The Rest of Life
Autor: Mary Gordon
Número de Páginas: 319DIVDIVThree masterful tales of women in the grips of complicated and dangerous loves/divDIV The Rest of Life is comprised of three spellbinding novellas about women in love. In Immaculate Man, an agnostic New York divorcée finds herself in thrall to an unexpected passion for a Catholic priest—who is also desired by a former superior—and who becomes unmoored by the affair. Living at Home is set in London, and depicts the strange union between an English woman—a thrice-divorced doctor who works with autistic children—and an Italian man—a free-roaming journalist addicted to high-risk assignments. The title novella centers on the memories of an elderly Italian woman, recalling her days as a girl in the bloom of first love, who embarked on a suicide pact with her boyfriend, but was the only one not to follow through. /divDIV/div/div