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Número total de libros encontrados: 40 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!
Master in seduction

Master in seduction

Autor: John Danen

Número de Páginas: 97

In this book you will learn to seduce and sexduce, to achieve personal growth in the fields you want, not only seduction. Through empowering your mind you will be able to achieve all your goals. It is a compendium of all the wisdom achieved in decades of experience. In it you will learn to be everything you want to be, a tremendous seducer or whatever you desire. You will be able to get your ex back, or find a girlfriend. It's all here, seduction, personal growth, and even secret techniques I use that border on magic. Thanks to the experience I have captured here you will learn how to: Seduce difficult women. Transform your current self into your ideal self. Have charisma and magnetism. Neurolinguistic programming. Attract girls with your presence alone. Know how to successfully approach girls. Pick up girls, get girls, seduce women, get women, fall in love. Have interesting conversations with girls. Seduce on the Internet. To be attractive. To make yourself respected, to respect yourself. Be independent. Improve your social skills. Seduction techniques. Become a master in seduction. Be seductive, attract girls. With it you will be able to attract, seduce and get girls and women....

Mujeres entre oriente y occidente: una aproximación crítica feminista a la literatura universal

Mujeres entre oriente y occidente: una aproximación crítica feminista a la literatura universal

Autor: Leticia De La Paz De Dios , Ana María Crespo Gómez

Número de Páginas: 462

El presente monográfico aspira a actuar como un puente entre literaturas diversas, escritas por autoras cuyas experiencias podrían parecer, a primera vista, distantes o desconectadas entre sí. ¿Qué puntos en común podrían hallarse entre Sylvia Plath y Bing Xin? ¿O entre Fatema Mernissi y Marjorie Agosín? La distancia geográfica entre sus lugares de origen o las diferencias lingüísticas que las separan son respuestas demasiado evidentes para negar la posibilidad de establecer ese puente entre Oriente y Occidente que se propone en esta obra. Invitamos, pues, a las lectoras a identificar respuestas más precisas y objetivas tras la lectura de los capítulos que se presentan a continuación.

Edolón Zero: Edición definitiva

Edolón Zero: Edición definitiva

Autor: Sam G. C.

Número de Páginas: 313

“Brutal, adictiva, en algunos momentos la tensión me dejaba sin respiración. Final vertiginoso.” Natalia Meraki “Un cóctel de ¿Terminator, Dead Space y El mago de Oz? (más o menos). Para disfrutarlo como un enano.” Guillermo Blázquez EDOLÓN ya no es un PARAÍSO. La luna-ciudad, lugar de retiro para la élite terrestre, se ha convertido en una zona cero. Cuando la nave Hermes aterriza, solo dos pasajeros consiguen sobrevivir: el androide doméstico T1N, un polizón en busca de su creadora y DOTTY, ***Nueva edición con más de 10.000 palabras y un montón de extras*** Esta edición incluye: + Novela versión extendida EPUB+MOBI + 15 ilustraciones a todo color + Prólogo de Daniel Pérez (Boy with letters) + EXTRA: 20 páginas de cómic (PDF) + EXTRA: Libro de bocetos del autor (PDF)

Words of the True Peoples/Palabras de Los Seres Verdaderos: Anthology of Contemporary Mexican Indigenous-Language Writers/Antología de Escritores Actuales en Lenguas Indígenas de México

Words of the True Peoples/Palabras de Los Seres Verdaderos: Anthology of Contemporary Mexican Indigenous-Language Writers/Antología de Escritores Actuales en Lenguas Indígenas de México

Autor: Carlos Montemayor , Donald Frischmann

Número de Páginas: 282

This anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl, Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tabasco Chontal, Purepecha, Sierra Zapoteco, Isthmus Zapoteco, Mazateco, Ñahñu, Totonaco, and Huichol. Volume 1 contains narratives and essays by Mexican indigenous writers. Their texts appear first in their native language, followed by English and Spanish translations.

