

Love Defined

Love Defined

Autor: Kristen Clark , Bethany Baird

Número de Páginas: 269

Our culture is obsessed with love and romance--so why are so few women experiencing satisfying, long-term love? In this insightful and encouraging book, sisters Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal help single women of all ages discover a radically better approach to navigating their love lives. Covering topics such as true love, romance, purposeful relationships, purity, boundaries, singleness, and glorifying God in every stage of our relationships, Love Defined unpacks God's original design for romance, showing modern women how to experience God's best for them in their relationships. Full of biblical truths and step-by-step application of concepts discussed, the book also includes a chapter-by-chapter study guide to be used individually or in small groups, as well as four letters from godly women who have been married for 30, 40, and 50+ years, offering priceless, hard-won advice to single women.

San Francisco Surrender

San Francisco Surrender

Autor: Donna Fletcher

Número de Páginas: 385

Victoria has only one place to run to... the infamous Dragon's Lair. Sebastian Blood, renowned as the Dragon, commands respect and admiration on San Francisco's Barbary Coast. Vic Chambers, known as the Serpent, operates in the shadows, vexing the affluent patrons of the Barbary Coast's brothels. Though an unlikely duo, circumstances force them into an uneasy alliance. When you're in desperate need of assistance and your true identity is a closely guarded secret, alliances are born out of necessity. Vic, whose real name is Victoria, is a young woman running from her past. Driven by the need to procure essential medicine for her ailing sister, she resorts to robbing wealthy men. As the Dragon declares war on the Serpent, Vic finds refuge where least expected – within the Dragon's lair. In this clandestine sanctuary, the Dragon unravels the layers of the brave young woman's persona. With each revelation, his admiration and passion for her intensify, eventually blossoming into love. Yet, as their connection deepens, a looming question emerges… can the Dragon shield the petite woman who has stolen his heart, or will the Serpent be compelled to rise once more and come to the aid of ...

To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern

Autor: D.f. Les Pierre-luke

Número de Páginas: 622

Book Description To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker A Novel To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker is a spin off story about FINN, the main character in the novel; F.I.N.N., which speaks about his traumatic early childhood sexual abuse (molestation) and consequent promiscuous experiences that resulted in psychological scars. The devastation of losing his parents in the opening of the story, triggered psychotic behaviours in him, causing his past trauma to be manifested in mental instability almost instantly. FINN sells his parents home and moves into an old house with an annex that is owned by his parents at a different neighbourhood somewhere east of the island of Trinidad. He opens a small haberdashery-type shop in the annex, which targets the new community of upscale residents and the old residents of the surrounding areas. His personality captivates everyone in a way that is remarkably caring. He befriends all of his patrons while interacting with them during the day but experiences memory loss when he falls asleep at night. He recognizes the need for psychological therapy and visits his doctor but holds fast to the fact that he has to get revenge for the death of his...

His New Amish Family and Their Amish Reunion

His New Amish Family and Their Amish Reunion

Autor: Patricia Davids , Lenora Worth

Número de Páginas: 390

Second Chances at Love in Amish Country His New Amish Family by Patricia Davids Widow Clara Fisher’s late uncle promised his farm to her—but she can’t find the documents to prove it! Desperate to stop her Englisch cousin from selling it, she seeks the help of auctioneer Paul Bowman. Paul has always been a wandering spirit, but will sweet, stubborn Clara and her children suddenly fill his empty life with family and love? Their Amish Reunion by Lenora Worth Single mother Ava Jane Graber can’t believe her eyes. Her first love is back in Lancaster County. Years ago, Jeremiah did the unthinkable: left the Amish—and her—for the navy SEALs. Now the prodigal hero wants redemption from his community, his family and the woman he never forgot. For the ex-soldier, becoming Ava’s husband is his ultimate mission.

