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Número total de libros encontrados: 39 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!
Donuts, café et good vibes

Donuts, café et good vibes

Autor: Amanda Bankert

Número de Páginas: 138

40 recettes toutes plus folles les unes que les autres. Classées par saison, il y en a pour tous les goûts, so let's bake ! Au printemps, croquez dans un donut à la framboise (Raspberry Béret) ou au citron et à la coco (No Sleep till Brooklyn). En été, optez pour de la fraise (Victoria Sponge) ou de la pêche associée au basilic (Peach Basil). A l'automne, craquez pour un donut à la citrouille (Aunt Yuki) ou pour du beurre de cacahuètes allié à de la guimauve (Fluffernutter). En hiver, trouvez du réconfort avec de l'orange épicée (Spiced orange) ou peut-être du caramel et des pop-corn (Toff Love). Amanda Bankert a créé le premier donut shop de paris, Boneshaker, en 2016. Elle propose des doonuts intégralement végans et totalement délicieux !



Autor: John T. Edge

Número de Páginas: 121

Acclaimed food writer and cultural historian John T. Edge conjures nostalgia by revealing portions of our history through our most cherished foods. Donuts is the cap on a scrumptious series toting comfort food, belying calorie-counting, and embracing those cornerstone, iconic dishes that have come to define American cuisine and customs over the years. In Donuts, Edge walks us though the donut's inception as Dutch fare, the Salvation Army's wartime donuts, the invention of the donut machine, the 1950s donut-shop craze, the Krispy Kreme revolution, the appropriation by other ethnicities, and the fanatical chefs that take donuts to a new art form. Nothing encourages our sweet-tooth cravings like the donut. It is honest. It is satisfying. It is a national symbol that has survived the low carb-diet dogma and the death of the local donut shop, and it is making a comeback into the hearts of Americans.

Mini Donuts

Mini Donuts

Autor: Jessica Segarra

Número de Páginas: 176

Presents one hundred mini donut recipes that can be fried or baked in a donut pan or donut machine, featuring such flavors as chocolate-bacon-maple, blackberry-sour cream, orange soda, and sweet potato-marshmallow.

Bagels, donuts et Cie

Bagels, donuts et Cie

Autor: Delphine Lebrun , Sophie Dumont

Número de Páginas: 136

Découvrez 50 recettes de bagels, donuts et autres délices comme aux USA ! Bagel norvégien, au pastrami, au thon, veggie ou italien, vous trouverez dans ce livre votre bonheur parmi les recettes de cet emblématique de la street-food new-yorkaise ! Sans oublier d’autres plaisirs salés super réconfortants comme le célèbre cheeseburger, le hot dog ou le lobster roll ! Et pour des petites pauses sucrées tout en douceur, retrouvez les incontournables donuts, cookies, brownie, pecan pie, milkshake ou encore cheesecake ! Des recettes gourmandes qui vous feront voyager de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique !

Food Nations

Food Nations

Autor: Warren James Belasco , Philip Scranton

Número de Páginas: 300

First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Pocket Posh Dining Out Calorie Counter

Pocket Posh Dining Out Calorie Counter

Autor: Pamela M. Nisevich Bede

Número de Páginas: 339

Provides calorie count and nutritional analysis for appetizers, entrées, desserts, and beverages at 75 restaurants.

Fats and Oils

Fats and Oils

Autor: Richard D. O'brien

Número de Páginas: 766

Like the previous editions, this comprehensive reference to fats and oils of commercial food products provides detailed coverage of raw material sources, processing, formulation, quality control, and finished products. Including the most-up-to-date data and interpretation, this third edition features the latest processing procedures along with the effects of new ingredients, processing, and formulation on applications. It also includes an expanded guide for troubleshooting and problem solving. Building upon the practical aspects of the first edition, this complete reference is an ideal source for personnel and students of the fats and oils industry and the food processing industry.