El CÑndor and Other Stories / El cÑndor y otros cuentos

El CÑndor and Other Stories / El cÑndor y otros cuentos

Autor: Sabine R. UlibarrÕ

Número de Páginas: 230

This bilingual collection of stories - set in the Southwestern United States and South America0́4deals with love and culture conflict in an evolving political and economic environment in modern-day New Mexico.



Autor: Martin Boyd

Número de Páginas: 255

Teresa Jones’s dreams of flying contrast sharply with her dreary, earthbound life working as a filing-clerk in a CD store, and suffering the constant nagging of her academic parents, who are outraged at her stubborn refusal to go to college. Her best friend – the popular, successful and apparently happy college freshman Elena Kravchuk – has the perfect prescription for Teresa’s depression: she needs to get laid. When the two girls meet Miguel Angel Ramirez, a misfit Mexican immigrant who builds and flies kites for a living, Elena goes to work as match-maker to bring him together for a casual fling with her socially awkward, chronically depressed best friend. But rather than providing a one night stand, this papalotero will transform the lives of both girls in ways that neither one bargained for: Elena will confront the truth that her life is not as perfect as she so desperately wants people to believe it is, while Teresa will be challenged to give up her low self-esteem and Life Sucks t-shirts, and discover that the happiness she thinks is out of her reach might actually be just one small leap of faith away.

Semejante a la vida

Semejante a la vida

Autor: Ricardo Silva Romero

Número de Páginas: 426

Una antología de cuentos de Ricardo Silva Romero. Una bodega de cuarenta cuentos publicados en antologías, revistas y periódicos de Hispanoamérica que con el paso de las páginas no solo va describiendo el camino de la infancia a la vejez sino de paso la última década de la vida del autor.«Aquí pueden leerse 41 de los 55 cuentos que he escrito de enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2010. Este libro fue creciendo, en los últimos diez años, hasta convertirse en una bodega de relatos que me tienen en común: un cofre en todos los sentidos que pueda darle la imaginación a la palabra #cofre#. En un principio, hacia 2003, quiso ser un compendio de ficciones íntimas, una suma de tramas que daba como resultado el registro del paso del tiempo: de la infancia a la vejez con las escalas que sabemos. Después, gracias a una serie de antologías que varios editores llevaron a cabo sin ponerse de acuerdo, y por cuenta de las ficciones que escribí para El Espectador, El Tiempo y SoHo, se transformó en esta urna que abriré en cincuenta años para saber qué clase de persona he sido.»Ricardo Silva Romero

The present of the Future

The present of the Future

Autor: Ángela García Carrasco

Número de Páginas: 435

Interstellar action and intrigue in a surprising denouement of the DiaAT7 lived by AG & JC with the ATlangels to defend us from the AuTentics. The modern present of the posterity of the Blue Planet; the new reality of the future of the now Green Planet. "Blue Serenity".

Liven Up Your Latin American Spanish

Liven Up Your Latin American Spanish

Autor: Gloria Algorta

Número de Páginas: 176
A young girl's diary

A young girl's diary

Autor: Sigmund Freud

Número de Páginas: 322

This authentic diary, kept by a Viennese schoolgirl when she was eleven to fourteen years old, first appeared publicly in 1919. Richly expressive and emotionally moving, it intimately chronicles her passage from childhood to puberty with frankness, lucidity, and an honesty that scandalized the anonymous author's contemporaries. Originally presented by Sigmund Freud as a specimen to analyze and observe the development of a young female during the vital years of personal growth, the book relates, in a gently ironic tone, daily encounters and experiences as well as private conversations and exchanged intimacies with a close friend. "So charming, so serious, and so artless, that it cannot fail to be of supreme interest to educationists and psychologists."—Sigmund Freud "Psychotherapists and analysts will enjoy debating the implications of the document's frank evocation of the sexual awakening of a cosseted girl."—Publisher's Weekly

