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Número total de libros encontrados: 40 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!

Cómo me enamoré de Nicolas Cage

Autor: Carla Quevedo

Número de Páginas: 283

Con una prosa notable, Carla Quevedo consigue en esta primera novela combinar de forma profunda el humor y la sordidez, y sin buscarlo, retratar la complejidad (y a veces la tragedia) de las relaciones humanas. Marta es una actriz argentina que vive en New York, es joven, linda y perturbada. Intenta quedar en películas de gran despliegue, pero nunca termina de encajar en los estereotipos de lo que se espera de una latina. Una noche, en una fiesta, conoce a un músico muy famoso y se enamora de él. Pero lo que podría ser el inicio de una historia de amor es en cambio el inicio de una historia rabiosa y fracturada, minada de desencuentros. Sensible, graciosa e hiperlúcida, la protagonista se sumerge dentro de una fantasía densa en la que intentará desentrañar de qué está hecho el enamoramiento, y cuánto se puede encontrar y perder en ese hallazgo. Con una prosa notable, Carla Quevedo consigue en esta primera novela combinar de forma profunda el humor y la sordidez, y sin buscarlo, retratar la complejidad (y a veces la tragedia) de las relaciones humanas. «Una gema que merece ser descubierta. Por momentos hilarante, obscena, siempre aguda; una lectura provocadora que hace...

Satanas, me declaro libre : una guía para obtener liberación

Autor: Madelyn Cancel

Número de Páginas: 442

The Lord inspired me through His Holy Spirit, to write this book so that many people held captive by Satan would be set free. This book is a guide to obtaining deliverance and becoming free from the bondage of Satan. Many people today, even those in the church, are in need of deliverance from their past. Satan is the father of lies and he will try to torment you as long as he is allowed. This book will guide you to spiritual freedom so you can proclaim the victory, draw near to God, and have the freedom to praise His name. This book contains: - A step-by-step guide to obtaining deliverance. - The truth that will set you free from Satan's bondage. - The answer to declaring freedom from prostitution, drug and alcohol addiction, satanic occults, homosexuality, a painful childhood, and much more . . . - The way to proclaim the Victory in Christ Jesus!

The heiress to the five suns

Autor: Natalia Moderc Wahlström

Número de Páginas: 280

Only by knowing her past can she find herself. The Parker Family live with their only daughter, Anya, on a prosperous farm dedicated to the breeding and export of polo horses in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. When the girl is nine years old, a fire breaks out during a party in the guest house which ends the life of her father. Her mother, devastated, decides to return to her hometown, Windsor in England, with her little girl.Together they have to restart their lives and carry the burden of the sorrow that the loss of their loved one caused. Years later, Anya, now a beautiful young woman, decides to return to the horse-ranch to reclaim her inheritance and above all to rediscover her roots. There she rebuilds and reopens their old house, discovers secrets that she had never been told and embarks on a search for a hidden treasure that her father had left her. Returning to her former home leads her to a new world and she finds much more than her land. She understands that the past is part of our lives, that sometimes goodbyes are necessary to mark the beginning of a new stage and, especially, that true love is stronger than time and distance and forever present. Intertwined...

The Secrets of a Memory

Autor: Andrea Golden

Número de Páginas: 196

CONTAINS INGREDIENTS TO BECOME AN EDITORIAL PHENOMENON «The only book in the history of literature that tells a romantic relationship between a Nazi woman and a Jewish woman in a German concentration camp» ★Number one in Spain in Historical Jewish Fiction★ The arian race, the enigma machine, forbidden loves... Exciting. What if the Nazis were trapped in their own war? An atrocious conflict, focused from a hitherto unheard-of perspective. "How far would you be willing to go to save your life...?" "Hidden secrets that..., perhaps, you never dared to tell..." "For fear, for modesty..." "For the pain of remembering a love..." The secrets of Alicia’s story, a ninety-year old woman who lives in Charleston (United States) with her granddaughter Caly, will come to light... She will have to testify at the Last Great trial to be held in Brussels within a month, when Elena will be tried for crimes against humanity. What the old lady will confess in that trial will bring us to the inhuman existence of a Jewish woman in times of war and her struggle to survive by clinging to any circumstance that could keep her alive. «I was willing to survive at any price.» In the present, Caly,...

