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Número total de libros encontrados: 39 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!
Dihydrogen Bond

Dihydrogen Bond

Autor: Vladimir I. Bakhmutov

Número de Páginas: 256

This definitive reference consolidates current knowledge on dihydrogen bonding, emphasizing its role in organizing interactions in different chemical reactions and molecular aggregations. After an overview, it analyzes the differences between dihydrogen bonds, classical hydrogen bonds, and covalent bonds. It describes dihydrogen bonds as intermediates in intramolecular and intermolecular proton transfer reactions. It describes dihydrogen bonding in the solid-state, the gas phase, and in solution. This is the premier reference for physical chemists, biochemists, biophysicists, and chemical engineers.

Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements

Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements

Autor: B F G Johnson

Número de Páginas: 520

Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a 'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name...

Small Molecule Building Blocks for Proteomimetics and Synthesis of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

Small Molecule Building Blocks for Proteomimetics and Synthesis of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

Autor: Amelia Anne Fuller

Número de Páginas: 448
The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World

The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World

Autor: J. P. Mallory , D. Q. Adams

Número de Páginas: 756

The authors introduce Proto-Indo-European describing its construction and revealing the people who spoke it between 5,500 and 8,000 years ago. Using archaeological evidence and natural history they reconstruct the lives, passions, culture, society and mythology of the Proto-Indo-Europeans.

Hacking y Seguridad en Internet.

Hacking y Seguridad en Internet.

Autor: Jean Paul García-moran , Yago Fernández Hansen , Rubén Martínez Sánchez , Ángel Ochoa Martín

Número de Páginas: 582

La pretensión de este nuevo libro actualizado es la de introducir a los lectores en el mundo de la seguridad de TI, desde el punto de vista del atacante o hacker y del que tiene la responsabilidad de implementar políticas de seguridad y así intentar reducir las vulnerabilidades de sus sistemas y redes. En un primer bloque se describen los protocolos necesarios para entender cómo se comunican los sistemas y las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en ellos, además, se detallan las técnicas que se utilizan para identificar sistemas que pueden ser susceptibles de ser atacados, así como el conocimiento de las vulnerabilidades que pueden ser explotadas en un ataque. En este mismo bloque se desarrolla la metodología paso a paso que se utiliza para ejecutar un ataque a sistemas ya identificados como potenciales víctimas. En el segundo bloque se describen y desarrollan de un modo práctico diversos tipos de ataques a sistemas operativos Windows y Linux. También hay un capítulo especial dedicado a ataques a bases de datos, donde se describen en detalle ataques de inyección de código, también conocidos de modo general como SQl Injection. En el penúltimo bloque se aborda en...

Deutsche handschriften in England: bd. Ashburnham-Place, Cambridge, Cheltenham, Oxford, Wigan; mit einem anhang ungedruckterstücke

Deutsche handschriften in England: bd. Ashburnham-Place, Cambridge, Cheltenham, Oxford, Wigan; mit einem anhang ungedruckterstücke

Autor: Robert Priebsch

Número de Páginas: 380
Cyber Soldiers

Cyber Soldiers

Autor: Francis Branney

Número de Páginas: 138

DescriptionSome friends had met on the internet in a chat room many years ago, Martin the main character in the story goes back to America to meet with his Fianc e, and some of his friends. They start out on an adventure together, not knowing where it will end up. They will take you on a tour of their digital world...and into the dark side of it... About the AuthorFrancis Branney is 36 and lives with his parents in Belfast, I was born in 1974 and I have lived here most of my life. I love travelling and I have been in America, Kuala Lumpur, Philippines and Indonesia. I have loved to write since I was in secondary school, and I remember in class the Teacher asked us all to write a short story, and I did and mine was picked as the winner, ever since then I have loved writing, I love words and the inspiration that they gave me, being able to write short stories as well as poetry. Before in the past I would write short stories, read over them then delete them, thinking too myself back then, that someday I would like to become a Author, just to prove to myself that I could write and make people smile or cry in a good way, while they read my stories, to bring laughter to their hearts and ...