I'm Not Done with You Yet

I'm Not Done with You Yet

Autor: Jesse Q. Sutanto

Número de Páginas: 369

Some friends—and friendships—are worth killing for in this dark, twisty suspense novel by national bestselling author Jesse Q. Sutanto. Jane is unhappy. A struggling midlist writer whose novels barely command four figures, she feels trapped in an underwhelming marriage, just scraping by to pay a crippling Bay Area mortgage for a house—a life—she's never really wanted. There's only ever been one person she cared about, one person who truly understood her: Thalia. Jane's best and only friend nearly a decade ago during their Creative Writing days at Oxford. It was the only good year of Jane’s life—cobblestones and books and damp English air, heady wine and sweet cider and Thalia, endless Thalia. But then one night ruined everything. The blood-soaked night that should have bound Thalia to Jane forever but instead made her lose her completely. Thalia disappeared without a trace, and Jane has been unable to find her since. Until now. Because there she is, her name at the top of the New York Times bestseller list: A Most Pleasant Death by Thalia Ashcroft. When she discovers a post from Thalia on her website about attending a book convention in New York City in a...

The Kowalskis Collection Volume 3

The Kowalskis Collection Volume 3

Autor: Shannon Stacey

Número de Páginas: 1074

Four Kowalski novels full love and laughter, by New York Times bestselling author Shannon Stacey Love a Little Sideways (Book Six of the Kowalskis) After a brief, forbidden rendezvous at her brother’s wedding, Drew Miller expected Liz Kowalski to return to New Mexico and stay there. He’s searching for someone to settle down with, not a casual fling with his best friend’s sister. But when they’re stuck together on the annual Kowalski camping trip, things start going a little sideways. Keeping their hands off each other proves just as impossible as keeping their secret from becoming public knowledge. Taken with You (Book Seven of the Kowalskis) Surviving in the woods is game warden Matt Barnett’s idea of a relaxing vacation. But when he meets two women in need of help, he leads them back to safety—a task that proves more fun than expected, thanks to a certain hot blonde. He can’t resist pushing her buttons, even though she’s made it clear that the rugged, outdoorsy type just isn’t for her. Hailey Genest is glad to see the back of her tempting-tour-guide-slash-pain-in-the-ass. When he shows up in her life again, she’s determined to avoid him, no matter how good he ...

Perfectly Matched: Harbor Falls Romance Collection - Boxed Set

Perfectly Matched: Harbor Falls Romance Collection - Boxed Set

Autor: Maddie James

Número de Páginas: 1310

THE MATCHMAKING CHEF COLLECTION The eight Matchmaking Chef novellas When Suzie Matthews (Bed, Breakfast & You) accidentally cooks up a scene that causes her sister to get back together with her high school boyfriend (Home for the Holidays), she wonders if she can help other singletons living in the small mountain town of Legend, Tennessee find the loves of their lives. Being a matchmaker isn't really on her list of things to do--after all, she has a bed & breakfast to run, cookbooks to write, and a television show on the Food Channel to keep up with. But baking is her thing, and perhaps matchmaking can be her thing, too. After all, there is a song going through her head that goes something like this... Matchbaker, Matchbaker, bake me a match? No wait. Make me a match. Nevermind! You get the picture, right? Welcome to Legend, Tennessee. And welcome to the matchbaking, er, matchmaking world of Chef Suzie Matthews.

Miss Matched Hearts

Miss Matched Hearts

Autor: Maddie James

Número de Páginas: 83

As local celebrity chef Suzie Hart starts to step out of her regional fame and into the bigger world, she launches her debut cooking show with some local flavor—a blind date matchmaking sketch with a friend that goes south quicker than geese in winter…. Becca North doesn’t want a boyfriend—she is so off men. Her best friend Nora, however, makes boyfriend hunting a sport. When Nora, owner of the Harbor Falls’ bookstore, Nora’s Novel Niche, meets Suzie the matchmaking chef during a book signing at her store, she finagles her way into a romantic picnic blind date lunch on Suzie’s new television show. Nora drags a reluctant Becca along for moral support. Thing is, Nora’s blind date would rather check out Becca. Sam Ackerman understands the hazards of being childhood friends with Suzie Hart. Suzie has a way of convincing friends to do her bidding—whether they want to or not. How the landscaper gets finagled into this blind date scenario with a local book store owner is all Suzie’s doings—and the fact that he is caught up in a matchmaking scheme is not lost on him. Still, Suzie is persistent and he caves—but only as a favor. He’s not interested in dating right...

