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Número total de libros encontrados: 38 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!

The Surreal Adventures of Dr. Mingus

Autor: Ricardo Felix Rodriguez

Número de Páginas: 340

The Surreal Adventures of Dr. Mingus (aka Las aventuras surreales de Dr. Mingus) is an adventure of the mind, inspired by Fellini, classical theatre, Dante, and the Mexican drug wars. The dreams of the eccentric doctor will carry readers from the chaos of the third world through the nightmare of middle class America. Félix Rodriguez has created a tapestry of modern life unlike anything you have ever read. This book contains both English and Spanish versions.

Fiestas, la mística del norte argentino

Autor: Paqui Arias , Santiago Lofeudo

Número de Páginas: 252

Este libro es un recorrido por las fiestas más representativas de las provincias de Salta y de Jujuy. Un recorrido por experiencias de vida fragmentadas y comunes, por la magia de un norte argentino que es tan múltiple y singular a la vez. Y es por eso que el relato se vuelve bello, literario, casi fantástico. Con ánimo de captar esa esencia común, descartando la intención documental, las palabras y las imágenes buscan transmitir la trascendencia. La cultura se actualiza en cada rito. Cada rito es una forma de acercarse a lo sagrado, de acercarse al sentido de la existencia, de entablar un conversación de todos con todos. Los símbolos se repiten, pero se borran las fronteras del tiempo y del espacio. El Norte es una fiesta, la fiesta es arte, la fiesta es fe, dice la autora. Una celebración de la vida de un pueblo o de tantos pueblos. Un atisbo de la cultura vasta, viva, que sigue pasando de generación en generación. Fiestas, la mística del norte argentino es el fruto de vivir esa realidad, de experimentarla. Es enigma que se vislumbra en cada nuevo saber y es comunicación. Un relato sobre la profunda sabiduría de lo colectivo. "La fiesta como el arte nos reúne,...

Is the Devil a Myth

Autor: C. F. Wimberly

Número de Páginas: 158

DEVIL—SATAN—SERPENT—DRAGON “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”—Revelation xii. 7-9. Names were significant in Bible times; they are given to-day at random, but then names were indicative of character. When character changed, the name changed: Jacob to Israel; Saul to Paul, etc. While the subject of these pages remained the holy, shining light bearer of heaven, he was Lucifer, but that name was lost to him forever. So varied were his passions, characteristics, and powers that must be known by appropriate names, and each, as given, designates some phase of his multiform personality. Devil.Not only did Lucifer lose name and character; he exchanged a brilliant, glorious external appearance (to eyes that penetrate the invisible) for one ugly, loathsome, beastly. If language can be interpreted literally, the eye of inspiration and revelation...

Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas española é inglesa ...

Autor: Thomas Connelly

Número de Páginas: 988

Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas española e inglesa en quatro tomos. Esta parte tiene el castellano antes del Inglés ...

Autor: Tomás Conelly (o.p.)

Número de Páginas: 984

The New Testament of the King James Bible

Autor: Several Authors

Número de Páginas: 508

The New Testament of the King James Bible is the second part of the Christian biblical canon, the first part being the Old Testament. The King James Version (KJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV), is an English translation of the Bible that was commissioned for the Church of England and completed in 1611. The New Testament includes 27 books and letters written by early Christian leaders. These include the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), which narrate the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; the Acts of the Apostles, which describes the early Christian community; the letters of Paul and other apostles; and the Book of Revelation, a prophetic book that describes the end of the world. The King James Version of the Bible is noted for its majesty of style, and has been described as one of the most important books in English culture and a driving force in the shaping of the English-speaking world. It was the third translation into English to be approved by the English Church authorities, and it was intended to be used for readings in church services. Despite the development of later, more modern English translations of the Bible, the King...

Francisco de Quevedo: Dreams and Discourses

Número de Páginas: 369

The Sueños is one of the most controversial, witty and fantastic works of early 17th century Spanish literature. The five Dreams minutely analyse stupidity, ignorance and evil, as these could be found in contemporary society.