Parrot y Oliver en América

Autor: Peter Carey

Una reflexión acerca de la democracia narrada a través de la relación de amistad entre un aristócrata francés y su criado. Basado en la vida de Alexis de Tocqueville, Parrot y Olivier en América es la hilarante crónica de una amistad imposible entre un señor y su criado. Olivier, alias lord Migraña, es el hijo enfermizo y traumatizado de una pareja de aristócratas supervivientes de la revolución francesa. Parrot, alias Loro, es hijo de un impresor inglés itinerante que siempre ha soñado con convertirse en artista, pero que ha terminado siendo criado. Cuando Olivier pone rumbo al Nuevo Mundo, con el pretexto de estudiar su sistema de prisiones y, de paso, para mantenerse a salvo de futuras revoluciones, Parrot es enviado con él como espía, protector, enemigo y contrapunto. A medida que la historia alterna las peripecias de ambos personajes y sus concepciones del mundo, Peter Carey examina laaventura de la democracia americana, en la teoría y en la práctica, con una inteligencia y una imaginación deslumbrantes.

My Father Envies Me (English and Spanish Version)

Autor: Mayke R.

Número de Páginas: 212

My dad envies me. I've been an orphan since I was eight months old. Unfortunately, I was mistreated by a bad and envious father, and my whole life has been a torment with him. I will describe, in this book, my father as the person who has done the most harm to me throughout my life, for I have never encountered another person like him. Throughout my life, he has sabotaged my achievements, put me wrong with all the family and friends, and never wanted me to get ahead because he feels less than me. Of course, I have forgiven him for all the evil he has done to me, and I ask God to give him good things despite all the damage he has done to me and even though he has never asked me for an apology. I hope that no one will suffer what I have suffered and that there are no more other fathers like him.

Why Did It Have to Happen to Me?

Autor: Wade Hilton

Número de Páginas: 396

English/Spanish It's time that men get it in their heads that they just can't go around raping women to satisfy their sexual needs. A woman should be respected even if she goes around half-naked, or naked for that matter... Es tiempo que hombres obtengan en sus cabezas que ellos no pueden andar alrededor violando mujeres para satisfacer sus necesidades sexuales. Una mujer debe ser respetada incluso si ella anda caminado alrededor media desnuda..

Una vida robada

Autor: Jaycee Dugard

Número de Páginas: 320

Jaycee Dugard’s New York Times bestselling memoir chronicles her raw and powerful story of being kidnapped in 1991 and held captive for more than eighteen years—and offers an extraordinary account of courage and resilience. En el verano de 1991, yo era una niña normal. Hacía cosas normales. Tenía amigos y una madre que me amaba. Era como tú. Hasta el día en que me robaron la vida. Durante dieciocho años fui una prisionera. Era un objeto que alguien usaba y abusaba. Durante dieciocho años no me permitieron decir mi propio nombre. Me hice madre y fui forzada a ser una hermana. Durante dieciocho años sobreviví una situación imposible. El 26 de agosto de 2009 reclamé mi nombre. Me llamo Jaycee Lee Dugard. No me veo como una víctima. Sobreviví. Una vida robada es mi historia, en mis propias palabras, de mi propia manera, tal y como la recuerdo. La piña es un símbolo que representa la semilla de un comienzo nuevo para mí. Para ayudar a facilitar comienzos nuevos, con el apoyo de la terapia asistida por animales, la J A Y C Foundation brinda apoyo y servicios para el tratamiento oportuno de familias recuperándose de un secuestro y las secuelas que dejan esas...