Poesía completa

Poesía completa

Autor: Anne Sexton

Número de Páginas: 1244

2024: Año Sexton Toda la obra poética de una de las autoras más influyentes de la poesía contemporánea, ganadora del Premio Pulitzer, en una nueva traducción por su 50.o aniversario. Anne Sexton hizo de sus experiencias personales como mujer y escritora el centro de su obra lírica, y fue pionera a la hora de retratar sin tapujos la realidad del deseo, el matrimonio, la maternidad, la masturbación, el aborto, el alcoholismo, la salud mental y física, o el impulso de muerte. Junto a estos temas, también la amistad, la resiliencia y la vitalidad tienen un espacio en su poesía. Como dice Maxine Kumin en la introducción a este volumen, «las poetas en especial tienen una deuda con Anne Sexton, quien entró en territorios nuevos, desmontó tabús y soportó infinidad de ataques por el camino debido al descarode los temas tratados. [...] Sexton se ha ganado su lugar en el canon». Hoy, la ganadora del Premio Pulitzer por Vive o muere ocupa un lugar de honor en ese canon y su voz se ha consolidado como una de las más relevantes de la literatura estadounidense del siglo XX. Esta nueva traducción de su poesía completa, a cargo de Ana Mata Buil, incluye sus diez poemarios,...



Autor: Karla Galván Duque Senosiain

Número de Páginas: 125

“The sky is the limit” is a little treasure. It’s not just a book on autism or on someone’s particular and extraordinary life experience, it’s also revealing and paradigmatic. Revealing because it helps us as human beings to understand that an advanced society must be committed and inclusive; whatever our circumstance, we are all people and at the same time we are all unique. Paradigmatic because I have never met anyone with such a determination to do her part in helping parents, families, therapists, and anyone willing to learn more about the way these children understand their particular world, which is our own as well. Karla is a woman who has given her life great value; she is a fighter that turns obstacles into great opportunities to grow and to love; this makes “The sky is the limit” a book about love, perseverance, strength, energy, self-motivation, optimism… and, why not say it as well, it’s a Coaching book, a totally 21st-century book!”

Words of the True Peoples/Palabras de los Seres Verdaderos

Words of the True Peoples/Palabras de los Seres Verdaderos

Autor: Carlos Montemayor , Donald Frischmann

Número de Páginas: 272

As part of the larger, ongoing movement throughout Latin America to reclaim non-Hispanic cultural heritages and identities, indigenous writers in Mexico are reappropriating the written word in their ancestral tongues and in Spanish. As a result, the long-marginalized, innermost feelings, needs, and worldviews of Mexico's ten to twenty million indigenous peoples are now being widely revealed to the Western societies with which these peoples coexist. To contribute to this process and serve as a bridge of intercultural communication and understanding, this groundbreaking, three-volume anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl, Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tabasco Chontal, Purepecha, Sierra Zapoteco, Isthmus Zapoteco, Mazateco, Ñahñu, Totonaco, and Huichol. Volume 1 contains narratives and essays by Mexican indigenous writers. Their texts appear first in their native language, followed by English and Spanish translations. Frischmann and Montemayor have abundantly annotated the English, Spanish, and indigenous-language texts and added glossaries and essays that trace the development of indigenous texts,...

No Debo Usar Drogas

No Debo Usar Drogas

Autor: Juana Jaén J.

Número de Páginas: 185

No Debo Usar Drogas es el título de la obra y es la frase que debería permanecer siempre en la mente de cada niño y adolescente. Debido a que son las drogas que hoy día están allanando el camino para que nuestros niños y jóvenes se conviertan en futuros delincuentes. Es triste oír y ver que muchos hijos y nietos han maltratado y a veces, en ocasiones, hasta dado muerte a parientes por no proporcionarles dinero para su insano vicio. Con gran desconsuelo observamos que la situación con las drogas no se está dando solamente en los Estados Unidos, sino que ha “contaminado” y afectado al resto del continente porque situaciones negativas que pasan en territorio norte americano repercuten siempre en los países de Hispanoamérica. Pareciera que las drogas jamás serán erradicadas por los diferentes gobiernos de turno pero, si podemos tratar de educar y guiar a muchos niños desde pequeños, conversando con ellos. Padres, ciudadanos, hay que cooperar con la campaña contra las drogas. No Debo Usar Drogas es mi cooperación. El libro consta de 21 cuentos, uno por cada país hispano. España por ser la Madre Patria y Estados Unidos por ser la niñez hispana de Nueva York que...

