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Número total de libros encontrados: 40 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu lectura!!!

Tiempo de secretos

Autor: Deanna Raybourn

Número de Páginas: 383

"Que los malvados se avergüencen y que guarden silencio en su tumba". Aquellas siniestras palabras sacadas de un libro de salmos fueron la última amenaza que sir Edward Grey recibió de su asesino. Antes de poder enseñárselas a Nicholas Brisbane, el investigador privado que había contratado para protegerse, sir Edward cayó muerto en su casa de Londres, en presencia de su esposa, Julia, y de varios invitados. Aunque ella estaba convencida de que su marido había muerto a consecuencia de una larga enfermedad, no dudó en pedir ayuda al enigmático Brisbane cuando descubrió el papel en el que figuraban aquellas palabras. Intentando llevar ante la justicia al asesino de Edward, Julia comenzó a seguir unas pistas que revelaron una verdad aún más terrible... Unas pistas que la acercaban a un criminal que esperaba su llegada con impaciencia. " (...) Os vais a encontrar con una mezcla de la elegancia y el brillo de Jane Austen y la oscuridad húmeda del Londres de Sherlock Holmes. Una mezcla que a priori podría resultar extraña pero que en manos de Deanna Raybourn resulta deliciosa" Autoras en la sombra

Escondida en el harén

Autor: Michelle Conder

Número de Páginas: 98

¡Los dos terminaron aprisionados por... el matrimonio! El príncipe Zachim Darkhan de Bakaan nunca hubiera imaginado que iba a ser secuestrado por su enemigo. Pero, gracias a su experiencia como guerrero, logró escapar... llevándose a la hija de su captor como rehén. Sin embargo, Farah Hajjar no era una mujer fácil de someter. Mientras la lucha de poder se intensificaba entre ambos, Zachim ansiaba probar la fruta prohibida de sus encantos. Pronto, llegaron a un punto de no retorno, donde la frontera entre odio y deseo se difuminaba.


Autor: Jude Jennison

Número de Páginas: 204

Is your senior leadership team fully aligned and ready for fast-paced change? Even the most cohesive teams can find themselves derailed by the uncertainty of change. High workloads increase stress, changing priorities cause confusion and the frustration of unresolved differences of opinion creates tension and division in teams. Join thousands of leaders and teams who have already benefitted from revealing the hidden dynamics of their non-verbal behaviour and discover how you too can use it to align your team, reduce stress, increase understanding and resolve differences of opinion with more trust and transparency so your team: Is full of vitality and vigour, excited about possibilities Has clear objectives, pulling seamlessly together in one direction Knows exactly what to think, say and do to get the best from each other Drawing on a decade of Equine Facilitated Leadership to fine-tune the skills of leaders and teams, Opus reveals the 12 hidden dynamics that every team needs to make visible to achieve optimal team performance “Unambiguously brilliant.” Adrian Packer CBE, CEO, Core Education Trust “Opus could seriously result in a significant improvement in both...

Get Good At Life

Autor: Lee Jackson

Número de Páginas: 195

Get Good® At Life is a book filled with insightful advice and refreshing wisdom to help us thrive in the 21st century. It is thoughtful, practical and encouraging with a healthy dose of honesty, humour, and hope. Award-winning motivational speaker Lee Jackson covers significant topics such as building good relationships, staying motivated, and developing resilience. Throughout the book, he shares personal stories and reflections from his life as a keynote speaker, presentation coach, former hip hop dj and very short local basketball player. He offers practical solutions based on his own research and encounters with inspiring people to help readers succeed in their personal and professional lives. If you’re interested in personal development but confused by the abundance of self-help books out there, this is the perfect guide for you, as it debunks common myths and offers evidence-based solutions to help readers Get Good® At Life. “If your life is amaaaazing, give this book a miss. Everyone else, fill your boots!” Andy Cope, aka the ‘Dr of Happiness’ (over a million books sold) “Less of a book more an opportunity to eavesdrop into grounded, gritty gems of wisdom that...

Manuel de suivi et d’évaluation du travail des enfants dans l'agriculture

Autor: Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'alimentation Et L'agriculture

Número de Páginas: 143

Le manuel offre des conseils et des outils pour évaluer les impacts des programmes et projets agricoles et de sécurité alimentaire sur le travail des enfants dans l'agriculture familiale. En outre, le manuel vise à sensibiliser le personnel du programme agricole sur l'importance d'intégrer la prévention du travail des enfants comme une question transversale dans leur système de planification, de suivi et d'évaluation (S&E) et de considérer systématiquement les impacts positifs et négatifs potentiels des programmes agricoles sur le labo des enfants. ur. Le manuel encourage en outre l'utilisateur à identifier les bonnes pratiques agricoles pour prévenir et réduire le travail des enfants dans l'agriculture.


