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Tropas aerotransportadas del ejército de los EE.UU., 1940-90

Autor: Gordon L. Rottman

Número de Páginas: 0

World War I Companion

Autor: Matthias Strohn

Número de Páginas: 271

A wide-ranging and incisive collection of articles covering all aspects of World War I, written by some of the leading academics in the field. World War I changed the face of the 20th century. For four long years the major European powers, later joined by America, fought in a life or death struggle that would topple the crowned heads of Europe and redraw the map of the Continent. It was a conflict unparalleled in its scale, which in turn fuelled devastatingly rapid developments in military technology, technique and innovation as the belligerent powers sought to break the deadlock on the Western Front and elsewhere. In the centenary of the outbreak of the conflict, 14 renowned historians from around the world examine some of the key aspects of the war, providing a wide-ranging analysis of the whole conflict beyond but including the stalemate in the trenches of the Western Front.


Autor: Bloomsbury Publishing

Número de Páginas: 138

Bursting with exciting full-colour illustrations, colour artwork and contemporary photographs, this is a handy complete guide to this iconic World War II fighter. This remarkable aircraft, designed and built to combat the emerging fighter strength of the Axis nations in the lead-up to World War II, made its name in the air battles over Britain and France in the first years of the war. Beloved by its pilots for its stable firing platform and reputation as a rugged survivor, the Hawker Hurricane quickly became the backbone of the RAF, scoring more kills than the more glamorous Spitfire in the Battle of Britain. This compact volume draws on a wealth of research, artwork and contemporary photographs, as well as images of surviving Hurricanes in flight today, to present a complete guide to this classic fighter aircraft.

Enduring Freedom

Autor: Ambush Alley Games

Número de Páginas: 177

This latest expansion for Force on Force provides players with everything they need to recreate battles in the deserts of modern Afghanistan. Beginning with a detailed background section, the book presents extensive orders of battle for all of the combatants, including the Coalition, Northern Alliance, Taliban and Al-Qaeda. It also presents numerous new scenarios, new mission objectives and guidelines for constructing your own scenarios. This book is an indispensable guide for depicting the complex and intense pressures of combat in Afghanistan on the tabletop.

Le siècle des As (1915-1988)

Autor: Pierre Razoux

Número de Páginas: 289

Une histoire mondiale des as de l'aviation, de la Première Guerre mondiale à la guerre Iran-Irak Depuis 1915 et l'exploit du Français Adolphe Pégoud, les as de l'aviation sont des pilotes de chasse crédités d'au moins cinq victoires aériennes homologuées. Qui sait que le dernier d'entre eux fut l'Iranien Assadollah Adeli, en 1988 ? Que dans l'intervalle, huit mille pilotes d'une quarantaine de nationalités ont décroché ce titre envié, dont un tiers d'Allemands ? Qu'il y eut autant d'as canadiens que d'as français pendant les deux guerres mondiales ? Qu'un Finlandais occupe la tête du palmarès de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, as de la Luftwaffe mis à part ? Qu'il y eut davantage d'as soviétiques que d'as américains pendant la guerre de Corée ? Que la guerre du Vietnam engendra trois fois plus d'as vietnamiens que d'as américains ? Et que ce sont deux Russes et un Israélien qui ont obtenu le plus de victoires à bord d'un chasseur à réaction moderne ? Cette histoire d'hommes, de femmes et de machines transcende le XXe siècle. Véritables chevaliers du ciel, les as ont dominé les champs de bataille comme les chevaliers du Moyen Âge en leur temps. À travers...


Autor: Ambush Alley Ambush Alley Games

Número de Páginas: 137

From covert actions against insurgent groups and daring sabotage missions to precision strikes against fortified positions and reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines, the special forces units deployed by many nations are the spearhead of modern combat operations. Classified, the latest companion volume for Force on Force, allows wargamers to recreate any and all of them. With detailed background information, extensive orders of battle for the world's preeminent special forces units, and a range of scenarios, Classified gives Force on Force players a detailed and realistic experience of modern special operations missions across the globe.