Cuentos De Lobomar

Cuentos De Lobomar

Autor: Lobomar

Número de Páginas: 197

This book was written to enjoy history and mentally navigate the real geographical routes followed by pirates long time ago to conquer the seas, establishing the current navigational routes. These men were excellent navigators with an adventurous and daring spirit which is the same spirit that encourages todays seamen to plow the high seas onboard modern liners. I have narrated the life of Juan Toto as a pirates story and I wrote it trying to follow the real navigational marks. I decided to bring the book to London as a gift to members of the IMO on the day I receive this honourable award. Part of the story is real and it will make you learn a little bit about Mexico, my country and Veracruz, my home town. By the way, pirates really invaded Veracruz some times and some of them where English.

Twin Souls

Twin Souls

Autor: Raimon Samsó

Número de Páginas: 358

Unveil the Mysteries of Twin Souls in "Twin Souls: A Story of Love and Transformation" Do twin souls genuinely exist? Can love transcend time and space to bring two souls together for an eternal bond? Find the answers and more in the enchanting and soul-stirring novel, "Twin Souls: A Story of Love and Transformation." Witness the breathtaking journey of soulmates as they meet, separate, and reunite, defying all odds to teach each other invaluable lessons of love and life. Embrace the heartwarming tale of how true love triumphs over fear, creating an unbreakable connection that transcends the physical world. Time and space hold no power over these destined souls, who come together to experience a love that expands beyond comprehension. Set in the picturesque backdrop of Santa Monica, California, and inspired by true events, "Twin Souls" has captivated readers since 1998. This award-winning novel, which received the New Age Robin Books First Edition Award, has sold tens of thousands of copies and is regarded as a definitive reference on the subject of soulmates. Intricately woven with the profound principles from the renowned book "A Course in Miracles," "Twin Souls" delves deep...

Rage from Within

Rage from Within

Autor: ,nelson

Número de Páginas: 272

This sensational piece of love and death is totally veridic and shows the cruelty of a slave country by a dictator who without mercy oppress and kill the people from hunger, thirst, and injustice, violating the human rights, taking the Cuban people to suicide through the need and desperation. This book shows the real life of Cuba; it shows how the people is tortured, and without hope that one day they could be free or liberated from the yoke that make them die prematurely through suicide. And each day, the oppression against Cubans’ human rights grow. This book shows the inequality in Cuba compared with other countries that are not slave or ruled by a dictator. This piece is written following the sadness and suffering from Cuba.

Orgullo y Prejuicio – Pride and Prejudice

Orgullo y Prejuicio – Pride and Prejudice

Autor: Jane Austen

Número de Páginas: 641

Novela de la inglesa Jane Austen (1775–1817) publicada en 1817 y pionera en su género. En ella se combina con gran maestría la pincelada realista y costumbrista y la sátira poética y sentimental de la Inglaterra de principios del siglo XIX. Esta historia inmortal puso a su autora un lugar destacado en la novelística de todos los tiempos. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.1px Verdana}

The heiress to the five suns

The heiress to the five suns

Autor: Natalia Moderc Wahlström

Número de Páginas: 279

Only by knowing her past can she find herself. The Parker Family live with their only daughter, Anya, on a prosperous farm dedicated to the breeding and export of polo horses in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. When the girl is nine years old, a fire breaks out during a party in the guest house which ends the life of her father. Her mother, devastated, decides to return to her hometown, Windsor in England, with her little girl.Together they have to restart their lives and carry the burden of the sorrow that the loss of their loved one caused. Years later, Anya, now a beautiful young woman, decides to return to the horse-ranch to reclaim her inheritance and above all to rediscover her roots. There she rebuilds and reopens their old house, discovers secrets that she had never been told and embarks on a search for a hidden treasure that her father had left her. Returning to her former home leads her to a new world and she finds much more than her land. She understands that the past is part of our lives, that sometimes goodbyes are necessary to mark the beginning of a new stage and, especially, that true love is stronger than time and distance and forever present. Intertwined...