The Lost Blogs

The Lost Blogs

Autor: Paul Davidson

Número de Páginas: 389

Over 13,000,000 people are currently blogging with thousands being created each day. But what about the blogs you haven't seen, written by the iconic men and women you're dying to know the most intimate details about but who died before the internet was invented? This original take on the biggest literary development since the paperback offers 200 blogs inspired by the most famous minds in history, detailing their hysterical personal revelations, such as: John Lennon's thoughts after meeting Yoko Ono (and her obsession with the Beatles' publishing rights): Marilyn Monroe's annoyance at her new beau 'J', who breaks off their dates with excuses like having to avert a war in Costa Rica: Read Shakespeare on a treatment for a new play about two princes who misplace their horse and carriage and spend the entire play trying to find it or how a stray hot dog nearly derailed Ghandi's hunger strike: There's also the transcript of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's intensely competitive game of "Rocks, Paper, Scissors," to decide who would be the first man to set foot on the moon and much, much more. In this book Paul Davidson proves that matters, proving there's no such thing as "too much...

World Class in India

World Class in India

Autor: Sumantra Ghoshal , Gita Piramal , Sudeep Budhiraja

Número de Páginas: 690
Indo-European Word Formation

Indo-European Word Formation

Autor: James Clackson , Birgit Anette Olsen

Número de Páginas: 428

This book contains twenty articles on the subject of derivational morphology in Indo-European languages, and is the result of the conference "Indo-European Word Formation", held in Copenhagen, October 20th - 22nd 2000. The papers, covering all areas of Indo-European, make substantial contributions to the current intensive research on word formation, and many of them break new ground or shed new light on old problems. While some contributions are particularly concerned with the construction of theoretical models of Indo-European, others continue the traditional philological research into corpus languages. Finally, such issues as the borderland between morphology and syntax and the potential connection between Indo-European and other language families are brought up for discussion. Contributions by: Fabrice Cavoto, Paul S. Cohen, George Dunkel, Adam Hyllested, Britta Irslinger, Folke Josephson, Konstantin Krasukhin, Martin Kûmmel, Jenny Larsson, Rosemarie Lühr, Michael Meier-Brügger, Benedicte Nielsen, Alan Nussbaum, Birgit Olsen, Natalia Pimenova, Jens Elmegård Rasmussen, Elisabeth Rieken, Velizar Sadovski, Woiciech Smoczynski, Brent Vine og Gordon Whittaker.

Guide to Latin in International Law

Guide to Latin in International Law

Autor: Aaron X. Fellmeth , Maurice Horwitz

Número de Páginas: 323

As knowledge of Latin continues to diminish, the constant use of this language in cases, textbooks, treaties and scholarly works baffles law students, practitioners, and scholars alike. Most of the Latin terms commonly used by international lawyers are not included in some of the more popular law dictionaries. Terms and phrases included in modern dictionaries usually offer nothing more than a literal translation without sufficient explanation or context provided. Guide to Latin in International Law provides a comprehensive approach and includes both literal translations and definitions with several useful innovations. Included is not only the modern English pronunciation but also the classical or "restored" pronunciation. Its etymology is more complete than the leading law dictionary on the market, and the definition for each term includes examples used in context whenever helpful. Each entry is also cross-referenced to related terms for ease of use. The editors make clear that the understanding of Latin is a critical skill for practitioners who hope to acquire and understand sources of law and each other.

Asymptotic Theory of Separated Flows

Asymptotic Theory of Separated Flows

Autor: Vladimir V. Sychev

Número de Páginas: 348

Boundary-layer separation from a rigid body surface is one of the fundamental problems of classical and modern fluid dynamics. The major successes achieved since the late 1960s in the development of the theory of separated flows at high Reynolds numbers are in many ways associated with the use of asymptotic methods. The most fruitful of these has proved to be the method of matched asymptotic expansions, which has been widely used in mechanics and mathematical physics. There have been many papers devoted to different problems in the asymptotic theory of separated flows and we can confidently speak of the appearance of a very productive direction in the development of theoretical hydrodynamics. This book will present this theory in a systematic account. The book will serve as a useful introduction to the theory, and will draw attention to the possibilities that application of the asymptotic approach provides.