Autor: Maria Martinez

Número de Páginas: 401

The book of Revelation or The Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ is not just a book of bad news, judgments, epidemics, great cosmic cataclysms, and a future world government full of darkness. It is also the message of the greatest love that can exist, God's love to save humanity from the terrible end that all those who did not want to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and chose to distance themselves from him will have to face. It is a book worth studying because of its placement at the end of the gospels and the Epistles. Furthermore, it represents the final act to complete the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and is the only book in the Bible that speaks of the beginning and the end of all times.

El Nuevo Testamento ... Version ... revisada ... por la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia ... Edicion esteriotipica. (The New Testament, etc.) Span. & Eng

Número de Páginas: 796

The Hidden Reality Surrounding the Environment of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Autor: Agustín Pimentel

Número de Páginas: 135

If you are a good reader with great desire and hunger to enrich your intellectual capacity and further increase your biblical knowledge, this book is for you. This book is designed not for any controversy but for the reader to continue to discover teachings that, for many years, have been hidden by a dense veil. At any given time, someone with crooked teachings can come to you, so you must be alert and prepared to use everything stored in the vault of your mind. I invite you to acquire this book, and I guarantee you will not regret acquiring it. Here you will find some topics with your proper deep explanations, such as uncertain birth of Christ; who carried the cross that was used to crucify Christ, Jesus or Simon; the true day and time that Christ died; what happened to the nails that were used to crucify Christ; and many more topics of great interest. Well, anyway, the prologue to this book, as much as the introduction as well as the conclusion and as well as the twenty-six chapters it contains will be of great interest to you.

Don Quixote: T.2.

Autor: Cervantes Saavedra De M.

Although the two parts are now published as a single work, Don Quixote, Part Two was a sequel published ten years after the original novel. While Part One was mostly farcical, the second half is more serious and philosophical about the theme of deception. Part Two of Don Quixote explores the concept of a character understanding that he is written about: an idea much explored in the 20th century.


Autor: Jr. Milton C. Mallard

Número de Páginas: 163

This book will help you see how God is performing what the author calls those "money can't buy moments" for you each day. Through this inspirational book, you will see how the Lord desires to borrow some of your time and use your gifts and talents to be a blessing to others.

The Shaitan's Secret

Autor: Oscar Rodrigo

Número de Páginas: 97

It is a fantastic genre novel in which an antihero will have to discover what he is and free the world from an invasion of beings from another dimension, the djinn. It's an adventure novel, science fiction and fantastic, I rummage in one with a high dose of black humor, a lot of dialogue, very dynamic and super-restrained. Very visual Rick, our protagonist must save humanity from the arrival of the djinn with a group of the most bizarre beings and it will be his own odyssey in which he will discover himself. In the book the reader will find a detailed teaching about what is the world of the djinn in the ancient Arabic mythology and what has survived to our times, mixed with real cases of strange events not clarified by science today.

302 Preguntas Intensivas

Autor: Edmundo Llamas

Número de Páginas: 118

Esta es una colecci?n de preguntas de selecci?n m?ltiple del bachillerato. Todas ellas incluyen sus respuestas. Est?n especialmente planeadas para que usted se entrene en c?mo reponder preguntas de los ex?menes de admisi?n a las universidades. Este libro considera la dificultad, muy com?n entre los preparatorianos, para leer correctamente lo que se les pregunta en ese tipo de ex?menes. Abarca temas de las ?reas de F?sica, Quimica, Biolog?a, Matem?ticas, Ingl?s, Espa?ol, Etimolog?as, Cultura General, Filosof?a, Geograf?a e Historia.

Bilingual Bible / Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV

Autor: Tyndale

Número de Páginas: 1903

"The Bilingual Bible NLT/NTV provides the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traduccin̤ Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. These two wonderful translations present God's Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart."--Provided by publisher.

!Atrevete Conmigo! Dare with Me!