Force on Force

Autor: Ambush Alley Ambush Alley Games

Número de Páginas: 225

Force on Force brings the drama and action of modern warfare to the tabletop using miniature soldiers. The rules cover all aspects of modern warfare from the confidence and supply level of troops to air-strikes and off-board artillery and accommodates scenarios set anywhere from the end of World War II to the conflicts on today's news without sacrificing either character or playability. Quick to learn and play, the game rewards players who use well-considered modern tactics to try and achieve victory. From infantry and armor to artillery and air support, Force on Force presents everything that players need to recreate post-World War II warfare involving both conventional, combined-arms forces and the irregular guerrilla units that have become the hallmark of 21st century warfare.

Cold War Gone Hot

Autor: Ambush Alley Ambush Alley Games

Número de Páginas: 133

"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.†? – Ronald Reagan, 1984. With these words, spoken as a sound check to a radio broadcast, President Reagan came dangerously close to igniting the long-simmering Cold War. Although Soviet forces were placed on alert following reports of this comment, the full-scale conflict between the West and the Soviet Bloc did not break out. Cold War Gone Hot, the latest companion volume for Force on Force, looks at the 44-year history of the Cold War and asks: "what if?†? With the orders of battle, vehicle stats and missions included in this volume, Force on Force players can simulate the advance of Soviet tanks across Western Europe, a thrust into Alaska, or any number of other plausible scenarios where history took a slightly different path.

Tiny Games for Home

Autor: Hide&seek,

Número de Páginas: 53

“It's like carrying around a collection of Victorian parlour games – except the Tiny Games take advantage of modern social settings and contexts. They're amusing, raucous and inventive.” - The Guardian Designed to give the maximum amount of fun for the minimum amount of rule-reading, Tiny Games for Home will let you find the perfect game for whatever situation you're in. All you need is this book, and the stuff that's around you. (Friends optional!) There are games to play with spoons and sofas and TVs and turnips and books and bottles. Games about words, games about celebrities, games about the things and the people and the places in your life. Games for TV commercial breaks, games for toast, and games for lying in bed. Whether you're feeling creative or competitive, silly or energetic, we've got you covered.

Histoire des pirates et des corsaires. De l'antiquiité à nos jours

Autor: Gilbert Buti , Philippe Hrodej

Número de Páginas: 467

Pour nos contemporains, l'évocation des pirates et des corsaires se résume aux aventures flamboyantes de marins dans la mer des Caraïbes ou aux attaques de farouches brigands au large de la Somalie. Moins réductrice, la réalité est à la fois multiple, passionnante et souvent plus riche que la fiction. L'Histoire des pirates et des corsaires propose un tableau de ces phénomènes maritimes sur la longue durée jalonné de fi gures emblématiques comme celles de Drake, Surcouf, Duguay-Trouin, Dragut, Barberousse, Koxinga. Elle invite à un voyage dans le temps, des pirates de la Méditerranée antique et des raids maritimes vikings au Moyen Âge à la piraterie pratiquée de nos jours en Asie du Sud-Est. Mais aussi à un voyage dans l'espace, de l'Europe aux Antilles, en passant par la mer de Chine et les rives de l'océan Indien. Un intérêt est également accordé à l'ancrage de la piraterie dans nos mémoires, à l'élaboration de mythes et à leurs prolongements dans les mondes virtuels du cinéma, de la BD et des jeux électroniques. La première histoire exhaustive des pirates et des corsaires à l'échelle mondiale.

Tiny Games for Work

Autor: Hide&seek,

Número de Páginas: 57

“It's like carrying around a collection of Victorian parlour games – except the Tiny Games take advantage of modern social settings and contexts. They're amusing, raucous and inventive” - The Guardian Designed to give the maximum amount of fun for the minimum amount of rule-reading, Tiny Games for Work will let you find the perfect game for whatever situation you're in. All you need is this book, and the stuff that's around you. (Friends optional) Games for sticky notes and coffee grinds, games for dealing with customers and even games for working from home. Whether you're feeling creative or competitive, silly or energetic, we've got you covered.