How the fuck I do forget you. Wake up happy again

How the fuck I do forget you. Wake up happy again

Autor: Rodrigo Romojaro

Número de Páginas: 77

It’s an informal book; I will call you an asshole, we will talk about Tinder, jealousy, other girls, getting drunk to forget and making her feel sorry for you by sending her messages, groveling or even going over to her house with flowers like an imbecile. I’ll try to touch your pride to make you react. I will make an “over my dead balls is this going to go on like it is now” come out of you. Before you even buy the book, you should know that you will only get out of this shit on the base of pride and self-love, putting your well-being above all else. And you will realize that it’s not selfishness, but rather on the contrary: to love others, you first have to learn to love yourself. It’s a short book and quick to read; I don’t want to annoy you with words. It’s not about entertaining yourself on a long trip where you don’t know what to do. It’s a manual of steps to follow in order to be happy and you will read it in a good mood and smiling. Believe me that if you follow everything in the book to the letter, you will soon recover and you will do so in a healthy manner and having learned a lot to continue being happy in the future.

Her Name Was Dolores

Her Name Was Dolores

Autor: Pete Salgado

Número de Páginas: 173

The untold story of the iconic Jenni Rivera through the perspective of her former managers, Pete Salgado and Gabriel Vazquez and it will be the basis for a TV series that airs on Univision. This book will take us into the boiler room and offer a behind-the-scenes look into the strategies and moments that lead to national headlines. Pete Salgado was Jenn’s longstanding manager, considered by Jenn her fifth bother, he worked with her for nearly a decade, and helped negotiate many of her deals. She shared things with him she did not with others, and he came to know her in ways no one else did. The months before Jenni’s death were filled with betrayals and disappointments from those she most loved and trusted. Salgado addresses that and takes readers deep inside some cryptic tweets Jenni posted as well of answering very difficult questions such as: Did Chiquis have an affair with Jenni’s husband, Esteban? Who really was the person Jenni called El Pelón and tweeted about, and what did he mean to her? Was Jenni embroiled with the drug cartel? Did the notorious narco El Barbie mistreat her? Was she going to buy a plane? Was Jenni’s death truly an accident? This book describes...

The Marquis' Daughter

The Marquis' Daughter

Autor: Dama Beltrán

Número de Páginas: 801

Stephen Lynch arrives in London with a mission: Sell the goods in his boat and pay his family’s debts from long ago. At first glance, that objective seems very easy. All he has to do is find a suitable buyer. However, the task becomes torture after meeting the Marquis of Riderland’s daughter. He doesn’t want her to board his ship. She does everything in her hand to do so. Stephen doesn’t wish to deal with her. Evah insists that she is the only person that can buy his merchandise. Miss Bennett becomes his biggest problem. Mr. Lynch turns out to be the only man capable of saving her from a public humiliation… How will this story, full of refusal, discussion, confrontation and desire, end?

Last breath

Last breath

Autor: Irene Gómez Camarasa

Número de Páginas: 136

One small village in the Spanish mountains that doesn't have enough people to survive. A mayoress, who wanted to save it, had elaborated a plan to alleviate its agony. Five families that came to the village were invited to visit. A visitor who disappears during the black night before leaving. The mayoress and a former police officer try to solve the mystery while the clock works against them. An unexpected help from the city that would facilitate the investigation. Absolutely, no one in town, however high their reputation, is entirely beyond suspicion. All of this during the onset of a pandemic that will force them to remain locked up and separated from each other. Will they be able to find all the clues before all the families take the bus that will take them back to the safe of their homes? Will our protagonists be able to solve the case before time runs out? Get involved on this thrilling adventure and discover the history and culture of this village. The relationship between the locals and the visitors. The intriguing plans of some guests. An intriguing plot that will engage the reader from the beginning and continue that tempo throughout.