American Cipher

American Cipher

Autor: Matt Farwell , Michael Ames

Número de Páginas: 402

The explosive narrative of the life, captivity, and trial of Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier who was abducted by the Taliban and whose story has served as a symbol for America's foundering war in Afghanistan ”An unsettling and riveting book filled with the mysteries of human nature.” —Kirkus Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl left his platoon's base in eastern Afghanistan in the early hours of June 30, 2009. Since that day, easy answers to the many questions surrounding his case—why did he leave his post? What kinds of efforts were made to recover him from the Taliban? And why, facing a court martial, did he plead guilty to the serious charges against him?—have proved elusive. Taut in its pacing but sweeping in its scope, American Cipher is the riveting and deeply sourced account of the nearly decade-old Bergdahl quagmire—which, as journalists Matt Farwell and Michael Ames persuasively argue, is as illuminating an episode as we have as we seek the larger truths of how the United States lost its way in Afghanistan. The book tells the parallel stories of a young man's halting coming of age and a nation stalled in an unwinnable war, revealing the fallout that ensued when the...

Egyptianization and Elite Emulation in Ramesside Palestine

Egyptianization and Elite Emulation in Ramesside Palestine

Autor: C.r. Higginbotham

Número de Páginas: 351

A strong Egyptian presence and governance of 13th and 12th centuries B.C. Palestine has since long become clear from both textual and archaeological evidence. How this Egyptianization came about in Ramesside Palestine forms the focus of the present study. Carolyn Higginbotham convincingly attends to internal factors affecting the region’s cultural and political development. Two models are carefully considered. The prevailing theory, that Egyptian policy shifted from economic and political domination to military occupation, is contrasted with a new, convincing model, elite emulation, derived from modern core-periphery studies. The author’s conclusion is that Egyptian policy remained largely unchanged, and that the increased Egyptianization of the material culture represents voluntary adoption of the overpowering Egyptian culture by the Palestinian ruling class. The appendices are especially important for scholars interested in ancient international connections in Palestine; they catalogue all Egyptian and Egyptian-style material from LB IIB - Iron 1A Palestine.

Preparation of Solid Catalysts

Preparation of Solid Catalysts

Autor: Gerhard Ertl , Helmut Knözinger , Jens Weitkamp

Número de Páginas: 639

Solid catalysts play a fundamental role in all areas between basic research and industrial applications. This book offers a large amount of information about the preparation of solid catalysts. All types of solid catalysts and all important aspects of their preparation are discussed. The highly topical contributions are written by leading experts in disciplines ranging from solid state, interface and solution chemistry to industrial engineering. The straightforward presentation of the material and the comprehensive coverage make this book an essential and indispensible tool for every scientist and engineer working with solid catalysts.

Inorganic Reactions and Methods, The Formation of the Bond to Hydrogen (Part 2)

Inorganic Reactions and Methods, The Formation of the Bond to Hydrogen (Part 2)

Autor: J. J. Zuckerman , A. P. Hagen

Número de Páginas: 505

For the first time the discipline of modern inorganic chemistry has been systematized according to a plan constructed by a council of editorial advisors and consultants, among them three Nobel laureates (E.O. Fischer, H. Taube and G. Wilkinson). Rather than producing a collection of unrelated review articles, the series creates a framework which reflects the creative potential of this scientific discipline. Thus, it stimulates future development by identifiying areas which are fruitful for further research. The work is indexed in a unique way by a structured system which maximizes its usefulness to the reader. It augments the organization of the work by providing additional routes of access for specific compounds, reactions and other topics.

Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements Volume 6

Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements Volume 6

Autor: Brian Frederick Gilbert Johnson , Frank J.. Berry , F. L. Bowden , D. W. Clack

Número de Páginas: 520
Inorganic Reactions and Methods, Cumulative Index, Part 2

Inorganic Reactions and Methods, Cumulative Index, Part 2

Autor: J. J. Zuckerman

Número de Páginas: 1048

Here is the comprehensive two-volume index to all of the compounds, subjects, and authors featured in the eighteen-volume Inorganic Reactions and Methods series. Already deemed "invaluable" by the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, the series becomes even more essential with the publication of these user-friendly, quick-reference companion indexes.