Autor: Graeme Davis

Número de Páginas: 81

In the stories of the ancient Vikings, Thor is a warrior without equal, who wields his mighty hammer in battles against trolls, giants, and dragons. He is the god of storms and thunder, who rides to war in a chariot pulled by goats, and who is fated to fall in battle with the Midgard Serpent during Ragnarok, the end of all things. This book collects the greatest myths and legends of the thunder god, while also explaining their historical context and their place in the greater Norse mythology. It also covers the history of Thor as a legendary figure, how he was viewed by different cultures from the Romans to the Nazis, and how he endures today as a popular heroic figure.

Rolling Thunder in a Gentle Land

Autor: Andrew Wiest

Número de Páginas: 308

Fifteen renowned authors from widely varied backgrounds examine the Vietnam War, providing a fresh insight into this controversial conflict, even for those who have 'read it all before'. “This is a superb and compelling reexamination of the major historical, political, and ethical issues that continue to smoulder many decades after the conclusion of the Vietnam War, I highly recommend Rolling Thunder in a Gentle Land. It is among the best books of its kind that I've encountered over the last dozen years.” - Tom O'Brien, author of The Things They Carried First-hand accounts, maps and contemporary photographs, analysis from the soldiers involved and new perspectives from combatants on both sides provide an incisive investigation into a fascinating and terrible war.

Aces of Jagdstaffel 17

Autor: Greg Vanwyngarden

Número de Páginas: 96

Initially formed to assist in the defence of the city of Metz against French bombing raids, Royal Prussian Jagdstaffel 17 would go on to become one of the most distinguish German fighter units of World War 1. Its first victory was scored by the pilot whose story is inextricably interwoven with that of his unit – the 'Blue Max' recipient Julius Buckler. He was largely responsible for inspiring the unit's unique Esprit de Corps, expressed in its famous and unique 'battle-cry' of 'Malaula!' Indeed, in its final days the unit gained the nickname Zirkus Buckler, or the 'Buckler Circus'. Besides Buckler, Jasta 17 boasted such aces as Karl Strasser, Alfred Fleischer and Christian Donhauser. In addition, the roster included colourful characters like the successful Jewish airman Jakob Wolff, who at over 48 years of age was the oldest German fighter pilot of the war. The story of this illustrious unit is told with many first-hand accounts by Buckler, Fleischer and others, as well as dozens of rare archival photos of the unit's beautifully decorated fighter aircraft.

American Heavy Frigates 1794–1826

Autor: Mark Lardas

Número de Páginas: 50

By 1805 the 44-gun frigate was probably viewed as a failed experiment whilst the 38-gun frigate was viewed as the vessel of the future. Ten years later every navy was building 44-gun frigates and today it is viewed as the symbol of the Napoleonic-era cruiser. This remarkable transformation resulted from the performance of three ships – the Constitution, United States, and President – 44-gun frigates built for the United States Navy between 1794 and 1799. Their victories in the naval War of 1812, as well as their performance against the Barbary Pirates, caught the imagination of the world – and spurred all navies into re-examining the class.

Imperial Japanese Navy Destroyers 1919–45 (1)

Autor: Mark Stille

Número de Páginas: 50

This volume will detail the history, weapons and tactics of the Japanese destroyers built before the war. This includes the famous Fubuki class (called “Special Type” by the Japanese, which were, when completed in the late 1920's, the most powerful class of destroyers in the world. This design forced all other major navies to follow suite and provided the basic design for the next many classes of Imperial Navy destroyers. This book will also cover the three classes built before the Special Type which were based on a German World War I design as well as two classes built after the advent of the Special Type. All of these ships had a rich history as they fought from the first battles of the Pacific War up until the very end when several accompanied the superbattleship Yamato on her death sortie. The final part of the book will be an analysis of the destroyer designs covered in the book which will include an examination of their strengths and weaknesses. The success (or lack of success) of these designs will be discussed and they will be compared to comparable Allied destroyer designs.