Yearnings of the Heart

Autor: Isabella Tanikumi

Número de Páginas: 254

This is a compelling, introspective account of the life of Isabella TaniKumi, who takes her readers on a journey through various phases of her remarkable life- from her family's survival during the devastating earthquake of 1970 in Huaraz, Peru, to the trials of overcoming heartbreaks of her youth. Conquering personal insecurities led to exploring the reaches of her intellect while facing the tragic, and untimely death of her beloved sister, Laura. Despite language barriers and the consequent obstacles of fitting in, Tanikumi wittily narrates her struggles with her assimilation into American life and culture. Forging many enduring friendships most notably with Julie, who rescued her from the depths of grief. Tanikumi also interweaves a dialogue with her long lost love Eduardo. This novel tacitily and expressly addresses Eduardo as a salient recipient of her reflections. Ultimately, Tanikumi is able to share her gratitude and joy as well as her insatiable thirst for life.

Necesito help en inglés

Autor: Alejo Lopera

Número de Páginas: 158

Este libro va dedicado a las personas que, sin miedo, se arriesgan a hablar en inglés con un nativo porque saben que es la única forma de mejorar. Si eres una de ellas FELICITACIONES, si aún no lo haces, ¿qué esperas?


Autor: Monica Maria De Oliveira

Número de Páginas: 175

Hee-Jin y Jae-in son jóvenes, ricos, llenos de caprichos, consentidos, irresponsables y con las hormonas al borde de la piel, van a disfrutar de unas vacaciones en la isla de Jeju, en Corea del Sur, sin embargo, no se imaginan que a partir de ahí tendrían la vida patas arriba. Siempre hicieron lo que quisieron a su manera, esta vez, fueron mucho más allá de los límites tolerados por sus padres. Como una forma de corregir el exceso cometido por ellos, se les obliga a casarse y sobrevivir de sus trabajos, pero sin el lujo y el dinero que tenían a su disposición. En su vida cotidiana hay muchas peleas, disputas y confusiones, aprendizajes, pero también florece un gran amor. En el punto álgido de la pasión entre ellos, aparece una ex novia que sacude su relación. Pero el destino les reserva muchas sorpresas, los sentimientos que vivirán serán una lección de vida, que les demostrará a ambos que todo esto será válido y aprendido como lección para el camino del amor.

We the Dreamers

Autor: Josefina Vázquez Mota

Número de Páginas: 290

DREAMer: a young visionary, an undocumented immigrant, who wants to achieve the American Dream. As of August 2016 it was estimated that some 35 million Mexicans were living in the United States, 23.5 million of whom were born in the United States and 11.5 million in Mexico. Of the latter, only 5 million are undocumented and of them, 1.3 million are considered DREAMers: young people who were taken to the United States by their parents when they were children, who grew up and were educated in this country, and who -because of their illegal status- face daunting obstacles to develop professionally. This, however, does not prevent them from dreaming. In We the DREAMers, Josefina Vázquez Mota explores the laws and statistics, and above all highlights the narratives and emotions behind thelife stories of these DREAMers whose only objective is to fulfill their dreams. Their testimonies offer a kaleidoscope of viewpoints, pinpointing many obstacles. Nevertheless, they are voices of young people who have not given up; instead they have created or joined activist groups alongside many other people who, like them, just want to be heard and acknowledged. This volume introduces you to some of ...

Como Hablar Con La Gente Loca

Autor: Donna Kay Kakonge

Número de Páginas: 168

Alabanza de c?mo hablar con loco ""Un raro y honesto relato de la man?a, la depresi?n y la psicosis ... el libro para leer si quieres entender el sufrimiento de las personas con enfermedades mentales y el valor crudo que una mujer puede reunir. Donna lucha financieramente, socialmente, sexualmente y espiritualmente para encontrar la paz de los minions del infierno que habitan su mente. "" - Katherine Tapley-Milton, autora de Mind Full of Scorpions.