Professional Work

Professional Work

Autor: Elizabeth Gorman , Steven.p Vallas

Número de Páginas: 264

Current challenges to the legitimacy of expert knowledge has caused professional control over knowledge, autonomy at work, orientation toward public service, and social status to have declined. In this collection, scholars examine the nature of these changes and how they have altered the experience of professional workers.

Guide to Latin in International Law

Guide to Latin in International Law

Autor: Aaron Xavier Fellmeth , Maurice Horwitz

Número de Páginas: 345

"Maurice and I created this guidebook to assist international lawyers and law students seeking to master, or at least to decipher, the Latin recurrently injected into our profession's already arcane argot. It may seem strange that a reference book-sized niche remains in the twenty-first century given the profusion of legal reference works, but the fact remains that recognizing the need for a guidebook like this one is a little uncomfortable. The use of Latin in international legal writing is supposed to appear natural, if not inevitable. We typically pepper our writings with Latin as if the dead language were cayenne in a jambalaya-the more the better. Yet, at some level we are all aware that we often obscure rather than clarify our meaning when we use it instead of plain English. And when we get the Latin right, which we frequently do, and pronounce the words without butchering them beyond all hope of recognition, which we occasionally do, the practice nonetheless tends to baffle law students and even experienced international lawyers unschooled in the vernacular of Cicero. Aspiring international lawyers may wonder about the ubiquity of Latin in international legal discourse in...

Coastal Systems

Coastal Systems

Autor: Simon K. Haslett

Número de Páginas: 246

Coastal Systems offers a concise introduction to the processes, landforms, ecosystems, and management of coasts. Each chapter is illustrated and includes topical case studies from around the world such as: * Tsunami's in Papua New Guinea * cliff collapse in Southern England * the Great Barrier Reef * the Indian 'Super Cyclone' of 1999 * the impact of development in the Florida Keys. Introductory chapters establish the importance of coasts and explain how they are studied within a system framework. Subsequent chapters explore the role of waves, rivers and sea level changes in coastal evolution. The final chapter reviews the human pressures and management of coastal systems.

Organometallic Chemistry

Organometallic Chemistry

Autor: E W Abel

Número de Páginas: 490

Organometallic chemistry is an interdisciplinary science which continues to grow at a rapid pace. Although there is continued interest in synthetic and structural studies the last decade has seen a growing interest in the potential of organometallic chemistry to provide answers to problems in catalysis synthetic organic chemistry and also in the development of new materials. This Specialist Periodical Report aims to reflect these current interests reviewing progress in theoretical organometallic chemistry, main group chemistry, the lanthanides and all aspects of transition metal chemistry. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no...



Autor: Ruth Eastham

Número de Páginas: 228

When a playground scrap becomes a fight to the death, and an ancient curse awakes, Jack and Emma must uncover the arrowhead's secrets – before a terrible evil is unleashed. Award-winning children's author Ruth Eastham weaves twists, turns and adventures into the rollercoaster ride that is Arrowhead: aspects of Norse mythology, the importance of friendship and teamwork, race-against-the-clock tension, and terror as the world as you know it is turned upside down. Follow the three friends Jack, Emma and Skuli on their mission to save the world from the evil curse, as you are drawn into an emotional and thrilling journey – but one not to be missed.

SkyMaul 2

SkyMaul 2

Autor: Robert Baedeker , Dan Klein , John Reichmuth , James Reichmuth , Kasper Hauser Comedy Group

Número de Páginas: 128

"A howlingly funny parody. ... The copy for the fake products is pitch perfect. I wish the Camping Coma Pills were really for sale - I'd take them." — The towering sequel to a "comedy classic" (Austin Chronicle), SkyMaul 2 picks up where its "brilliantly funny" (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) predecessor left off. Bursting with boatloads of fantastic stuff—from the Catbox Viewing Dome to the Bullet-Allowing Vest to the Wearable Coatrack—SkyMaul 2 will win your laughter with humor that sparkles as it cleans.