My Hell

My Hell

Autor: Dama Beltrán

Número de Páginas: 376

If he had learned something since, he got to Old-Quarter is that everybody keeps secrets, even though it's not an easy task when in the town there are less than fifty residents. but Mathew thinks he has everything under control and that his new identity will help him forge the simple life he desires: a wife, a job and surrounded by people who respect and love him. However, when he's about to achieve his dream, the past he wished to forget returns to remind him that the ideal life is not real and that he has to be brave to put an end to that terrible time. A bad decision, a situation full of hope, a love, a need... Will the doctor of Old-Quarter manage to eliminate his ghosts?

Cuentos de la Madremonte

Cuentos de la Madremonte

Autor: Guadalupe Urbina , Wen Hsu

Número de Páginas: 93

No siempre una afamada cantautora como Guadalupe Urbina nos regala sus historias escritas para los niños. Animales, niños, familia y fuerzas de la naturaleza se conjugan para dar forma a la presencia de la madreselva y a sus queridos amigos. Aprender a convivir en armonía como legado de la naturaleza pareciera ser la canción que las páginas de este bello libro nos cantan. Cuentos de la Madremonte es un texto bilingüe (español-inglés) o más bien "biolingüe".

Sus nombres y sus rostros

Sus nombres y sus rostros

Autor: Eliahu Toker

Número de Páginas: 194

A collection of photographs, and interviews with family members of the victims of the terrorist car bomb attack on the building of the Jewish community (AMIA) in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994. The collection is intended as a homage to the memory of the 85 victims, Jews and non-Jews, who were killed in the bombing of the Jewish community center.

Money, For What?

Money, For What?

Autor: Rafael Fellové

Número de Páginas: 72

When there is money, everything can be done and bought. However, certain things cannot be bought because their value is not material. In life, there are sometimes many situations that hurt and are easy to heal since they take a long time to accept them as they are. Because I think they are never forgotten since they are very deep and indelible scars.

Cosecha de Doscientos Soles

Cosecha de Doscientos Soles

Autor: Maus

Número de Páginas: 491

Esta obra es la exigencia de gritar, desde lo hondo, el dolor y la situación del indio explotado, Como él mismo lo vive, lo grita y lo llora en sus oraciones llenas de lágrimas y de mística elevación. Por eso sus personajes son brutalmente reales, pues son la condensación resultante de miles de hombres, ancianos, mujeres y niños... (Español) This work arises from the need to shout out, from the depths, the painful circumstances of the exploited Indian, as he and she- they themselves – live it, shout it, and cry for it in their prayers, full of tears and mystical elevation. On that account, its characters are brutally real since they are a condensation derived from thousands of men, women, old people and children... (English) Dieses Werk entsteht aus dem Bedürfnis zu schreien, aus der Tiefe, die Schmerzen und die Lage des ausgebeuteten Indigenen, wie er selbst das erlebt, schreit und weint in seinen Gebeten, voller Tränen und mystischer Erhebung. Aus diesem Grund sind seine Charaktere gnadenlos wirklich, da sie aus Tausenden von Männern, Frauen, alten Menschen und Kindern abgeleitete Verdichtung sind. (German) Te at’elil into ja’ jun sujaw yu’un te awunele, te...