La Vida De Una Cubana-The Life of a Cuban woman

Autor: Elisa Maria De La Caridad

Número de Páginas: 108

Esta nina fue muy querida por toda su familia, ella es carinosa, muy alegre y entusiasta. Le gustaba el deporte, cantar y hacer actividades. Pobre, pero contenta, se crio con su madre y sus abuelos maternos. Para ella su familia era, como una barrera que la protegia, pero fue la vida la que la enseno a ser mas fuerte y luchadora. Amo con pasion y obtuvo lo que queria, pero sufrio cada golpe que le dio la vida. Fue una madre adorada y amo a sus hijos con todo su corazon al igual que a su familia. Esta historia es dura, pero se aprende de ella. This little girl was very loved by all her family; she was affectionate, very cheerful and enthusiastic. She loved sports, singing and activities. Poor, but happy, she grew up with her mother and her maternal grandparents. For her, her family was like a barrier that protected her, but it was life that taught her to be a strong fighter. She loved with passion and always got what she wanted, although she endured every blow that life threw at her. She was an adored mother and loved her children with all her heart. This will be a hard story to read, but you will sure learn from it.

qué estoy haciendo aquí? y otros poemas hablados

Autor: David Antin

Número de Páginas: 149

La obra rupturista, anómala y profundamente renovadora del poeta y crítico norteamericano David Antin (1932-2016), apenas ha circulado en nuestra lengua. Su propuesta (poemas hablados) amalgama poesía y performance, componiendo un reguero de esquirlas orales, agudas, siempre pensantes y fraguadas cadenciosamente de pie, en acto, desafiando todo ordenamiento literario. Como nos advierte el poeta Andrés Anwandter –autor de esta pionera y significativa muestra bilingüe de la obra de Antin– estos poemas-charla nunca nos dejan indiferentes, nos confrontan, nos escandalizan y, a veces, con una sonrisa esbozada en el rostro, destrozan en la práctica algunas de nuestras más arraigadas creencias.

Guía Universal Del Rock: de 1990 Hasta Hoy

Autor: Jordi Bianciotto

Número de Páginas: 274

Martita, I Remember You/Martita, te recuerdo

Autor: Sandra Cisneros

Número de Páginas: 120

The celebrated bestselling author of The House on Mango Street “is back with her first work of fiction in almost a decade, a story of memory and friendship [and] the experiences young women endure as immigrants worldwide” (AP). In this masterfully written dual-language edition, a long-forgotten letter sets off a charged encounter with the past. As a young woman, Corina leaves her Mexican family in Chicago to pursue her dream of becoming a writer in the cafés of Paris. Instead, she spends her brief time in the City of Light running out of money and lining up with other immigrants to call home from a broken pay phone. But the months of befriending panhandling artists in the métro, sleeping on crowded floors, and dancing the tango at underground parties are given a lasting glow by her intense friendships with Martita and Paola. Over the years the three women disperse to three continents, falling out of touch and out of mind—until a rediscovered letter brings Corina’s days in Paris back with breathtaking immediacy. Martita, I Remember You is a rare bottle from Sandra Cisneros’s own special reserve, preserving the smoke and the sparkle of an exceptional year. Told with...


Autor: Mauricio López

Número de Páginas: 287

The turn that life gives in any human being, in both sexes, and in any social stratum. Going from the status of freedom, to the state of deprivation of it. And the main message of this manuscript, is alert you, dear reader to never be involved in a circumstances of this nature that without hiding, and without pride. I was in imprisoned for seventy months due to circumstances beyond my control. So I experienced it firsthand, and my wish is that you learn from such an experience without living it, which is little, or not all pleasant.

Rage from Within

Autor: ,nelson

Número de Páginas: 261

This sensational piece of love and death is totally veridic and shows the cruelty of a slave country by a dictator who without mercy oppress and kill the people from hunger, thirst, and injustice, violating the human rights, taking the Cuban people to suicide through the need and desperation. This book shows the real life of Cuba; it shows how the people is tortured, and without hope that one day they could be free or liberated from the yoke that make them die prematurely through suicide. And each day, the oppression against Cubans’ human rights grow. This book shows the inequality in Cuba compared with other countries that are not slave or ruled by a dictator. This piece is written following the sadness and suffering from Cuba.