Curtiss P-40

Autor: Carl Molesworth

Número de Páginas: 67

A definitive technical guide to the long-nosed Curtiss P-40 Warhawk variants. The initial version of the Curtiss P-40, designated by the manufacturer as the Hawk H-81, combined the established airframe of the earlier radial-powered H-75 (P-36) fighter with the Allison V-1710 liquid-cooled engine. The year was 1939, and the marriage was one of expediency. With the threat of war in Europe growing by the day, the US Army Air Corps brass wanted a modern fighter that would combine the sterling handling qualities of the P-36 with a boost in performance that would make it competitive with the new types emerging in Germany and England, and the generals wanted the new plane immediately. As this book details, the P-40 delivered admirably, and though it never reached the performance levels of the Bf 109 or Spitfire, the sturdy fighter nevertheless made a place in history for itself as the Army's frontline fighter when the US entered World War II. Long-nosed P-40s initially saw combat in North Africa, flying in Royal Air Force squadrons. They also fought in the skies over Pearl Harbor and the Philippines. But the long-nosed P-40 is best known as the shark-faced fighter flown by the American...

A History of the World in 100 Weapons

Autor: Chris Mcnab

Número de Páginas: 386

The story of the 100 most influential weapons in history. Our history has been shaped and changed by weapons: the smallest advances in weapons development have helped to build and overthrow empires, changed the course of civilization, driven modern technology, and won wars. For thousands of years, individual pieces of weaponry have come to symbolize struggles and nations, from the Roman gladius to the English longbow, and from the flintlock musket through to the AK47. This book reveals the weapons that had the greatest impact on our history, explaining how and why they came to prominence, and uncovers the lasting effect they had on the world.

Placenames of the Civil War

Autor: John D. Bennett

Número de Páginas: 193

Despite the plethora of books about the Civil War, the origins of many of the placenames associated with the conflict remain a mystery. This gazetteer provides information on nearly 1600 sites, including not only locations of battles and skirmishes but also hospitals, prison camps, military academies, factories and navy yards, both North and South. Also listed are islands, rivers, creeks, fords, ferries and railroad stations, as well as many temporary fort and camp names. From Abbeville, Georgia, where Jefferson Davis stopped in May 1865 days before his capture near Irwinville, to Yorktown, Virginia, which was besieged by General George B. McClellan at the start of the Peninsula campaign, entries explain the origin of each placename and its wartime connections. An appendix listing town and city population figures from the 1860 census completes this informative supplement for Civil War scholars and enthusiasts.

Napoleon's Imperial Guard

Autor: Gabriele Esposito

Número de Páginas: 236

A detailed analysis of the organization, uniforms and weapons of the French Imperial Guard created by Napoleon I. The author describes how this large military body evolved from the Consular Guard created by Bonaparte as early as 1799 and how this came to include dozens of different military units belonging to each branch of service (infantry, cavalry, artillery, specialist corps). The Imperial Guard was a 'miniature army' made up of veteran soldiers, who were dressed with the most spectacular and elegant uniforms ever seen on the battlefields of Europe. The Guard also included several 'exotic' non-French units that are also covered in the text: Egyptian Mamelukes, Polish and Lithuanian lancers, Tatar scouts, Dutch grenadiers and lancers. The way in which Napoleon employed the Guard in battle is discussed and also how it differed from the rest of the French Army in terms of military dress and weaponry.

The Samurai Cartoon Armies

Autor: F.j. Guil Grund

Número de Páginas: 126

Fran Guil vuelve con un nuevo trabajo visual y divulgativo. Esta vez viajamos al Japón Sengoku-jidai, el País en Guerra (siglo XVI), donde se combate día sí y día también. Los samuráis están en su apogeo pero, ¿son estos famosos guerreros en verdad tal como creemos que son? ¿Realmente se guían por el bushido? ¿Es la katana realmente el alma del samurái? Samurái Sengoku o samurái Edo ¿cuál es el auténtico? Divertidas viñetas a todo color nos ilustran con todo detalle el aspecto y las más diversas situaciones de estos legendarios guerreros. Descubriremos a los verdaderos protagonistas de los campos de batalla de la época: los ashigarus (pies ligeros). Asedios, combates, mongoles, monjes guerreros, mujeres samurái, Corea, la llegada de los portugueses, el arcabuz, la receta del oniguiri. Y aún sacaremos tiempo para hablar de ¡ninjas! En la misma línea que el anterior The Late Roman Cartoon Army! (2020), esta obra es breve, resumida y amena. Los protagonistas sin duda, los más de 50 dibujos que, acompañados de un texto explicativo, conforman los capítulos del libro. La referencia a películas aporta en este caso un refuerzo a esta obra visual.