Número de Páginas: 56

In its 114th year, Billboard remains the world's premier weekly music publication and a diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform. Billboard publishes the most trusted charts and offers unrivaled reporting about the latest music, video, gaming, media, digital and mobile entertainment issues and trends.

History, Heritage and Timeless Service 1955-2013

Autor: Zeta Omicron Omega Chapter

Número de Páginas: 113

This a history book of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Omicron Omega Chapter in Kinston, N. C. . This is a written documentation of innumerable hours of service to the community. Within this book you will learn about Zeta Omicron Omega Chapter through international and chapter programs, donations, and hours of volunteering service to all mankind.

High Performance Computing

Autor: Heike Jagode , Hartwig Anzt , Hatem Ltaief , Piotr Luszczek

Número de Páginas: 519

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of 9 workshops held at the 35th International ISC High Performance 2021 Conference, in Frankfurt, Germany, in June-July 2021: Second International Workshop on the Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Computational Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Simulations and Analysis; HPC-IODC: HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop; Compiler-assisted Correctness Checking and Performance Optimization for HPC; Machine Learning on HPC Systems;4th International Workshop on Interoperability of Supercomputing and Cloud Technologies;2nd International Workshop on Monitoring and Operational Data Analytics;16th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing; Deep Learning on Supercomputers; 5th International Workshop on In Situ Visualization. The 35 papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected. They cover all aspects of research, development, and application of large-scale, high performance experimental and commercial systems. Topics include high-performance computing (HPC), computer architecture and hardware, programming models, system software, performance analysis and modeling, compiler...

The Christian Monitors

Autor: Brent Sirota

Número de Páginas: 481

div This original and persuasive book examines the moral and religious revival led by the Church of England before and after the Glorious Revolution, and shows how that revival laid the groundwork for a burgeoning civil society in Britain. After outlining the Church of England's key role in the increase of voluntary, charitable, and religious societies, Brent Sirota examines how these groups drove the modernization of Britain through such activities as settling immigrants throughout the empire, founding charity schools, distributing devotional literature, and evangelizing and educating merchants, seamen, and slaves throughout the British empire—all leading to what has been termed the “age of benevolence.”/DIV

Beatles de A à Z

Autor: Daniel Ichbiah

Número de Páginas: 362

Dictionnaire Beatles. De 'Abbey Road' à 'Yesterday', l'histoire des chansons, des albums, des grands événements de la vie du groupe. Par leurs propos, par leurs extravagances musicales, ces quatre garçons bravent les codes en vigueur. Les Beatles se font l'écho de la contre-culture de leur temps mais ils en restituent le message par le biais de mélodies imparables, d'instantanés de jouissance. Un mot d'ordre est dans l'air : liberté ! Ils le transposent dans leurs chansons en s'autorisant toutes les expériences. A day in the life s'apparente à un mini-film traversé de scènes disparates, Yellow submarine est mis en valeur par de savants bruitages, Hey Jude se prolonge sur 7 minutes de pure extase... Les hits se succèdent, sans laisser l'ombre d'un répit aux fans. Ticket to ride, Help, Yesterday, Day Tripper, We can work it out, Michelle s'enchaînent sur une durée de neuf mois ! Comme terrassé, le public accroche à l'immense flot d'esthétique déversé sur les ondes. La musique des Beatles ne leur appartient plus. Elle est entrée dans l'Eternité.

High Performance Computing

Autor: Julian M. Kunkel , Pavan Balaji , Jack Dongarra

Número de Páginas: 506

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference, ISC High Performance 2016 [formerly known as the International Supercomputing Conference] held in Frankfurt, Germany, in June 2016. The 25 revised full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The papers cover the following topics: Autotuning and Thread Mapping; Data Locality and Decomposition; Scalable Applications; Machine Learning; Datacenters andCloud; Communication Runtime; Intel Xeon Phi; Manycore Architectures; Extreme-scale Computations; and Resilience.

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Autor: José Nelson Amaral

Número de Páginas: 366

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 21th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC 2008, held in Edmonton, Canada, in July/August 2008. The 18 revised full papers and 6 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 35 submissions. The papers address all aspects of languages, compiler techniques, run-time environments, and compiler-related performance evaluation for parallel and high-performance computing and comprise also presentations on program analysis that are precursors of high performance in parallel environments.