Un Verano Como Ninguno / A Summer Like No Other (Bilingual book: Spanish - English)

Autor: Elodie Nowodazkij

Número de Páginas: 290

Are you learning English or Spanish? ¿Estás aprendiendo inglés o español? This book can help you: you will find the story told in Spanish on one side and in English on the other ...Este libro puede ayudarte con eso: Encontrarás el cuento narrado en español en una página y en la otra en inglés. Ella es la hermana menor de su mejor amigo. Él es el donjuán más seductor de todos. No deberían estar juntos. Sin embargo, este verano es demasiado tentador. She's his best friend's little sister. He's the biggest player of them all. They shouldn't be together. But this summer's just too tempting. Sixteen-year-old Emilia Moretti's goal for the summer is simple: forget her brother's best friend—Nick Grawski—ever existed. It should be easy: He's spending his summer in the Hamptons, adding girls in tiny bikinis to his list of broken hearts. She'll need flawless ballet movements to have a shot at next year's showcase, and she's finally ready to search for her birth parents. But when Nick decides to stay in the city, Emilia's resolve disappears in a pirouette. Maybe it's the spin they needed to be together. As long as she doesn't get stuck believing in happily ever after… Nick...

El otro lado

Autor: Mariana Enriquez

Número de Páginas: 583

La arrolladora obra periodística de Mariana Enriquez, entre la crónica personal y la exploración de sus grandes amores literarios y musicales. Este volumen reúne la obra periodística de Mariana Enriquez. Propulsada por su potente estilo, escribe sobre algunos de sus ídolos y fetiches en ámbitos como la literatura y la música, además de abordar también aspectos de su propia vida. Encontramos en estas páginas desde una entrevista delirante con el legendario Charly García hasta un texto sobre la fijación de los viandantes bonaerenses con el escote de la autora. Agudas piezas personales sobre sus inicios como escritora, la primera vez que la llaman «señora», la decisión de no ser madre o la fascinación por el erotismo homosexual conviven con espléndidos retratos de escritores como Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Lovecraft, Bradbury, Le Guin, Ballard, Richard Matheson o Neil Gaiman. Se abordan también las novelas vampíricas y las de temática sado de Anne Rice; figuras excéntricas como las de Hubert Selby Jr., Kenneth Anger, Joe Dallesandro o Mark Ryden; músicos como Guy Clark, Townes Van Zandt, Bruce Springsteen, los Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Nick...

La Mascota Del Maestro

Autor: Brian Stewart

El inglés es difícil y el español es difícil. A veces la clave para aprender es diversión e interés. Estas historias son divertidas e interesantes. Fueron traducidos principalmente por Inteligencia Artificial, por lo que pueden necesitar un poco de retoque. Pero las ideas están ahí y puedes aprender inglés con las historias originales en inglés.


Autor: Mario Ignacio Zunzunegui

Número de Páginas: 269

This book is a simple and humble gift, a present, a legacy of past life and love. It is a tale of many joys, laughs, and even laughter, as well as tears that sometimes came to be shed. It is a small present without any monetary or significant value of any commercial interest. Nevertheless, it is very exclusive because only the author can make this gift, because within the gift there are many experiences and anecdotes of a lifetime that only he is aware of. It is a gift that may one day be useful to dad or mom, when their son or daughter asks you to tell a story. Well, finally in decades to come, this dusty and forgotten old gift might have served for something useful. At the request of my great friend Mario Ignacio Zunzunegui, I allow myself to review his book where he captures his memoir with absolute reality. We first met many years ago through the sport of rock and high mountain climbing in Mexico City. I wish to testify that Mario recounts with absolute veracity events in his book and in which he cites me as an active participant. I congratulate Mario for his excellent memory in recounting those events in which he names my sister, Yoselinda, and me. We planned a trip to climb...