My Quadruplets father is a Mafia Boss

My Quadruplets father is a Mafia Boss

Autor: Miss_kimhope

Número de Páginas: 214

The woman with a secret to keep, if love is pure, even if it hurts, will endure for the beloved, pretend so that she is not hated by everyone, but as a result, she is rejected by the people she loves, especially her husband. The woman is stunned by love. Strongest in the whole world but weak when it comes to love. She is Charmaine Wextricca the woman who will do everything just to make her husband love her. But what if the one she loves, loves someone else. What will she do? and she was kicked out by her own family, can she handle it all? What if she found out she was pregnant? what will she do, will it go away? For the good of her and all? She will return, to her former self, as one of the strongest women in the world. Let's follow the story of our heroine, Charmaine Wextricca with her beloved husband Kibb Monteverde, who did nothing but drive her away and hurt her.

The Aristocracy in the County of Champagne, 1100-1300

The Aristocracy in the County of Champagne, 1100-1300

Autor: Theodore Evergates

Número de Páginas: 424

Theodore Evergates provides the first systematic analysis of the aristocracy in the county of Champagne under the independent counts. He argues that three factors—the rise of the comital state, fiefholding, and the conjugal family—were critical to shaping a loose assortment of baronial and knightly families into an aristocracy with shared customs, institutions, and identity. Evergates mines the rich, varied, and in some respects unique collection of source materials from Champagne to provide a dynamic picture of a medieval aristocracy and its evolving symbiotic relationship with the counts. Count Henry the Liberal (1152-81) began the process of transforming a quasi-independent baronage accustomed to collegial governance into an elite of landholding families subordinate to the count and his officials. By the time Countess Jeanne married the future King Philip IV of France in 1284, the fiefholding families of Champagne had become a distinct provincial nobility. Throughout, it was the conjugal community, rather than primogeniture or patrilineage, that remained the core familial institution determining the customs regarding community property, dowry, dower, and partible...

Considering Alan Ball

Considering Alan Ball

Autor: Thomas Fahy

Número de Páginas: 191

Academy Award-winning screenwriter of the film American Beauty and creator of the HBO series Six Feet Under, Alan Ball has consistently probed the cultural forces shaping gender, sexuality, and death in the United States. Through gritty dialogue and edgy humor, Ball centers much of his social critique on the illusory promises of the American Dream. For many of his characters, a belief in the American Dream--including idealized notions of the family, heterosexual norms, and the acceptance of prescribed gender roles--proves stifling and self-destructive. This is the first book to explore Ball's writings for theater, television and film, with an emphasis on his best-known work. These essays offer insight into both the captivating and problematic dimensions of Ball's work, while drawing connections among his diverse writings. An interview with Ball is included.

Sexual Divisions and Society

Sexual Divisions and Society

Autor: Sheila Allen , Diana Leonard Barker

Número de Páginas: 415

Originally published in 1976, Sexual Divisions and Society argues that mainstream sociology has neglected to incorporate the notion of sexual divisions as an integral part of its theoretical underpinnings. It suggests that sociology has often included women completely within the term of ‘men’, or as a part of their husbands, rather than asking how and when the relationship between the sexes is pertinent to the explanation of social structure and behaviour. The volume is composed of papers brought together from the 1974 British Sociological Association Conference on Sexual Divisions.

Henry Fielding at Work

Henry Fielding at Work

Autor: L. Bertelsen

Número de Páginas: 234

As a writer, businessman and magistrate, Henry Fielding was in a singular position to textualize eighteenth-century English cultural conditions and materially to author the text of his society. Not only did he extol employment, he co-owned an employment agency. Not only did he commit fictional criminals to paper, he committed actual criminals to prison. And he could and did commit actual criminals to prison and paper simultaneously. Henry Fielding at Work examines the intersections of Fielding's practice as magistrate, businessman, and writer, and explores the ways Fielding's experience in those capacities affected the conception, form and articulation of his final literary works.