Autor: Tony Hernandez

Número de Páginas: 288

In my walk through this world, I have realized that every man believes God on his house, and everyone takes for granted that the butler who rules his property is the same devil who wears and wears. Cara and Cross of the same coin. I choose narrates the legend of the great master of how in each historical moment, step by step, he managed to turn mentalism into a way of life, full of excesses riches and most importantly with a power over human. Here I leave the story of the grandfather of those who believe themselves mentalists throughout the universe En mi andar por este mundo me he dado cuenta, que cada hombre se cree Dios sobre su casa y todos dan por hecho, que el mayordomo que gobierna su propiedad es el mismo diablo que viste y calza. Cara y Cruz de la misma moneda. Escogí narrar la leyenda del gran maestro de cómo en cada momento histórico, paso a paso, logró convertir el mentalismo en una forma de vida, llena de excesos riquezas y lo más importante con un poder sobre humano. Aquí les dejo la historia del abuelo de aquellos que se creen mentalistas a todo lo largo y ancho del universo

Escenas de traducción en las literaturas de América Latina

Autor: Rodrigo Javier Caresani , María Rosa Olivera-williams

Número de Páginas: 151

La traduccion entendida como un fenomeno de negociacion asimetrica de lenguas e identidades constituye un aspecto central en los debates que pretenden explicar la "invisibilizacion" de la pluralidad cultural latinoamericana. Este libro se propone reflexionar sobre "escenas de traduccion" en una apuesta que busca leer a contrapelo el discurso de la Historia, contra lo que ese discurso ha encubierto, para evidenciar las posiciones enunciativas de poder desde las cuales la alteridad ha sido y sigue siendo reducida, silenciada o expropiada. La escena de traduccion, ese lugar imaginario donde se dirime la existencia de los "otros", permite poner en relacion acontecimientos en el arco temporal amplio que va desde la conquista americana al presente. Desde los estudios literarios, estos ensayos contribuyen al conocimiento de las continuidades y rupturas en el devenir americano de la traduccion, en un trabajo critico orientado a evaluar formas instituidas de traduccion e imaginar nuevas alternativas.

Scripture Pictures - Miracles and Parables of Jesus

Autor: David Cook Publishers

Número de Páginas: 108

Bring your Bible stories to life with 52 colorful and visually-interactive Bible stories for kids! Every lesson is easy to teach and -in English or Spanish. You'll love the flexible design and -the built in easel makes it easy to use with your kids. Use it alone or as an extra resource for your Sunday school class or midweek program. All 52 age-appropriate Bible stories will excite your kids as they journey through the Miracles and Parables of Jesus. Each lesson comes with: Bible background to help the teacher prepare Engaging application questions Fun review activity

Salta - Jump (bilingüe)

Autor: Calo Y Nash

Número de Páginas: 164

La preadolescencia es una etapa de autodescubrimiento y el tiempo justo para clarificar algunas verdades fundamentales de la vida y encaminar los mejores pasos hacia el futuro. Este es un libro ideal para aquellos preadolescentes a los que les gusta leer y también a los que no, porque el tema del libro es su propia vida, su destino y su futuro y cómo pueden desde ahora comenzar a escribir una historia propia que merezca ser contada. Este libro es además bilingüe (español – inglés) sirve en especial a escuelas cristianas y padres que quieran enseñar inglés o español.

Design, Government and Paternity

Autor: Omayra Quintana

Número de Páginas: 123

This book will help you understand how to live as a son and not as a day laborer. From the beginning, God's plan was always that we be heirs, rulers and not slaves of our own sin, that we be stewards of the entire earth. In Eden was established God's perfect and irrefutable plan for man, the original design of the Father, the authority of divine government, and the fatherhood of an Abba Father. God is the architect par excellence and he designed plans for man, plans that man over time was corrupting, distorting and accommodating for his own benefit. --------------------- Este libro te ayudara a entender como vivir como hijo y no como jornalero. Desde el principio el plan de Dios fue siempre que fueramos herederos, gobernantes y no esclavos de nuestro propio pecado, que fueramos administradores de toda la Tierra. En el Eden se establecio el plan perfecto e irrefutable de Dios para el hombre, el diseno original del Padre, la autoridad del gobierno divino y la paternidad de un Abba Padre. Dios es el arquitecto por excelencia y el diseno unos planos para el hombre, planos que el hombre con el tiempo fue corrompiendo, distorsionando y acomodando para su propio beneficio.