Broken Wings Alas Rotas

Autor: Guadalupe Elena Parra Batriz

Número de Páginas: 181

Este libro relata historias verdaderas de jóvenes que habían tratado de escapar del dolor solo para quedar atrapados en celdas obscuras e indiferentes a sus tragedias. Jóvenes cuyas alas rotas antes de empezar el vuelo terminaron por destruirlos. Se exponen momentos cruciales en la vida de estos jóvenes y se ahonda en el proceso psicológico por el que pasan y la dinámica interna que los encarcela. Se narran circunstancias en las que la estabilidad emocional se vuelve vulnerable y se entablan las luchas internas por mantener el equilibrio. La angustia de estos jóvenes se plasma en los diálogos que desgarran la realidad dolorosa de jóvenes que no pudieron escapar de las heridas lacerantes del pasado. This book is the product of over 5 years of experience working with juvenile delinquents. It is about real life stories of children and adolescents whose broken wings landed them in institutions indifferent to their tragedy which ended up destroying them. For many of them their wings will never again undertake the flight. They had tried to escape the pain only to end up trapped in dark cells with people unresponsive to their feelings and needs. Crucial moments in the lives of...

Leer y escribir con Adriana

Autor: Angeles Molina Iturrondo

Número de Páginas: 362

De todos los aprendizajes que desarrolla el ser humano en el transcurso de su vida, el de lectura primero y de escritura más tarde, son los más relevantes por la importancia de éstos para el resto de las actividades de nuestra vida. Conocer este proceso significa desarrollar mejor, en los niños que inician este aprendizaje, las habilidades que necesitan para tener éxito. Este libro documenta la evolución de la lectoescritura en una niña puertorriqueña y su reto en conquistar la palabra. Al observar las actividades de lectura oral de cuentos, la exploración del dibujo y de la escritura, el uso de lenguaje oral y el juego, se entretejen los encuentros de Adriana con el lenguaje escrito y el descubrimiento y la evolución del aprendizaje de un idioma.

A World of Changes

Autor: Henry Lyra

Número de Páginas: 187

They made it.Carter and Robin have successfully graduated college and gotten together. They are married and their lives are great with Carter being a reliable nurse and Robin a high school teacher -one who wears diapers. They have found a balance between their normal lives and the fact that Robin is an Adult Baby who Carter takes care of. Robin has his nursery, can be the baby he wants to be when he wants and Carter enjoys every second he spends with his babified husband. They make both sides work, the Adult side and the Baby side. That’s is, until something unexpected comes their way… Jordan is an eighteen-year-old boy who had been neglected by his parents all his life and kicked out when they discovered he was an Adult Baby. Fate intervenes and suddenly Carter and Robin find themselves taking in this boy, and once more they are thrown into A WORLD OF CHANGES as a new big baby joins the family. But are they ready for it? This is the final book in THE TRILOGY OF CHANGES, where Carter and Robin (and Jordan!) will see their stories go full circle!

The Flight of the Adventure

Autor: Sergio Bayarri Alvarez

Número de Páginas: 210

In 1947 the US government obtained technology that would change the world as we know it. Seventy-five years later, on a quiet, cold February night in New York, a US Navy lieutenant is murdered. Detectives Shepard and Chen will be in charge of investigating what will be the biggest case of their lives, in which they will discover an incredible secret that has been hidden from humanity and one that will take them far away, where no one has ever gone before. Welcome to the Flight of the Adventure!

Bruja tu paso

Autor: Angela Kensey

Las vacaciones en las montañas salen mal Cammy, una joven bruja, ya ha tenido suficiente. Después de una cita de desastre decepcionante en la playa con un hombre que realmente le gustaba, decide dejar su pequeña ciudad californiana y dirigirse temporalmente hacia las montañas. Allí, ella y su gato parlante experimentan cómo es ir de campamento. Cuando una tormenta empuja a una adolescente fuera de un acantilado peligroso, Cammy vuela en su trapeador al árbol que supuestamente atraparía su caída. Sorprendentemente, sin embargo, la adolescente ha desaparecido. Cammy se une con el sheriff en la pequeña ciudad de las montañas para investigar la desaparición de la niña. Se topan con bichos raros psicóticos, visitantes con armas de fuego ilegales y leñadores. Cuando otras dos chicas desaparecen también, Cammy no puede evitar preguntarse quién o qué es la sombra oscura y deambulante del bosque, y si tiene algo que ver con la desaparición del misterio de los adolescentes. Y aunque ir a restaurantes extranjeros y salones de masajes la hace sentir un poco culpable, teme hacer lo único que puede para descubrir la verdad sobre el supuesto secuestrador. Este es el segundo...