The Complete Up-to-Date Fat Book

The Complete Up-to-Date Fat Book

Autor: Karen J. Bellerson

Número de Páginas: 892

The Complete & Up-to-Date Fat Book is the most comprehensive resource of its kind. An invaluable tool for any health-conscious consumer, this revised edition of The Complete & Up-to-Date Fat Book lists fat and calorie information for more than 30,000 foods, including the percentage of calories derived from fat. This comprehensive guide helps you make healthier meal choices by listing the fat content of favorite foods you find at the grocery store-health foods, frozen entrees, prepared mixes, and kosher foods-as well as of meals at all the most popular fast-food restaurants. The introduction outlines strategies for healthy eating and offers tips for cutting excess fat from your diet, showing how anyone can lose weight and stay healthy with a diet low in fat.

Los Angeles Magazine

Los Angeles Magazine

Número de Páginas: 148

Los Angeles magazine is a regional magazine of national stature. Our combination of award-winning feature writing, investigative reporting, service journalism, and design covers the people, lifestyle, culture, entertainment, fashion, art and architecture, and news that define Southern California. Started in the spring of 1961, Los Angeles magazine has been addressing the needs and interests of our region for 48 years. The magazine continues to be the definitive resource for an affluent population that is intensely interested in a lifestyle that is uniquely Southern Californian.

Soy Applications in Food

Soy Applications in Food

Autor: Mian N. Riaz

Número de Páginas: 302

Soy is prized by the food industry for both its versatility and the major role it plays in food functionality. However, only a limited amount of information is available explaining soy's full potential in food applicability. Soy Applications in Food provides insight into the different types of soy ingredients available for consumption and details t

The Complete and Up-to-Date Carb Book

The Complete and Up-to-Date Carb Book

Autor: Karen J. Bellerson

Número de Páginas: 626

The Complete & Up-to-Date Carb Book is the next generation in carb management, providing a quick, comprehensive way for savvy dieters to take control of their food intake and smartly manage their health. By learning how to calculate their net carb intake, dieters will not fall prey to the popular fads in dieting today. Bellerson includes information on calories, fiber and sugar grams, and total carb numbers for brand-name and generic foods, fast foods, processed and prepared foods, as well as natural foods and snacks. In all, there are more than 20,000 entries ranging from A to Z. The introductory material explains the glycemic index and how to use it, and the importance of fiber and sugars in calculating carbohydrate values. The strategies outlined here are easily compatible with The Zone, South Beach, and other balanced diet plans.

AutoCAD 2021: A Problem - Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 27th Edition

AutoCAD 2021: A Problem - Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 27th Edition

Autor: Prof. Sham Tickoo

Número de Páginas: 1116

AutoCAD 2021: A Problem-Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 27th Edition book contains a detailed explanation of AutoCAD commands and their applications to solve drafting and design problems. In this book, every AutoCAD command is thoroughly explained with the help of examples and illustrations to make it easy for the users to understand the functions of the tools and their applications in the drawing. After reading this book, the user will be able to use AutoCAD commands to make a drawing, dimension a drawing, apply constraints to sketches, insert symbols as well as create text, blocks and dynamic blocks. The Autodesk AutoCAD 2021 book also covers basic drafting and design concepts such as dimensioning principles and assembly drawings that equip the users with the essential drafting skills to solve the drawing problems in AutoCAD. While reading this book, you will discover some new tools such as DWG Compare, Save to Web & Mobile, and Shared Views that will enhance the usability of the software. Salient Features Comprehensive book with chapters organized in a pedagogical sequence. Detailed explanation of all commands and tools. Summarized content on the first page of every...

The NutriBase Nutrition Facts Desk Reference

The NutriBase Nutrition Facts Desk Reference

Número de Páginas: 980

From abalone to zucchini, this easy-to-use reference provides information that helps monitor the nutritional intake of thousands of food products.

The Complete and Up-to-Date Fat Book

The Complete and Up-to-Date Fat Book

Autor: Karen J. Bellerson

Número de Páginas: 916

Lists the fat content, total calories, and percentage of fat calories for over 30,000 food products, brand names, and fast-food chains.