Samurai Armies 1467–1649

Autor: Stephen Turnbull

Número de Páginas: 98

A comprehensive examination of the tactics, leadership and organization of Samurai armies during the Sengoku Jidai. The Sengoku The Jidai, 'Age of Warring States', is the age of the samurai the military aristocracy of Japan. This period, which lasted from the outbreak of the Onin War in 1467 to the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate in the early 17th century, was a period of endemic warfare, when a lack of central control led to constant struggles between the daimyo, 'great names', who sought to extend the influence of their families through political and military means. This illustrated history explores the complicated nature of family and clan that governed so much of the initial organization of the armies, how this changed over the period and how battlefield tactics developed over a series of major encounters such as Nagashino and Sekigahara.

Armies of the East India Company 1750–1850

Autor: Stuart Reid

Número de Páginas: 50

Contrary to popular belief, the capture of India was not accomplished by the British Army, but by the private armies of the East India Company, which grew in size to become larger than that of any European sovereign state. This is the history of its army, examining the many conflicts they fought, their equipment and training, with its regiments of horse, foot and guns, which rivalled those of most European powers. The development of their uniforms, which combined traditional Indian and British dress, is illustrated in detail in this colourful account of the private band of adventurers that successfully captured the jewel of the British Empire.

Day of the Rangers

Autor: Ambush Alley Ambush Alley Games

Número de Páginas: 117

In the early 90s, Somalia was a country in chaos. As civil war raged, warlords carved out their own territories, enforcing their will through militia gangs, while famine compounded the situation. As a joint US–UN mission struggled to maintain order, the warlords began to unite behind Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who was to proclaim himself President of Somalia and embark upon a campaign to force the peacekeepers out of the country. Operations against Aidid and his strongholds intensified, culminating in the famous Operation Gothic Serpent, and the rescue mission to save a downed Black Hawk helicopter carried out by US Rangers and Delta Force operatives. Day of the Rangers, the latest companion for Force on Force, provides wargamers with all the background, orders of battle, and scenarios they need to immerse themselves in the epic battle for Mogadishu.

Macedonian Armies after Alexander 323–168 BC

Autor: Nicholas Sekunda

Número de Páginas: 50

The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC threw the Macedonians into confusion; there was no capable heir, and no clear successor among the senior figures in Alexander's circle. Initial attempts to preserve the unity of Alexander's conquests gave way to a period of bloody and prolonged warfare. For well over a century the largely mercenary armies of Alexander's successors imposed their influence over the whole of the Near East, while absorbing local military practices. After Rome's decisive defeat of Carthage in 202 BC, Macedonia came under increasing pressure from the Romans. Three wars between the two powers culminated in the Roman victory at Pydna in 168 BC, which laid Alexander's empire to rest and established Roman hegemony in the Near East. Drawing upon a wide array of archaeological and written sources and written by a noted authority on the Hellenistic period, this survey of the organization, battle history and appearance of the armies of Alexander's successors is lavishly illustrated with specially commissioned full-colour artwork.

The naval battles for Guadalcanal 1942

Autor: Mark Stille

Número de Páginas: 98

A highly illustrated account of the series of naval battles around the embattled island of Guadalcanal in late 1942. The battle for Guadalcanal that lasted from August 1942 to February 1943 was the first major American counteroffensive against the Japanese in the Pacific. The battle of Savo Island on the night of 9 August 1942, saw the Japanese inflict a severe defeat on the Allied force, driving them away from Guadalcanal and leaving the just-landed marines in a perilously exposed position. This was the start of a series of night battles that culminated in the First and Second battles of Guadalcanal, fought on the nights of 13 and 15 November. One further major naval action followed, the battle of Tassafaronga on 30 November 1942, when the US Navy once again suffered a severe defeat, but this time it was too late to alter the course of the battle as the Japanese evacuated Guadalcanal in early February 1943. In this compact, engaging volume, Mark Stille examines the contrasting fortunes experienced by both sides over the intense course of naval battles around the island throughout the second half of 1942 that did so much to turn the tide in the Pacific.