What's behind a DIVORCE

What's behind a DIVORCE

Autor: Kathy Higgins

Número de Páginas: 159

WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT DIVORCE. Because your fairy-tale dream became your worst nightmare and you no longer know how to wake up from it, do not despair, there are always solutions for everything. It only depends on you. You are the one who has the power to change your situation. If you are going through a very difficult situation in your marriage, and you hesitate whether or not to divorce, or there is inevitably no other solution than divorce, or you find yourself confused by the quarantine that's making you feel that you can no longer bear your relationship, or the decision to divorce has been made, or you are already going through a divorce process and this situation is very difficult or painful for you, or you simply just want to end it quickly, or you want to say goodbye to your marriage in the best way possible, then this book is for you.

The Red Sedan

The Red Sedan

Autor: Josué Flores

Número de Páginas: 147

After two years of physical absence, four childhood friends decide to organize a trip to an unknown destination, on the pretext of meeting again and catching up with each other’s lives.

The Cremades Plans

The Cremades Plans

Autor: Javier Cremades Sanz-pastor

Número de Páginas: 253

My father, Juan Antonio Cremades, first met Saint Josemaria Escrivá when they were fellow-students in the Department of Law at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, from 1925 to 1927. It was there that they made friends. Years later, at a very painful time for the founder of the Opus Dei, when his mother had just died, my father was able to do him a service for which Saint Josemaria was very grateful ever after. And for that reason, the large Cremades family – my parents and all of us ten siblings – enjoyed a very close, direct friendship with him until he went to Heaven. In this book I have collected some of the adventures – really big adventures! – that we had with our father and friend, Saint Josemaria. I have tried to highlight his kindness, the affection and friendly warmth that he scattered (especially on my lucky family), his sanctity, his joy and sense of humor. Also, his closeness to God, and the way he was able to bring all those who crossed his path closer to God.

Free your soul

Free your soul

Autor: Carlos Arroba Díaz

Número de Páginas: 166

Your soul gave me some messages for you, which go directly to your heart. Let me guide you towards your life purpose and your liberation. If your life has become meaningless, if you can’t find love, if your soul is wounded and you’ve stopped living, here are the answers your soul gave me. On these pages you’ll find the solution to all those wounds, your own healing. Your soul wants you to turn your life around and resurface from the pain. You came to enjoy life and I give you the key. This is a twoway book which is understood with the mind, but it’s felt with the heart. Here begins your journey to a different destination, to the liberation of your soul and to being consistent with what your heart says. This is just the beginning of the path, for the path to liberation will be longer. In the future, you’ll free your essence and your inner mastery. Let’s walk the path first and free what your soul asked me.

The children who decided to change it all

The children who decided to change it all

Autor: Marcela Fonseca

Número de Páginas: 22

Children with disabilities just want to be treated as kids, they don’t need people feeling sorry for them. They want to have friends, to be accepted, to be invited to other kid’s birthdays, to feel included not to be discriminated against. Inclusive education is a great first step and an indispensable tool to achieve this goal. The children who decided to change it all is a book which, more than tolerance, celebrates the acceptance of disabilities, without concessions, ifs or buts.

El gran Gatsby

El gran Gatsby

Autor: Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Número de Páginas: 527

Esta es una edición bilingüe de la novela de Francis Scott Fitzgerald. La historia se desarrolla en Nueva York y Long Island en los años 20 del siglo XX. Ha sido descrito a menudo como el reflejo de la era del jazz en la literatura estadounidense. Temas centrales: La decadencia del "sueño americano" en los años 1920. La superficialidad de la clase alta. BiBook te permite leer esta obra en versión original y sin necesidad de diccionarios. Gracias a la tecnología BiBook podrás leer cómodamente en inglés, consultando la versión traducida al español cada vez que lo necesites. Olvídate del diccionario. Una traducción párrafo por párrafo está disponible pulsando un enlace sobre la primera letra de cada párrafo. Aprende inglés mientras disfrutas de la lectura. La mayoría de expertos coinciden en que la mejor forma de aprender un idioma es leer. Disfruta de este libro desde un ereader o también en tu móvil o tableta y tus desplazamientos en metro nunca volverán a ser aburridos.