Federal Donuts

Federal Donuts

Autor: Michael Solomonov , Steven Cook , Tom Henneman , Bob Logue , Felicia D'ambrosio

Número de Páginas: 227

Meet the five partners behind Federal Donuts and Rooster Soup Co. In their (maybe) true story you'll learn about their origin, their first Donut Robot, and even their FedNuts workout. Oh, and you'll get recipes for their donuts. And their fried chicken. And maybe have a few laughs.

AutoCAD 2018: A Problem-Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 24th Edition

AutoCAD 2018: A Problem-Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 24th Edition

Autor: Prof. Sham Tickoo

Número de Páginas: 938

The AutoCAD 2018: A Problem-Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 24th Edition book contains a detailed explanation of AutoCAD commands and their applications to solve drafting and design problems. In this book, every AutoCAD command is thoroughly explained with the help of examples and illustrations. This makes it easy for the users to understand the functions of the tools and their applications in the drawing. After reading this book, the user will be able to use AutoCAD commands to make a drawing, dimension a drawing, apply constraints to sketches, insert symbols as well as create text, blocks and dynamic blocks. The book also covers basic drafting and design concepts that provide you with the essential drafting skills to solve the drawing problems in AutoCAD. These include dimensioning principles, and assembly drawings. While going through this textbook, you will discover some new unique applications of AutoCAD that will have a significant effect on your drawings. Salient Features: Comprehensive textbook consisting 24 chapters that are organized in a pedagogical sequence. Detailed explanation of all commands and tools. Summarized content on the first page of the topics...

Rainbow Wars!

Rainbow Wars!

Autor: Rodd Symian

Número de Páginas: 189

About the Book Rainbow Wars! is book number one in a thirteen-book series. This story follows Rodd and Natalie on a journey to save Blossom and Lily, the protector and princess of Choms, from the evil Lady of the Mountain. This is a story of friendship, bravery, and love. Just when you think the adventure is over, the Rainbow Wars only just begun! About the Author Rodd Symian is the author of both Angel Face and Diva Queens: The Promised Ones. He has been writing since the sixth grade but has recently decided to publish his written work. Although born in San Antonio, Texas, the author moved frequently due to a parent in the military. Rodd is also a recording rock/pop music artist. He draws most of his enjoyment from performing live.

Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2011

Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2011

Autor: Shawna Lockhart

Número de Páginas: 706

A Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2011 provides a step-by-step introduction to AutoCAD with commands presented in the context of each tutorial. In fifteen clear and comprehensive chapters, author Shawna Lockhart guides readers through all the important commands and techniques in AutoCAD 2011, from 2D drawing to solid modeling and finally finishing with rendering. In each lesson, the author provides step-by-step instructions with frequent illustrations showing exactly what appears on the AutoCAD screen. Later, individual steps are no longer provided, and readers are asked to apply what they've learned by completing sequences on their own. A carefully developed pedagogy reinforces this cumulative-learning approach and supports readers in becoming skilled AutoCAD users. A Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2011 begins with three Getting Started chapters that include information to get readers of all levels prepared for the tutorials. The author includes tips that offer suggestions and warnings as you progress through the tutorials. Key Terms and Key Commands are listed at the end of each chapter to recap important topics and commands learned in each tutorial. Also, a glossary of terms and Commands...

The NutriBase Complete Book of Food Counts

The NutriBase Complete Book of Food Counts

Autor: Nutribase

Número de Páginas: 724

This comprehensive reference lists more than 40,000 food items, complete with nutritional content for calories, fat, cholesterol, protein, carbohydrates, sodium, and fiber. Serving-size information makes healthful food choices quick and easy.

The Complete Food Counter, 3rd Edition

The Complete Food Counter, 3rd Edition

Autor: Annette B. Natow , Jo-ann Heslin

Número de Páginas: 739

Whether counting carbs, protein, or fat, readers are sure to value this authoritative guide to the nutritional content of nearly every food item available. Now fully updated and expanded. Reissue.