Manzikert 1071

Autor: David Nicolle

Número de Páginas: 98

The Saljuq Turks' defeat of the Byzantines at Manzikert opened the way for their conquest of Anatolia and domination of the Near East. On 26 August 1071 a large Byzantine army under Emperor Romanus IV met the Saljuq Turk forces of Sultan Alp Arslan near the town of Manzikert. The battle ended in a decisive defeat for the Byzantine forces, with the Byzantine emperor captured and much of his fabled Varangian guard killed. This battle is seen as the primary trigger of the Crusades, and as the moment when the power of the East Roman or Byzantine Empire was irreparably broken. The Saljuq victory opened up Anatolia to Turkish-Islamic conquest, which was eventually followed by the establishment of the Ottoman state. Nevertheless the battle itself was the culmination of a Christian Byzantine offensive, intended to strengthen the eastern frontiers of the empire and re-establish Byzantine domination over Armenia and northern Mesopotamia. Turkish Saljuq victory was in no sense inevitable and might, in fact, have come as something of a surprise to those who achieved it. As David Nicolle outlines in this highly illustrated account, it was not only the battle of Manzikert that had such profound ...

The Jewish Revolt AD 66–74

Autor: Si Sheppard

Número de Páginas: 98

A highly illustrated account of the Jewish Revolt against Roman rule in the 1st century AD. In AD 66 a local disturbance in Caesarea caused by Greeks sacrificing birds in front of a local synagogue exploded into a pan-Jewish revolt against their Roman overlords. Gaining momentum, the rebels successfully occupied Jerusalem and drove off an attack by the Roman legate of Syria, Cestus Gallius, who was defeated at the battle of Beth Horon. The emperor Nero dispatched the Roman general Vespasian along with reinforcements and, having crushed the revolt in Galilee he became embroiled in the events of the Year of the Four Emperors that would lead to his assumption of the Imperial throne. His son Titus was left to carry on the war which culminated in the dramatic siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. Remorselessly, the legions strangled the life out of the defense street by street, leaving nothing but rubble and ashes in their wake. The apotheosis of the conflict was the final stand of the last holdouts in the Temple precinct itself, and the utter annihilation of this, the physical manifestation of Judaism itself. Packed with detailed description as well as battle maps, this book details each step...

Modelling Luftwaffe Jets and Wonder Weapons

Autor: Brett Green

Número de Páginas: 194

While the Allies largely relied on mass production to help them win World War II, Germany put a great deal of their limited resources into new technologies and wonder weapons. In addition to these tangible assets, which were used with varying degrees of success, the drawing boards of Germany were littered with dozens of advanced designs that never reached the prototype or production stages. Many of these operational and paper projects advanced the pace and influenced the direction of aircraft development in the decades following World War II, with many of the German engineers responsible for these innovations seamlessly continuing their roles in the United States and the USSR. Modellers have had a long fascination for the Luftwaffe's jet arsenal and secret weapons of fact and fiction and this new Osprey Masterclass will explore the Luftwaffe jets and rocket planes that saw service at the end of World War II.


Autor: John Tincey

Número de Páginas: 66

The Ironside is symbolic of the one occasion when the army took an active role in British politics. He represents a unique period when ordinary people displaced the established order to take political control into their own hands. In the nineteenth century a rash of historical publications, paintings and statues with a civil war theme reflected the political divisions of Victorian society and Royalist and Parliamentarian causes were argued over again, reflecting the sub text of contemporary political struggles. This book attempts to take a wider view of the Ironside as a warrior who evolved from the experiments of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries to combine firepower with the armoured cavalryman.