Autor: Manuel Sánchez

Número de Páginas: 171

"A thrilling journey of time-traveling navigators." "A fantasy novel set in real historical settings with fascinating and antagonistic female characters." "An epic that transports us to Imperial Rome, Nazi Germany, 1980s London, the present, and a restless future dominated by machines." In Ancient Rome, Marco and Julia, a pair of young lovers, and two twin sisters, Aphrodite and Mercy, become trapped in time through the mythical Pandora's Box. A prophecy will mark the solitude of their destiny in different epochs of the present, past, and future, becoming pawns in the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Remembering the Hacienda

Autor: Barry J. Lyons

Número de Páginas: 362

From the colonial period through the mid-twentieth century, haciendas dominated the Latin American countryside. In the Ecuadorian Andes, Runa—Quichua-speaking indigenous people—worked on these large agrarian estates as virtual serfs. In Remembering the Hacienda: Religion, Authority, and Social Change in Highland Ecuador, Barry Lyons probes the workings of power on haciendas and explores the hacienda's contemporary legacy. Lyons lived for three years in a Runa village and conducted in-depth interviews with elderly former hacienda laborers. He combines their wrenching accounts with archival evidence to paint an astonishing portrait of daily life on haciendas. Lyons also develops an innovative analysis of hacienda discipline and authority relations. Remembering the Hacienda explains the role of religion as well as the reshaping of Runa culture and identity under the impact of land reform and liberation theology. This beautifully written book is a major contribution to the understanding of social control and domination. It will be valuable reading for a broad audience in anthropology, history, Latin American studies, and religious studies.

Myths in Crisis

Autor: Jose Manuel Losada , José Manuel Losada

Número de Páginas: 470

This trilingual volume examines the extent to which myths are affected by the crises of the 20th and 21st centuries. It brings together four theoretical studies which analyse both the crisis of structure – implying the distortion or disappearance of myth – and the crisis of concepts and terminology that currently threaten the study of mythology. The largest section of the volume focuses on the crises that have affected ancient, medieval and modern literary myths from a global perspective, taking into account psychology, ethics, politics and contemporary meta-literature. The final section examines the crisis experienced by those myths which permeate the material world, investigating historical and fictitious characters, mythologized places, and languages. The volume is a remarkable collection of 30 texts that were selected from 300 proposals by prestigious researchers from over 30 countries during the 3rd International Conference of Myth Criticism held in Madrid in October 2014.

Papers Presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2003

Autor: Frances Margaret Young , Mark J. Edwards , Paul M. Parvis

Número de Páginas: 436


Autor: P. Julissa Garcia

Número de Páginas: 130

SILENCE narrated the importance of paying attention to what we say, but not after having said it, but before. Of the maturity that each stage of our lives must include in the spiritual, work and behavioral spheres. It is the account of traveling through valleys of desolation and deserts caused by the lack of fear. In it, I leave the care of the expressions we use without taking into account the receiver we face and the wisdom we show when we are ready to hear rather than to speak when our words lack the components of love, patience, kindness, maturity, and many times truth. In addition and finally, it was my commitment marked by these lines that we learn to assume with due responsibility, authority and tolerance those assignments for which one day we prayed or that simply surprised us. Learning to say a lot and substantial in SILENCE at the right time and at the perfect time, letting God defend us from the timely response. Blessings, Julissa Garcia.

The Servant of the Devil

Autor: Kyan Swift

Número de Páginas: 76

Attitudes towards the devil among Christians vary between two extremes. Some ignore the devil totally, and try to act as if he is not real. Others are afraid of him and give him far more attention than he deserves. Between those two extremes there is a scriptural balance.Devil is a created being, a rebellious angel, who was cast out of God's heaven. He rules over a spiritual kingdom of evil, rebellious angels, together with lesser evil spirits, who are called "demons".The name Devil means "adversary" or "opposer". He is the unchanging, implacable enemy of God Himself and of the people and the purposes of God. His aim is to bring the whole human race under his control. His primary tactic is deception, of which he is a master. In Revelation 12:9 he is described as: the great dragon .. . that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.The devil already exercises dominion over the great majority of mankind - all those who are in an attitude of rebellion against God. In Ephesians 2:2 he is described as "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience". Most of these have no clear picture of their real condition. They are simply driven to and fro by...