The Complete Calorie Fat & Carb Counter

The Complete Calorie Fat & Carb Counter

Autor: Alex Lluch

Número de Páginas: 516

Understanding the nutritional value of foods is the best and fastest way to lose weight, improve eating habits, and have increased energy. This convenient book will help readers lose weight because it provides nutritional information for thousands of food items in addition to all the tools necessary to create a personalized weight-loss plan.

AutoCAD 2009 For Dummies

AutoCAD 2009 For Dummies

Autor: David Byrnes

Número de Páginas: 435

An introduction to the drafting software covers every aspect of this program, from the basics to more advanced applications, and furnishes the latest features, including Internet-driven design capabilities.

Restaurant Calorie Counter For Dummies

Restaurant Calorie Counter For Dummies

Autor: Rosanne Rust

Número de Páginas: 481

Achieve your dietary and lifestyle goals even when eating out Whether you're trying to lose weight, eat healthier, or control or prevent diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, this handy guide arms you with a portable, quick, and easy way to get nutritional information whenever and wherever you want. Restaurant Calorie Counter For Dummies gives you fast access to the calorie, fat, saturated fat, carb, fiber, protein, and sodium counts found in food products of thousands of fast-food and chain restaurants. Nutritional information for big name franchises like Burger King, Applebee's, Pizza Hut, and Cracker Barrel Expert advice on the healthiest options at the most popular drive-thru destinations as well as your favorite sit-down chains Tips and tricks for eating meals on-the-go for those with diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. Special tips for athletes, as well as the best bets for kids. Tuck this compact guide into your glove box, briefcase, or purse, and have key calorie information at your fingertips at all times!

The Calorie Counter For Dummies

The Calorie Counter For Dummies

Autor: Rosanne Rust , Meri Raffetto

Número de Páginas: 452

The fun and easy way® to keep track of your caloric intake The Calorie Counter For Dummies provides you with vital information on the nutritional and caloric value of the foods that you eat everyday-at home, the supermarket, and restaurants. Whether you're trying to lose weight, eat healthier, or control and prevent diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, this take along guide provides you with a portable, quick, and easy way to get nutritional information whenever and wherever you need it. The Calorie Counter For Dummies provides you with access to the calorie, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, fiber, protein, and sodium counts found in thousands of fast-food and chain-restaurant menu items and the foods like the fruits, vegetables, and meats you eat everyday. Tuck this compact guide into your glove box, briefcase, or purse, and have key calorie information at your fingertips at all times!

The Diet Detective's Count Down

The Diet Detective's Count Down

Autor: Charles Stuart Platkin

Número de Páginas: 385

THE COST OF A CALORIE REVEALED - CALORIE SHOPPING with EXERCISE EQUIVALENTS - The Diet Detective's Count Down Offers Readers Calories, Carbs, Fat and the Exercise Equivalents For More For Than 7,500 Foods(Walk, Run, Swim, Bike, Yoga, and Dance). Ever find yourself debating whether or not to buy just one bag of chips? Or grab a little candy bar for the road? Consider this: what if the nutritional labels on your favorite foods spelled out exactly what you'd have to do to burn those calories? Well, nutrition and public health advocate, Charles Stuart Platkin's new book, THE DIET DETECTIVE'S COUNT DOWN, is the first of its kind that translates food into exercise, giving readers a tool for deciding what a calorie means and which calories are worth it. THE DIET DETECTIVE'S COUNT DOWN lists more that 7,500 foods with exercise equivalents in minutes calculated using six forms of activity: WALKING, RUNNING, BIKING, SWIMMING, YOGA, AND DANCING. All this information is listed in an easy to view table format. The table also includes calories, fat and carbohydrates. This is no ordinary diet book, it is a food fact bible giving readers tasty nuggets of information that make them think before...