Harlequin Love Inspired July 2018 - Box Set 1 of 2

Harlequin Love Inspired July 2018 - Box Set 1 of 2

Autor: Patricia Davids , Lee Tobin Mcclain , Mia Ross

Número de Páginas: 576

Love Inspired brings you three new titles! Enjoy these uplifting contemporary romances of faith, forgiveness and hope. HIS NEW AMISH FAMILY The Amish Bachelors by Patricia Davids Desperate to stop her Englisch cousin from selling the farm her uncle promised to her, widow Clara Fisher seeks the help of auctioneer Paul Bowman. Paul’s always been a wandering spirit, but will sweet, stubborn Clara and her children suddenly fill his empty life with family and love? THE SOLDIER’S REDEMPTION Redemption Ranch by Lee Tobin McClain Finn Gallagher’s drawn to his new rescue-dog caretaker, Kayla White, and her little boy. But the single mother’s running from something in her past. And as he begins wishing the little family could be his, Finn must convince her to trust him with her secret. HIS TWO LITTLE BLESSINGS Liberty Creek by Mia Ross When the school board threatens to cut her art program, Emma Calhoun plans to fight for the job she loves. And with banker Rick Marshall on board to help, she might just succeed. But will the handsome widower and his sweet little girls burrow their way into her heart?

The Album

The Album

Autor: James E. Perone

Número de Páginas: 1835

This four-volume work provides provocative critical analyses of 160 of the best popular music albums of the past 50 years, from the well-known and mainstream to the quirky and offbeat. The Album: A Guide to Pop Music's Most Provocative, Influential, and Important Creations contains critical analysis essays on 160 significant pop music albums from 1960 to 2010. The selected albums represent the pop, rock, soul, R&B, hip hop, country, and alternative genres, including artists such as 2Pac, Carole King, James Brown, The Beatles, and Willie Nelson. Each volume contains brief sidebars with biographical information about key performers and producers, as well as descriptions of particular music industry topics pertaining to the development of the album over this 50-year period. Due to its examination of a broad time frame and wide range of musical styles, and its depth of analysis that goes beyond that in other books about essential albums of the past and present, this collection will appeal strongly to music fans of all tastes and interests.

Harlequin Desire September 2020 - Box Set 1 of 2

Harlequin Desire September 2020 - Box Set 1 of 2

Autor: Naima Simone , Karen Booth , Jayci Lee

Número de Páginas: 546

Do you love stories with sexy, romantic heroes who have it all—wealth, status, and incredibly good looks? Harlequin® Desire brings you all this and more with these three new full-length titles in one collection! This box set includes: Trust Fund Fiancé Texas Cattleman’s Club: Rags to Riches By USA TODAY bestselling author Naima Simone When family friend Reagan Sinclair needs a fake fiancé to access her trust fund, businessman Ezekiel Holloway is all in—even when they end up saying ‘I do’! But this rebellious socialite may tempt him to turn their schemes into something all too real… Once Forbidden, Twice Tempted The Sterling Wives By Karen Booth Her ex’s best friend, Grant Singleton, has always been off limits, but now Tara Sterling has inherited a stake in his business and must work by his side. Soon, tension becomes attraction…and things escalate fast. But can she forgive the secrets he’s been keeping? Secret Crush Seduction The Heirs of Hansol By Jayci Lee Tired of her spoiled heiress reputation, designer Adelaide Song organizes a charity fashion show with the help of her brother’s best friend, PR whiz Michael Reynolds. When her long-simmering crush...

