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Número total de libros encontrados: 40 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!

Recovery Road

Autor: Christine Feehan

Número de Páginas: 417

A broken man finds a woman worth living for in the new novel in #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan’s Torpedo Ink motorcycle club series. Kir “Master” Vasiliev doesn’t care whether he lives or dies. He’s a burnt-out shell with no one and nothing but his club. Whatever Torpedo Ink needs, Master will put himself in harm’s way time after time. If he doesn’t make it back, he’s certain everyone will move on just fine. Investment banker Ambrielle Moore knows her own mind, and she’s not willing to settle for anyone. So when a second-rate gangster and his thugs try to coerce her into marriage—and giving up all of her family’s money—she’s having none of it. Until they turn to cold-blooded murder. Grieving and enraged, Ambrie is ready to go scorched earth on her captors when Master shows up anticipating a damsel in distress. But Ambrie is nothing like he expected, and everything he never knew he desired....

No me digas loco

Autor: Adam Silvera , Kelly Jensen , V.e. Schwab

Número de Páginas: 248

¿Loco? ¿Estás loco? ¿Qué significa «estar loco»? ¿Es ofensivo decirlo? ¿Cómo te sentirías si una etiqueta comenzara a gobernar tu vida? No me digas loco es un libro que nos invita a reflexionar y a conocer más sobre las enfermedades mentales. No existe una sola definición para la palabra «loco». No existe una sola experiencia que la represente. ¿Salvaje? ¿Perturbado? ¿Apasionado? Como ves, no hay una sola manera de definirla. Los 33 relatos de este libro nos invitan a hablar abiertamente sobre la salud mental, para poder comprender mejor cómo nos afecta todos los días. Los autores abren su corazón para contarnos experiencias personales, para que todos podamos comprender un poco más nuestro cerebro, su funcionamiento y si, a fin de cuentas, existe algo como «estar loco».

Walking the Recovery Road

Autor: Melody Rose Paul

Número de Páginas: 158

Walking the Recovery Road: The Steps Taken By: Melody Rose Paul Walking the Recovery Road: The Steps Taken is about a Micmac woman overcoming the obstacles of substance use disorder. In this book the author writes about how a twelve-step program helped her change her life path, then how it helped her understand her disease better. By adopting a twelve-step program, she learns how to overcome certain situations that once baffled her, learning to open up in community situations and living one day at a time. This book is a guide to help the “newcomer” understand how and why the program works.

MSM: On Our Way Back to Health w/ Sulfur - SPANISHMSM: On Our Way Back to Health w/ Sulfur - SPANISHMSM: On Our Way Back to Health w/ Sulfur - SPANISH

Número de Páginas: 44

Impacto social de la crisis financiera y económica en Asia

Autor: Maricela Reyes López

Número de Páginas: 74

The Road to Freedom

Autor: Johnny Baker

Número de Páginas: 222

The Road to Freedom is the path of hope for all of us who are stuck. With practical application and inspiration, Johnny Baker shares his story of recovering from alcoholism and offers the truths he has learned from his 25 years with Celebrate Recovery. Baker’s father, John, founded Celebrate Recovery when Baker was 15 years old. Later, Baker became involved with alcohol himself. Even though he saw his parents’ marriage heal and watched his dad become a new person, he had to experience his own journey of healing. Baker began the process of recovery as a young adult. Now he serves on the leadership team of Celebrate Recovery, sharing his testimony of how God brought him back home. In the years since leaving alcohol behind, Baker has witnessed thousands of other lives change through the power of Christ. Whether you are dealing with substance abuse, relational struggles, or eating challenges, or you simply want to let go of what is holding you back in life, you will find answers in The Road to Freedom. In addition to telling his own story, Baker offers ten principles of healing. These life lessons remind you that pain has a purpose, small and steady improvement lasts longer than...

My Road to Recovery

Autor: David Lyles Lehman

Número de Páginas: 80

David Lyles Lehman takes you on a journey through the pains, trials, and struggles of his early life, the devastating loss of a girlfriend in his 20's, and his battle with Alcohol. To show you that everyone can change. That nothing in our life will be the current state it is forever. That our story is always changing and that no matter what life throws at us we can all learn to grow into the person we are meant to be. David hopes that you can learn that you too have the opportunity to triumph over all obstacles in life and that you are not alone in your struggles.

Road to Recovery

Autor: Marcia Teperman

Número de Páginas: 80

Surviving a car crash is a profound life experience. The day after is, simply put, the first day of the rest of a persons life. They will face challenges the likes of which they will never have faced before. However, they may have always existed. Recovery from a car crash requires you to face your inner challenges. In Road to Recovery, crash survivor Marcia Teperman contemplates the long path to physical and emotional healing and the way mindfulness, regular exercise, and self-love can help anyone who has been through a life challenging event to ascend to fulfillmenteven if they thought they had lost that ability and hope.