The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter

The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter

Autor: Jillian Michaels , Mariska Van Aalst

Número de Páginas: 338

The key to amping your body to its full fat-burning potential—now in your pocket! Jillian Michaels’s Master Your Metabolism plan has already helped millions achieve hot healthy bodies naturally through nutrition and hormone balance. Now she’s made optimal health even easier by putting key resources into this on-the-go guide. No matter where you’re making your food choices—at home, dining out, or in the grocery store—this guide makes staying on the Master Plan simple and straightforward. The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter is packed with information that makes it the ultimate compendium for anyone leading a Master-full life. • Complete nutritional information for over 5,000 foods—carbs, fat, calorie, and hormone-positive, negative, or neutral counts • Best and worst choices at dozens of national restaurant chains • What to shop for in beauty and home-care products • Master Disaster foods you’ll want to stay far away from! • Hormone-positive power nutrient food lists

The Calorie Counter

The Calorie Counter

Autor: Annette B. Natow , Jo-ann Heslin

Número de Páginas: 676

Now revised and updated, this classic by two nationally renowned nutritionists contains information on more than 20,000 food entries, featuring items from national and regional restaurant chains, brand name foods, take-out favorites, and much more. Original.

Getting to Know God

Getting to Know God

Autor: Sheila Seifert , Beth Naylor

Número de Páginas: 113

God is pleased when His children seek to know Him. But who is He? What is He like? In Getting to Know God, kids learn seven names of God and what those names describe about His character. Fun, hands-on stories and activities teach children lessons about God that will last a lifetime! Guaranteed effective because its principles and methods of instruction are teacher-tested and kid-approved!Interactive, hands-on stories and Scriptures13 weeks of complete programming for ages 6-11Includes reproducible take-home papersIn-depth Bible teaching and real discipleship without hours of preparationRecruit older elementary or teen helpers--fewer adults requiredTeach multiple ages in one classroom



Número de Páginas: 120

Bicycling magazine features bikes, bike gear, equipment reviews, training plans, bike maintenance how tos, and more, for cyclists of all levels.

Make More Donuts!

Make More Donuts!

Autor: Greg Bennett

Número de Páginas: 59

"This is the story about a fictitious donut factory where all they do is make donuts. The production manager, a curious fellow with an even curious-er name -Mr. Sales Manager, is in charge of collecting the donuts and taking them to his regional manager, who then passes them on to the factory owner. One day Sales Manager's boss came to him with a direct order - and quot; have to make more donuts!and quot; In fact they wanted Sales to make twice as many donuts, without adding staff or any other support (sound familiar?). Well like most people, Sales Manager was stressed about how this was going to happen. But like a good soldier he went to work trying to make it happen, but nothing worked. Until one day a savior arrived with a different approach to making more donuts. This is the story of that stranger and how his unique and simple ideas transformed the life of one Sales Manager, and helped him achieve his goals!Perhaps you know a Sales Manager in your life who could use the same ideas to create more dough!"

Frozen Food Technology

Frozen Food Technology

Autor: C.p. Mallett

Número de Páginas: 370

This book on frozen food, as its title suggests, is written for the food technologist and food scientist in the frozen food industry, which includes both food and equipmentmanufacturers. The information will also be useful for otherdisciplines within the food industry as awhole, and for studentsoffood technology. The book, the aimofwhich is to provide an up-to-date reviewofthe technologyofthe frozen food industry, has been divided into two parts, dealing with generic industry issues and specific product areas, respectively. The first section opens with a chapter on the physics and chemistryoffreezing, including a review ofglassy states. The practical realisationoffreezing is covered in the next chapter, which also covers frozen distribution and storage. Chapter 3 deals with packaging and packaging machinery, a sector where there has recently of product safety is been considerable technological progress. The key area discussed in detail in chapter 4, and includes microbiology and hygienic factory design, as well as consumer reheating, particularly microwave reheating. Health and dietary considerations have become much more important to consumers, and chapter 5 reviews the current...

The NutriBase Guide to Fast-Food Nutrition 2nd ed.

The NutriBase Guide to Fast-Food Nutrition 2nd ed.