Marry Him

Marry Him

Autor: Lori Gottlieb

Número de Páginas: 278

An eye-opening, funny, painful, and always truthful in-depth examination of modern relationships, and a wake-up call for single women about getting real about Mr. Right, from the New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. You have a fulfilling job, great friends, and the perfect apartment. So what if you haven’t found “The One” just yet. He’ll come along someday, right? But what if he doesn’t? Or what if Mr. Right had been, well, Mr. Right in Front of You—but you passed him by? Nearing forty and still single, journalist Lori Gottlieb started to wonder: What makes for lasting romantic fulfillment, and are we looking for those qualities when we’re dating? Are we too picky about trivial things that don’t matter, and not picky enough about the often overlooked things that do? In Marry Him, Gottlieb explores an all-too-common dilemma—how to reconcile the desire for a happy marriage with a list of must-haves and deal-breakers so long and complicated that many great guys get misguidedly eliminated. On a quest to find the answer, Gottlieb sets out on her own journey in search of love, discovering wisdom and surprising insights from...

Trust Fund Fiancé

Trust Fund Fiancé

Autor: Naima Simone

Número de Páginas: 211

An intriguing proposal mixes romance and finance…His friend needs a fiancé to claim a fortune. But they both know it’s about more than money…Ezekiel Holloway’s proposition could save his friend Reagan Sinclair’s inheritance and give her the freedom she craves. But when family scandals force Ezekiel to end their fake engagement, the heiress comes up with a counterproposal—and they elope to Vegas after all! Is there something more than mere convenience at stake here? USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Always on My Mind

Always on My Mind

Autor: Andrea Downing

Número de Páginas: 224

1972 - Vietnam, the pill, upheaval, hippies. Wyoming rancher Cooper Byrnes, deeply attached to the land and his way of life, surprises everyone when he falls for vagabond hippie Cassie Halliday. Fascinated and baffled, he cannot comprehend his attraction—or say the words she wants to hear. Cassie finds Coop intriguingly different. As she keeps house for him and warms his bed at night, she admits to herself she loves him but she misinterprets Coop's inability to express his feelings. Parted, each continues to think of the other, but how can either of them reach out to say, "You were 'always on my mind'?"



Autor: Arthur Vanderbilt

Número de Páginas: 142

Every once in a while, certainly not often, a god or goddess descends to earth and walks among us, a young person whose looks are so striking that they seem of another world, and who, for a brief moment, have no idea of the power of their looks over others. Jack is just such a god, strayed from Olympus, a 24-year-old who is hired as a Personal Trainer at a suburban gym. Often such gods have other powers beyond their looks. Jack's are an effortless strength and fitness and energy. If the best Personal Trainers at the gym struggle to execute 10 perfect pull ups, Jack performs 30 flawless ones and still looks like he could keep going, addressing every routine in the gym with a grace and style that keeps all eyes on him. Every member of the gym wants to hire Jack as their Personal Trainer. Two of his obsessed clients want to possess this god-like creature. Anne is ready to leave the fantasy world her hedge fund manager husband has created for her and their two teenage children, leave all to run away with her Personal Trainer. And Latham, a prominent tax attorney, thinks nothing of blowing off meetings with important clients to sit rink side with Jack at hockey games. Under Jack's...

Later Date

Later Date

Autor: Tommy Wilson Jr

Número de Páginas: 90

In his debut book Later Date, Tommy Wilson takes the reader on an amazing 21-day journey from the pit of dejection and despair to the peak of a fulfilling marriage. In journalistic style, Tommy gives the reader a day-by-day close-up view of his life from a mental, physical, and spiritual perspective on his remarkable path to restoration. During his deep and darkest moments, going through COVID, pneumonia, financial difficulties, and divorce, discover how finding new love brought hope and a brighter day that changed the trajectory of his life. Unlike other books concerning life after divorce, Later Date is written from a man’s perspective but is loaded with golden nuggets of truth that will enrich everyone who reads it. Whether you are married, single, or divorced Later Date has something in it for you. Through Tommy’s experiences and wisdom this amazing story gives practical applications that will provide the strategies needed to fortify your relationship. You will also discover how to avoid pitfalls and red flags encountered while dating and learn romantic techniques to win over that special someone. Let this book be a source of inspiration and a guide to help you navigate...

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