Autor: Valerie Hernandez

Número de Páginas: 624

Anna es una adolescente cualquiera que creció en el nuevo milenio; cuando MTV todavía transmitía videos musicales y cuando la gente todavía tenía conversación cara a cara. A través de su primera desilusión amorosa descubre su verdadera pasión: la música. Como bajista, forma una banda de rock y se embarca en la aventura más fascinante de su vida, donde volverá a descubrir el amor, le romperán el corazón, viajará, visitará lugares mágicos y conocerá personas que solo en sus sueños imaginó; se perderá, se caerá y abandonará la música para después recuperarla en una faceta muy diferente. Frente al escenario narra la historia de lo que experimenta una chica en el mundo de la música, pero en especial, en el mundo en general. Esa constante lucha por encontrar tu lugar, por pelear los estereotipos, por vencer los miedos y todo para lograr cumplir tus sueños y seguir tu corazón, al ritmo de las mejores canciones de rock y de punk que se han escrito.

Dios está en el Bulpen

Autor: Randy Lerch

Número de Páginas: 264

La carrera de un jugador de Grandes Ligas y su batalla contra la adicción a las drogas, el alcohol y la cirrosis. Cómo su fe en Dios ayudó a superar estas luchas.

The Wrong House

Autor: Esteban Burier

Número de Páginas: 166

“THE WRONG HOUSE” (Marielito; Exodus of Cubans in 1980) By Esteban Burier For all opponents of the Castro regime who went to comply with arbitrary sanctions; for those who were executed by the Castro regime; deprived of any defense, innocent of cases imposed by improvised courts; for those who were under the inclemency of the murderer Ernesto (Che) Guevara and so many other lap dogs of the dictator Fidel Castro; They are my deepest respect and admiration. They gave their lives with a shout of; Live Christ the King! Long live free Cuba! “THE WRONG HOUSE” Narrates the childhood of a boy that never thought twice to make a decision, committing many errors which took him, as consequence of punishment, to many juvenile reformatories and at last to jail, where he spent part of his life. The good education from his family did not influence on the boy, who does not divert from his delinquent path. A supernatural strength pushed him to these twisted paths to destroy and incarcerate him to where the stubborn are taken, to where you are subject to many tests and you can lose your dignity and also your manhood, depending on how weak or strong your personality is or if you allow to be...


Autor: Padre Tony

Número de Páginas: 65

We live in a world full of scandals within our beloved Roman Catholic Church. Many of us simply cannot understand the cause of so many abuses perpetrated by people vested with the authority to proclaim, on behalf of Christ, love, respect, and disinterested help toward others. Sex abuses and more abuses against children and even adults! If you are interested in understanding the cause of all these horrible and painful scandals and how to avoid them, just read this book, and you will see the truth! That, I guarantee!

Gran Diccionario Oxford

Autor: 편집부

Número de Páginas: 2358

The Oxford Spanish Dictionary comes with the ultimate pronunciation guide: a FREE, state-of-the-art CD-ROM (UK and Europe only) that enables you to type in a word or phrase, or paste in text from the web, and hear it spoken back to you in perfect Spanish.Now in colour, with an ultra-clear layout for maximum accessibility, this major new edition provides the richest coverage of Spanish from around the world, covering over 300,000 words and phrases, and more than 500,000 translations. Oxford's expert teams of lexicographers have used the latest technology to search millions of words of web-based text and identify all the most recent additions to both Spanish and English. Over 20,000 new entries have been added to the dictionary from all aspects of life today - business, IT,science, the media, the environment, the internet, and social life. Hundreds of special entries now give information on life and culture in the Spanish-speaking world, and in-text notes give extra help with grammar and usage. The dictionary also includes an extended guide to effectivecommunication, including a wealth of example letters, offering help with a wide range of topics, from writing a job application or a ...

Divine Intervention

Autor: Irma Sosa Pineda. Ma. Med.