Autor: David Nicolle

Número de Páginas: 65

A close look at the early life, military experiences and key battlefield exploits of Al-Malik al-Nasir Yusuf Ibn Najm al-Din Ayyub Ibn Shahdi Abu'l-Muzaffar Salah al-Din, broadly regarded as the greatest hero of the Crusades, even in Europe. Most chroniclers present him as a man of outstanding virtue, courage and political skill. More recently, however, efforts have been made to portray Saladin as an ambitious, ruthless and even devious politician, and as a less brilliant commander than is normally thought. This book reveals that the truth is, as usual, somewhere in between.

The Battle of Britain

Autor: Kate Moore , The Imperial War Museum

Número de Páginas: 199

A lavishly illustrated and highly designed history of one of the defining moments of both British history and World War II. In 1940 Britain was an island under siege. The march of the Nazi war machine had been unrelenting: France and Belgium had quickly fallen and now the British Empire and the Commonwealth stood alone to counter the grave threat. However, their fate would not be decided by armies of millions but by a small band of fighter pilots. It was on their shoulders that Britain's best chance of survival rested. Above the villages and cities, playing fields and market towns, the skies of southern England were the scene of countless dogfights as the fledgling Fighter Command duelled daily against the might of the Luftwaffe. The Battle of Britain offers an in-depth assessment of the situation leading up to the summer of 1940, the strategies employed by the adversaries and the brutal aerial battle itself. Lavishly illustrated with photographs, contemporary art and posters, and accompanied by numerous first-hand accounts, this is a volume that captures the reality of a defining chapter in British history.

Louisbourg 1758

Autor: René Chartrand

Número de Páginas: 96

Featuring information from a previously unpublished journal, an illustrated account of this strategically important battle in Canada. Louisbourg represented a major threat to Anglo-American plans to invade Canada. Bypassing it would leave an immensely powerful enemy base astride the Anglo-American lines of communication – Louisbourg had to be taken. Faced with strong beach defences and rough weather, it took six days to land the troops, and it was only due to a stroke of daring on the part of a young brigadier named James Wolfe, who managed to turn the French beach position, that this was achieved. The story is largely based on firsthand accounts from the journals of several participants, including French Governor Drucour's, whose excellent account has never been published.

Air Battles Before D-Day

Autor: Colonel Joseph T. Molyson Jr. (ret)

Número de Páginas: 365

From the skies above Europe to the beaches of Normandy, the Allied air campaign of 1943-44 orchestrated one of history's most decisive military victories. In this groundbreaking analysis, retired Air Force Colonel Joseph T. Molyson reveals how a year of strategic bombing and aerial warfare created the conditions necessary for D-Day's success. Drawing on his thirty years of military intelligence experience, Molyson pieces together the complex puzzle of amphibious planning, airborne operations, and inter-Allied coordination that culminated in Operation Overlord. Key revelations include: How the Allied victory in the Battle of the Atlantic enabled the crucial flow of American resources The strategic bombing campaign's dual role in weakening both German industry and Luftwaffe capabilities The intricate coordination between British night raids and American daylight bombing missions Previously overlooked connections between air superiority and the success of the D-Day landings Perfect for military history enthusiasts and World War II scholars alike, this meticulously researched account offers fresh insights into the aerial strategy that changed the course of history.

Gettysburg 1863

Autor: Carl Smith

Número de Páginas: 128

A special extended edition of this compact, illustrated volume on Gettysburg, one of the most popular subjects of the American Civil War. The Confederate invasion of the Northern states was General Lee's last great gamble. By taking the war to the Union he hoped to force Lincoln into peace negotiations, or win support from the European powers who were watching events closely from across the Atlantic. Equally, Meade's Army of the Potomac needed to regain it's fighting credibility after the setbacks of Fredericksburg and saw this as an opportunity to redeem its honour. Carl Smith outlines how the clash of 150,000 soldiers from both sides would ultimately decide the fate of a nation.


Número de Páginas: 118

This work is a study on the development and organization of Wehrmacht assault cannon units since its creation, in 1940, until the end of World War II. The uniforms and characteristics of the main models of cannon and assault shells are also studied, as well as some of the support vehicles that were part of the material that was delivered to these units. The book contains illustrations and photographs, many of which they had not published so far.

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