Autor: Nutribase

Número de Páginas: 116

This handy pocket reference fits nicely into a briefcase or purse and will help anyone make smart choices while eating on the run. Includes more than sixty-five chains in alphabetical order.

2D Game Development with Unity

2D Game Development with Unity

Autor: Franz Lanzinger

Número de Páginas: 445

This book teaches beginners and aspiring game developers how to develop 2D games with Unity. Thousands of commercial games have been built with Unity. The reader will learn the complete process of 2D game development, step by step. The theory behind each step is fully explained. This book contains numerous color illustrations and access to all source code and companion videos. Key Features: Fully detailed game projects from scratch. Beginners can do the steps and create games right away. No coding experience is necessary. Numerous examples take a raw beginner toward professional coding proficiency in C# and Unity. Includes a thorough introduction to Unity 2020, including 2D game development, prefabs, cameras, animation, character controllers, lighting, and sound. Includes a step-by-step introduction to Unity 2019.3. Extensive coverage of GIMP, Audacity, and MuseScore for the creation of 2D graphics, sound effects, and music. All required software is free to use for any purpose including commercial applications and games. Franz Lanzinger is the owner and chief game developer of Lanzinger Studio, an independent game development and music studio in Sunnyvale, California. He started...

The Bad Driver's Handbook

The Bad Driver's Handbook

Autor: Hank Roll

Número de Páginas: 139

The Top Ten Ways to Identify BAD DRIVERS 10 There are birds, cats and motorcycle helmets stuck in their radiator grill. 9 The bullet holes in their trunk are patched with band aids. 8 They run thru red lights and Stop signs but stop for Bars. 7 They sneer and give the finger to Speed Limit signs. 6 Their WANTED posters are autographed. 5 They weave in and out of opposing traffic. 4 Their vehicle is held together with Bumper Stickers. 3 .They have gun racks on their dashboard, doors and steering wheel. 2 They are in front of you going too damn slow or behind you riding your bumper. 1 They are texting, eating, talking on their cell phone, watching tv and drinking while driving.

AutoCAD 2020: A Problem-Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 26th Edition

AutoCAD 2020: A Problem-Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 26th Edition

Autor: Prof. Sham Tickoo

Número de Páginas: 1180

AutoCAD 2020: A Problem-Solving Approach, Basic and Intermediate, 26th Edition Book contains a detailed explanation of all Major Concepts, Tools, and Commands of AutoCAD 2020 software and their applications to solve drafting and design problems. In this book, special emphasis has been laid on industrial applications and usage of AutoCAD tools so that it serves beginners as well as professionals to understand the functions these tools and their applications in the drawing. After reading this book, the user will be able to use AutoCAD commands to make a drawing, dimension a drawing, apply constraints to sketches, insert symbols as well as create text, blocks and dynamic blocks. This book also covers basic drafting and design concepts such as dimensioning principles and assembly drawings that equip the users with the essential drafting skills to solve the drawing problems in AutoCAD. While reading this book, you will discover some new tools introduced in AutoCAD 2020 such as DWG Compare, Save to Web & Mobile, and Shared Views that will enhance the usability of the software. Salient Features: Comprehensive book that covers all major concepts and tools of AutoCAD used in industry....

The Complete Food Counter, 4th Edition

The Complete Food Counter, 4th Edition

Autor: Karen J Nolan , Jo-ann Heslin

Número de Páginas: 800

Updated and revised, this edition is the most dependable resource available about food. This easy-to-understand, easy-to-use, comprehensive guide from two nationally recognized nutrition experts provides the information readers need, whether their goal is to lose weight, protect themselves against disease, or simply pay more attention to what they eat. Original.

The Calorie Counter, 6th Edition

The Calorie Counter, 6th Edition

Autor: Karen J Nolan , Jo-ann Heslin

Número de Páginas: 707

Completely revised with more than 20,000 food entries, this latest edition features more than 80 national and regional restaurant chains, hundreds of take-out foods, and the widest assortment of brand name, generic, and ethnic foods found anywhere. Original.

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