Número de Páginas: 260

Divine Intervention is the story of a humble person who was born in El Salvador, being the fourth daughter of nine brothers and sisters. She once lived the most amazing childhood surrounded by nature and love in a place of freedom and happiness where all the children have the freedom to play together in a secure environment. During school time, I had a wonderful experience in learning in my humble public school. We, all the children of the community, walk together to the school with no fear; we walk in a safe environment. During 1980s, the country was having a social change. It was not safe anymore; I just looked at the chaos that was happening in our communities, with the families. The community was not safe anymore; what I saw was destruction and poverty, no job opportunities. I decided to migrate to the United States. I knew it would not be easy, but I took the risk of losing my life in the journey, by crossing the desert and getting on board of the train, The Beast, looking for my American dream. Like many immigrants who leave their loved ones to give them a better future, I also left my eighteen-month-old baby. I went through this pain that is hard to explain, and only the...

Los chicos siguen bailando

Autor: Jake Shears

Número de Páginas: 509

El cantante del grupo musical Multiplatino Scissor Sisters explora su evolución como joven artista: desde su adolescencia en la zona noroeste de Estados Unidos y Arizona, hasta su llegada a la electrizante Nueva York, donde encontrará una escena musical en constante cambio que permitirá la explosión de Scissor Sisters y el advenimiento de la fama internacional recién entrado el nuevo milenio. Cándida y valiente, la escritura de Shears tiene la misma presencia poderosa y espiritual que podemos ver en sus actuaciones. Estas memorias entretenidas y evocadoras serán toda una inspiración para aquellos que tengan determinación y un sueño que cumplir.

I Am René, the Boy / Soy René, el niño

Autor: René Colato Laínez

Número de Páginas: 38

When Rene learns that in the United States his name is also a girl's name, he does some research and relates the name's meaning and letters to his homeland of El Salvador and the things that make him special.

Temas selectos de inglés 1

Autor: Flores Kastanis, Paula

Número de Páginas: 170

In 2018, the High School Program (Educación Media Superior) was updated to comply with its essential purpose: to generate in the students the development of a first personal and social synthesis prior to their access to higher education, as well as providing an understanding of their society, preparing them for a possible job. The inclusion of two six-credit additional courses in the last year is part of this update that belongs to the Communication disciplinary area, as Preparation Components. The expectations of Selected Topics in English 2 in sixth semester are oriented towards potentializing the A2 Level in order to reach the threshold of B1 Level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). BLOCK 1: Signs, notices and advertisements. Lesson 1: Signs. Evaluation for Lesson 1, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 1 for Block 1. Lesson 2: Notices. Evaluation for Lesson 2, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 2 for Block 1. Lesson 3: Advertisements. Evaluation for Lesson 3, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 3 for Block 1. BLOCK 2: Factual texts on trending topics for teens. Lesson 1: Factual texts and Reading strategies....

Estudios sobre la influencia de la canción popular en el proceso de creación de música incidental

Autor: AndrÉs BailÓn, Sergio De

Número de Páginas: 364

En este primer volumen de la colección Música viva, el lector encontrará diferentes estudios relativos a la presencia de elementos populares en las diversas modalidades de música incidental, desde el tradicional teatro hasta los modernos formatos televisivos, pasando por la música cinematográfica. Se interpreta aquí el término «popular» en un sentido amplio, que engloba tanto la herencia folklórica como los estilos vinculados a la cultura de masas y los modernos medios de comunicación. Los contenidos están organizados en dos grandes bloques. El primero está dedicado al ámbito español y los capítulos que lo componen dividen equilibradamente su atención al cine y a la televisión. Para empezar, un estudio de conjunto en torno a la música cinematográfica durante el franquismo, al que sigue una investigación sobre el catálogo musical de Augusto Algueró, autor representativo de dicho periodo. A continuación, un acercamiento al entorno sonoro de las modernas series televisivas de ficción, para seguir con un análisis sobre el trabajo del reconocido compositor José Nieto en el terreno de las series documentales. El siguiente capítulo, que muestra el examen que...

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