The Mantra Book

Autor: Swami Ram Charran

Número de Páginas: 109

In the beginning there was the word and the word was "God" and the word was "One." These are the famous words of the Bible that describes what a mantra is. In the temptation of Jesus Christ by Satan, when asked to bow to the devil, Christ replied, "Man does not live by bread alone by every WORD that is spoken" Every word that is spoken creates reality.Mantras are words of power that have a specific vibration to help you in different areas of your life from your love life, marriage, pregnancy, success, prosperity, health to anything you need to change to have a better life.This science handed down from the Vedas and the wise men of India has been summarized in this easy to use book written and accompanied with English and Spanish translation by Swami Ram Charran. Change your words, change your life!

El infierno está vacío

Autor: Agustín Méndez

Número de Páginas: 873

Entre los siglos XV y XVIII, aproximadamente 50.000 personas fueron ejecutadas en Europa tras ser culpadas del crimen de brujería. Entre los actos por los que fueron castigadas se incluían la utilización de magia nociva, el establecimiento de un pacto con Satán, haber mantenido relaciones sexuales con demonios o formar parte de un complot multitudinario y clandestino para la destrucción de la cristiandad. Lo que en la actualidad puede parecer, a primera vista, el resultado de un pasado irracional y oscurantista, en verdad era la expresión –brutal, ciertamente– de una forma de entender la naturaleza, la historia, la teología y la política distinta a la contemporánea, pero perfectamente racional, coherente con el universo cultural, intelectual y conceptual en el cual se desarrolló. Se hacía necesario un análisis de los fundamentos intelectuales de la caza de brujas, el conjunto de ideas y representaciones que permitió llevar a cabo y justificar la represión de un delito inexistente, a través de los tratados demonológicos publicados por miembros de la elite cultural (ministros religiosos, teólogos, médicos) en Inglaterra entre el siglo XVI y el XVII. Partiendo...

One of You is a Devil

Autor: Dag Heward-mills

This profound statement "one of you is a devil" was made by Jesus Christ to His little group of twelve disciples. Many of us are maltreated by the devil because we do not know how to unveil him or identify his handiwork. In this blessed book, you will discover the devil's sins and resolve never to walk in them. May the phrase "one of you is a devil" never apply to you!

Proceedings of the First Annual Palo Alto Conference

Autor: Aaron P. Mahr Yáñez

Número de Páginas: 268

From Saint Thomas Aquinas to Petrarch and Erasmus

Autor: Mianda Cioba , Anca CrivĂȚ

Número de Páginas: 190

A very accurate symbolic representation of the way in which the intellectual as a social role expresses himself in relation to other estates within the medieval world is the exordial miniature of a Milanese Codex, the ms. Biblioteca Nationale Braidense AD XIII 30 (ca. 1400), preserving Petrarch’s moral treatise De remediis utriusque Fortunae. The symbolism of the image refers not only to the diversification of society and the recognition of this diversity as a defining vision of human community, it also casts a special light on the position of the intellectual as a public dignity, as a figure of authority, above the official foci of authority within the medieval social structure. A figure defined by the duty to know and to think for the benefit of, and perhaps instead of, a whole community, for which the act of thinking freely and the exercise of reason constitute most of the time a risky and unspeakable adventure. As a social figure dedicated exclusively to the discovery of truth and the ultimate knowledge, the intellectual is to be placed in a equidistant position with respect of all other categories, at the heart of a system of theological and philosophical values and in a...

ORTHOPAEDIC Ruminations: Reflections on a changing discipline

Autor: Augusto Sarmiento

Número de Páginas: 375

Meditación de Raja Yoga para mantenerse libre del estrés, los bajos estados de ánimo y la depresión

Autor: Brahma Kumari Pari

Número de Páginas: 135

El contenido de este libro te ayuda a mantenerte en un estado feliz, tranquilo, meditativo, libre de estrés y sin depresión. No experimentaras un estado de ánimo bajo cuando practiques yoga con el Alma Suprema a través de la contemplación de los conocimientos en este libro. Las explicaciones en este libro se basan en el conocimiento de los Brahma Kumaris. Cualquiera puede usar este libro como guía para liberarse del estrés, los bajos estados de ánimo y la depresión. También se incluyen explicaciones en este libro sobre cómo eliminar defectos corporales que pueden ser una razón por la cual te sientes fácilmente deprimido.


Autor: Alison Keith , Stephen Rupp , Stephen James Rupp

Número de Páginas: 358

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