A Dictionary of Tocharian B

A Dictionary of Tocharian B

Autor: Adams , Douglas Q. Adams

Número de Páginas: 980

The second edition of A Dictionary of Tocharian B includes substantially all Tocharian B words found in regularly published texts, as well as all those of the London and Paris collections published digitally (digital publication of the Paris collection is still incomplete), and a substantial number of the Berlin collection published digitally. The number of entries is more than twenty per cent greater than in the first edition. The overall approach is decidedly philological. All words except proper names are provided with example contexts. Each word is given in all its various attested morphological forms, in its variant spellings, and discussed semantically, syntactically (where appropriate), and etymologically. New to the second edition is the assignment, where possible, of the examples of the word's use to their exact chronological period (Archaic, Early, Classical, Late/Colloquial). This dating provides the beginning of the study of the Tocharian B vocabulary on a historical basis. Included are also a reverse English-Tocharian B index and, another innovation to this edition, a general index verborum of Indo-European cognates. Douglas Q. Adams, PhD in Linguistics (1972),...

Recent Trends in Coatings and Thin Film–Modeling and Application

Recent Trends in Coatings and Thin Film–Modeling and Application

Autor: Rahmat Ellahi

Número de Páginas: 508

This Special Issue contains articles include, but not limited to, empirical, analytical, or design-oriented approaches to the following topics: Monitoring of carrying capacity and mechanisms for managing tourist flows in rural areas; Systems and tools to measure the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of rural tourism; Integration between public tourism policies and private strategies in the promotion and implementation of sustainable practices; Policies for promoting public participation in the planning and development of sustainable rural tourism; The impacts of tourism on traditional agricultural activities; Identity enhancement of the territory and its productions; "Good practices" in the implementation of rural tourism sustainability.



Número de Páginas: 150

LIFE Magazine is the treasured photographic magazine that chronicled the 20th Century. It now lives on at, the largest, most amazing collection of professional photography on the internet. Users can browse, search and view photos of today’s people and events. They have free access to share, print and post images for personal use.



Número de Páginas: 150

LIFE Magazine is the treasured photographic magazine that chronicled the 20th Century. It now lives on at, the largest, most amazing collection of professional photography on the internet. Users can browse, search and view photos of today’s people and events. They have free access to share, print and post images for personal use.

Code of Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations

Número de Páginas: 736

Index permits the user to determine if the text of a CFR section has been amended in the Federal register since its last annual cumulation.

The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

Número de Páginas: 1060

The Code of Federal Regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.

Model Systems in Catalysis

Model Systems in Catalysis

Autor: Robert Rioux

Número de Páginas: 531

This book is an excellent compilation of cutting-edge research in heterogeneous catalysis and related disciplines – surface science, organometallic catalysis, and enzymatic catalysis. In 23 chapters by noted experts, the volume demonstrates varied approaches using model systems and their successes in understanding aspects of heterogeneous catalysis, both metal- and metal oxide-based catalysis in extended single crystal and nanostructured catalytic materials. To truly appreciate the astounding advances of modern heterogeneous catalysis, let us first consider the subject from a historical perspective. Heterogeneous catalysis had its beginnings in England and France with the work of scientists such as Humphrey Davy (1778–1829), Michael Faraday (1791–1867), and Paul Sabatier (1854–1941). Sabatier postulated that surface compounds, si- lar to those familiar in bulk to chemists, were the intermediate species leading to catalytic products. Sabatier proposed, for example, that NiH moieties on a Ni sur- 2 face were able to hydrogenate ethylene, whereas NiH was not. In the USA, Irving Langmuir concluded just the opposite, namely, that chemisorbed surface species are chemically bound ...

Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London

Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London

Autor: Chemical Society (great Britain)

Número de Páginas: 1000


Autor: Matthias Röhrig Assunção

Número de Páginas: 296

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art now spreading over the rest of the world and this book, the only complete history of the art in the English language, traces the history of the martial art and examines its influence.



Número de Páginas: 150

LIFE Magazine is the treasured photographic magazine that chronicled the 20th Century. It now lives on at, the largest, most amazing collection of professional photography on the internet. Users can browse, search and view photos of today’s people and events. They have free access to share, print and post images for personal use.

Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013

Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013

Autor: United States. Congress. House. Committee On The Budget

Número de Páginas: 412

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