The art of toughness

The art of toughness

Autor: John Danen

Número de Páginas: 61

The art of hardness is the art of staying cold and tough when flirting with a girl and after flirting with her. Thanks to this art you will make her fall in love with you and not the other way around, you will attract and fascinate her, you will no longer suffer for love. You will be valued and coveted. You'll be a badass.

Nuevas investigaciones y perspectivas sobre literatura, cultura y pensamiento

Nuevas investigaciones y perspectivas sobre literatura, cultura y pensamiento

Autor: Salud Adelaida Flores Borjabad , Inmaculada Respaldiza Salas , Romina Grana

Número de Páginas: 828

Esta obra recoge el análisis y estudio de grandes investigadores quienes han estudiado la literatura desde diferentes puntos de vista con el fin de demostrar que la literatura no es una lista de movimientos y autores. Asimismo, se ha puesto de manifiesto que la literatura es una forma de comunicación que convive con el ser humano desde sus orígenes, de manera tal que no puede ser entendida de una forma aislada.

Bilingual Bible / Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV

Bilingual Bible / Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV

Autor: Tyndale

Número de Páginas: 1903

¡Disfruta la Palabra de Dios en inglés y en español! Dos idiomas diferentes, dos traducciones excepcionales. La Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV provee los textos de la New Living Translation en inglés y de la Nueva Traducción Viviente en español en un formato paralelo. Estas dos traducciones excepcionales presentan la Palabra de Dios en una manera clara, precisa y fácil de comprender. Transmiten el significado preciso de los idiomas originales en un estilo de escritura fluido y natural que promueve una lectura significativa y accesible. Esta Biblia incluye: Una página de presentación Un plan de lectura de 365 días Una tabla de pesos y medidas Tres mapas a todo color Enjoy the Word of God in English and Spanish! Two different languages, two wonderful translations. The Bilingual Bible NLT/NTV provides the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traducción Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. These two exceptional translations present God’s Word in way that’s clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand. They convey the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes accessible and meaningful reading. This...

Bilingual Bible / Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV

Bilingual Bible / Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV

Autor: Tyndale

Número de Páginas: 1903

¡Disfruta la Palabra de Dios en inglés y en español! Dos idiomas diferentes, dos traducciones excepcionales. La Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV provee los textos de la New Living Translation en inglés y de la Nueva Traducción Viviente en español en un formato paralelo. Estas dos traducciones excepcionales presentan la Palabra de Dios en una manera clara, precisa y fácil de comprender. Transmiten el significado preciso de los idiomas originales en un estilo de escritura fluido y natural que promueve una lectura significativa y accesible. Esta Biblia incluye: Una página de presentación Un plan de lectura de 365 días Una tabla de pesos y medidas Tres mapas a todo color Enjoy the Word of God in English and Spanish! Two different languages, two wonderful translations. The Bilingual Bible NLT/NTV provides the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traducción Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. These two exceptional translations present God's Word in way that's clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand. They convey the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes accessible and meaningful reading. This Bible...



Autor: Monica Maria De Oliveira

Número de Páginas: 174

Hee-Jin y Jae-in son jóvenes, ricos, llenos de caprichos, consentidos, irresponsables y con las hormonas al borde de la piel, van a disfrutar de unas vacaciones en la isla de Jeju, en Corea del Sur, sin embargo, no se imaginan que a partir de ahí tendrían la vida patas arriba. Siempre hicieron lo que quisieron a su manera, esta vez, fueron mucho más allá de los límites tolerados por sus padres. Como una forma de corregir el exceso cometido por ellos, se les obliga a casarse y sobrevivir de sus trabajos, pero sin el lujo y el dinero que tenían a su disposición. En su vida cotidiana hay muchas peleas, disputas y confusiones, aprendizajes, pero también florece un gran amor. En el punto álgido de la pasión entre ellos, aparece una ex novia que sacude su relación. Pero el destino les reserva muchas sorpresas, los sentimientos que vivirán serán una lección de vida, que les demostrará a ambos que todo esto será válido y aprendido como lección para el camino del amor.

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