My Road to Recovery

Autor: Bill Graybeal

Número de Páginas: 102

Celebrate your victories. Be proud of yourself. Dont be afraid to point your victories out to the devil. No victory is a small one. It takes winning the small battles to win the war. Never look at how far you have to go and let it discourage you. Always look at how far you have come and be encouraged to stay persistent and patient until you reach your goal. Always remember obstacles are opportunities that will make us strong in the Lord. Mistakes should be looked at as experience that we can use to reach the heights the Lord purposed.

Kickstart Your Recovery - The Road Less Traveled to Freedom from Addiction

Autor: Taite Adams

Número de Páginas: 107

Are you or a loved one unable to stop drinking or using drugs, yet tired of the endless cycle of pain and consequences? Recovery is possible and it's not as frightening as most make it out to be. Addiction is a cruel and subtle disease that robs it's victims of so much. Those suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction are often baffled by its affects on their lives and the devastation that can be wrought in such a short period of time. Loved ones feel helpless and hopeless as they are forced to stand by and watch as someone they care about erodes before their eyes, clear that they cannot stop drinking or using drugs. Luckily, many people are able to reach some sort of "bottom", or a jumping off place, where they are finally willing and able to ask for help and begin the process of getting sober. Kickstart Your Recovery offers a powerful message to those who are looking for a way out from an endless cycle of pain and loss and for tools for avoiding relapse. With a clear approach, and drawing on her own history of addiction recovery, author Taite Adams is able to give the new person in recovery answers to a lot of Frequently Asked Questions about getting sober and allay a lot of...

Finanzas y Desarrollo, marzo de 2015

Autor: International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept.

Número de Páginas: 62

Finanzas y Desarrollo, marzo de 2015

Comedia de Calisto y Melibea (Burgos, 1499)

Autor: Fernando De Rojas

Número de Páginas: 179

Road to Recovery

Autor: Mr Anonymous

Número de Páginas: 76

Road to Recovery, is a comprehensive study of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. The essay's will help the individual intergrate the 12 Steps into their daily life. The result of integrating the 12 Steps will be a release from the harmful, and most times fatal effects of alcohol abuse. These steps, as explained in the essays, can also be applied to any area of substances abuse. Drugs, Food, Sex, etc. Our wish is that these essays help you to recovery from the abuse, and that you build a useful and prosperous life with them, always mindful to pass the message on to those who are in need of help. May God bless you and keep you safe until we meet again.

Pharmacological Slavery

Autor: Vance Hodge

Número de Páginas: 184

Drug abuse and addiction are pervasive problems that have plagued humankind throughout the millenniacurrent times being no exception. Many personalized accounts of such activities fill the literature; while the biomedical community continually generates copious amounts of information on the subject. Yet, few authors have provided us with a philosophical examination of this dilemma. This book seeks to help fill this voidas it was written to examine the psychosocial forces at work underlying this problem. Coupled to a cursory coverage of some of the biological aspects of addiction, this text looks at the human condition and focuses upon the day-to-day challenges facing substance abusers, and their effects upon society. Calling upon the collective wisdom of our forefathers and foremothers, combined with our own introspection; solutions for breaking the chains of chemical bondage, and suggestions for living and staying clean are provided. Between our own common sense and that of those who came before us, and a careful [and honest] reflection on the subject, this book optimistically supplies us with the tools necessary for achieving this goalthat we might become the persons we were...

Summary of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Land and Resource Management Plan

Número de Páginas: 52

Rusmen Del Borrador de la Declaracion de Impacto Ambiental Plan de Manejo de Los Terrenos Y Recurso

Número de Páginas: 54

Actas de la Conferencia Nacional Hispana sobre Alcoholismo, auspiciada por el Instituto Nacional sobre Abuso del Alcohol y Alcoholismo, 7-10 de septiembre de 1980, San Antonio, Texas

Número de Páginas: 84

Drink Up!

Autor: Kathleen S.

Número de Páginas: 180

By the age of 56, Kathleen S had tried just about everything to quit drinking. Nothing worked. A binge drinker who felt she was already living on borrowed time (two of her brothers died of addiction-related causes in their 40s), her life and health were rapidly breaking down. Then one day she heard a radio advertisement for a treatment program that promised to take away her cravings forever. Much of the addiction treatment in the United States is based on AA attendance and working a twelve-step program. AA is often looked at by physicians, insurance companies, and especially members themselves as the only legitimate form of recovery from substance abuse. This book describes another program, one that advertises a 72% cure rate. THE LITTLE HOSPITAL THAT COULD "This book says it all. Staying sober has been a piece of cake for me since Schick Shadel." -- Chet "Kathy's description of the treatment is right on, and I should know, being a former patient and 20-year graduate of the program. I laughed and cried along with her, and share her joy in her new, alcohol-free life." -- Pat O'Day, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Broadcaster, concert promoter, businessman "I am glad that one of our...

El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentacion 2001. Los efectos economicos de las plagas y enfermedades transfronterizas de los animales y las plantas

Número de Páginas: 328

El futuro de los espacios rurales

Autor: Soledad Nogués Linares

Número de Páginas: 390

Desde una visión interdisciplinar, esta obra se centra en el futuro del mundo rural, profundizando en la áreas temáticas de la política de desarrollo rural, las tendencias de la economía rural, las infraestructuras y la organización territorial, el patrimonio natural, el arquitectónico y cultural, y la nueva sociedad rural, exponiendo experiencias y explorando nuevas ideas que contribuyan a hacer de las áreas rurales espacios dinámicos e innovadores.

Twelfth International Veterinary Congress, New York, N.Y., U.S.A., 1934

Número de Páginas: 1572

Sindromes dolorosos en el cuello y en el mirembro superior

Autor: César Fernández De Las Peñas

Número de Páginas: 556

Living the Promises

Autor: Jenifer Madson

Número de Páginas: 304

Living the Promises is a personal, warm 365 reader includes quotes and exhortations, celebrations and lists of gratitude's, and all manner of real-life inspirations. Each month begins with a promise and each day explores that promise. Jenifer Madson shares her ongoing story of recovery: what it was like, what happened, and what it is like now, not with "drunkalogues," but with stories and sayings and strategies that will help you or someone you know get sober, stay sober, and live a life of joy. Living the Promises is the first meditation book to be based specifically on the 12 promises of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, and is the perfect daily guide for anyone in recovery seeking peace and healing. Among those promises are: "We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change."--From The Promises, Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism, 3rd ed.

El talento nunca es suficiente

Autor: John C. Maxwell

Número de Páginas: 334

El doctor John C. Maxwell, experto en liderazgo, sabe que la gente no alcanza el éxito sólo por su talento. «Si el talento fuera suficiente, entonces ¿por qué conocemos personas talentosas que no son muy exitosas?» John C. Maxwell CON QUE TIENES TALENTO. ¿AHORA QUÉ? La sociedad está llena de personas que pudieron ser grandes, personas que mostraban un futuro prometedor pero nunca lograron su potencial completo. Pero también están las otras, personas como Jefferson, Churchill, Bono y Oprah, que subieron al siguiente nivel multiplicando, aprovechando al máximo su talento y mejorando el mundo que les rodeaba en el proceso. Las personas en todo el mundo lo confirman. Lee los encabezados, mira los sucesos sobresalientes o simplemente sal de tu casa: algunas personas talentosas logran todo su potencial mientras que otras se autodestruyen o se mantienen en la mediocridad. Utilizando ejemplos auténticos y sabiduría comprobada, Maxwell comparte 13 atributos que necesitas aprovechar al máximo para ampliar tu potencial y vivir la vida que deseas. ¿Cuál es la diferencia? Maxwell, el gurú de los profesionales en los negocios del mundo, insiste que las elecciones que las...

Dictionary of Spoken Spanish

Autor: United States. War Department

Número de Páginas: 524

Estudios de lingüística aplicada

Autor: José Luis Otal , Inmaculada Fortanet , Victòria Codina

Número de Páginas: 930

Importante acopio de trabajos de sociolingüística, psicolingüística, lexicología, etc., que vieron la luz en el XIII Congreso de Lingüística Aplicada y que tratan diferentes aspectos como la enseñanza de la lengua materna, la formación del profesorado, tecnologías aplicadas a la educación, etc.

Introducción a la recuperación y reciclado de los metales no férreos

Autor: Francisco Román Ortega

Número de Páginas: 276

The Road to Recovery

Autor: Demetria D Williams

Número de Páginas: 82

The Road to Recovery is a powerful step-by-step guide into the light of redemption. Don't assume that drugs and alcohol are the only culprits leading to addiction. Shockingly, there is a multitude of bad habits that most people would never define as addiction. And yet, many lives are laid to waste by detrimental patterns that seize their future.Travel the Road to Recovery with Demetria Williams and discover which addiction held her captive. She will help you identify bad habits that lead to addiction and show how Jesus is the path to freedom.

Economía política de la crisis

Autor: Pedro José Gómez Serrano

Número de Páginas: 361

Economía política de la crisis es un análisis colectivo de las causas y de las principales consecuencias de la crisis que padecemos. Contiene quince artículos escritos por profesores vinculados al Máster de Economía Internacional y Desarrollo, del departamento de Economía Aplicada I de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). La obra pretende, en primer lugar, ofrecer un análisis sintético de los múltiples factores que están en el origen de la crisis, así como de sus repercusiones sobre la economía mundial y sobre las conquistas sociales adquiridas en los países desarrollados. En segundo lugar, aspira a convertirse en un texto de referencia para estudiantes y personas interesadas en conocer la naturaleza, causalidad e implicaciones de las crisis en el capitalismo. Finalmente, pero no menos importante, este libro es un homenaje a Ángel Martínez González-Tablas, profesor de Economía Política Mundial en el departamento de Economía Aplicada I de la UCM e impulsor fundamental del Máster de Economía Internacional y Desarrollo. Tras la estela del análisis crítico que caracteriza las publicaciones y la actividad académica y vital de Ángel Tablas, los autores...

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