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Autor: Hironori Kasahara , Keiji Kimura

Número de Páginas: 287

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC 2012, held in Tokyo, Japan, in September 2012. The 16 revised full papers, 5 poster papers presented with 1 invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. The focus of the papers is on following topics: compiling for parallelism, automatic parallelization, optimization of parallel programs, formal analysis and verification of parallel programs, parallel runtime systems, task-parallel libraries, parallel application frameworks, performance analysis tools, debugging tools for parallel programs, parallel algorithms and applications.

Computational Science — ICCS 2001

Autor: Vassil N. Alexandrov , Jack J. Dongarra , Benjoe A. Juliano , Rene S. Renner , C.j.kenneth Tan

Número de Páginas: 1294

LNCS volumes 2073 and 2074 contain the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2001, held in San Francisco, California, May 27 -31, 2001. The two volumes consist of more than 230 contributed and invited papers that reflect the aims of the conference to bring together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering advanced application of computational methods to sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, arts and humanitarian fields, along with software developers and vendors, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help industrial users apply various advanced computational techniques.

Computational Science – ICCS 2009

Autor: Gabrielle Allen , Jaroslaw Nabrzyski , Edward Seidel , Geert Dick Van Albada , Jack Dongarra , Peter M.a. Sloot

Número de Páginas: 940

“There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a tri?ing investment of fact. ” Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi The challenges in succeeding with computational science are numerous and deeply a?ect all disciplines. NSF’s 2006 Blue Ribbon Panel of Simulation-Based 1 Engineering Science (SBES) states ‘researchers and educators [agree]: com- tational and simulation engineering sciences are fundamental to the security and welfare of the United States. . . We must overcome di?culties inherent in multiscale modeling, the development of next-generation algorithms, and the design. . . of dynamic data-driven application systems. . . We must determine better ways to integrate data-intensive computing, visualization, and simulation. - portantly,wemustoverhauloureducationalsystemtofostertheinterdisciplinary study. . . The payo?sformeeting these challengesareprofound. ’The International Conference on Computational Science 2009 (ICCS 2009) explored how com- tational sciences are not only advancing the traditional hard science disciplines, but also stretching beyond, with applications in the arts, humanities, media and all...

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Autor: Lawrence Rauchwerger

Número de Páginas: 313

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC 2017, held in College Station, TX, USA, in October 2017. The 17 full papers presented together with abstracts of 5 keynote talks, 11 invited speakers and 4 poster papers in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. LCPC encourages submissions that go outside its original scope of scientific computing to diverse areas that are enable or enhanced by the power of parallel systems such as mobile computing, big data, relevant aspects of machine learning, data centers, cognitive computing, etc. LCPC strongly encourages personal interaction and technical discussions along the initial material.

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Autor: Bill Pugh , Chau-wen Tseng

Número de Páginas: 386

The 15th Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing was held in July 2002 at the University of Maryland, College Park. It was jointly sponsored by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Ma- land and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).LCPC2002broughttogetherover60researchersfromacademiaand research institutions from many countries. The program of 26 papers was selected from 32 submissions. Each paper was reviewed by at least three Program Committee members and sometimes by additional reviewers. Prior to the workshop, revised versions of accepted papers were informally published on the workshop’s website and in a paper proceedings that was distributed at the meeting. This year, the workshopwas organizedinto sessions of papers on related topics, and each session consisted of two to three 30-minute presentations.Based on feedback from the workshop,the papers were revised and submitted for inclusion in the formal proceedings published in this volume. Two papers were presented at the workshop but later withdrawn from the ?nal proceedings by their authors. We were very lucky to have Bill Carlson from the...


Autor: Doris Woods Owens , Kate Clabough

Número de Páginas: 132

In 1787, before Concord or Farragut existed, the area was known as Campbell's Station. The settlement grew rapidly, and by 1840, it was a thriving, self-sufficient community with many businesses. In the mid-1850s, the town of Concord was established two miles south of Campbell's Station along the newly installed railroad lines, drawing many businesses from Campbell's Station. Concord prospered, but Campbell's Station remained peaceful farmland. In 1902, Farragut High School was built in Campbell's Station. The school and the post office were the glue that held the west Knox County communities together. By 1944, nearly one-third of Concord was displaced by the impoundment of Fort Loudoun Lake. Soon Campbell's Station's sprawling farms became subdivisions, and Concord's businesses, churches, and even the post office were forced to relocate to Campbell's Station, leaving Concord a sleepy village. In 1980, a large area around the school but excluding Concord was incorporated as the town of Farragut.

Evolving OpenMP for Evolving Architectures

Autor: Bronis R. De Supinski , Pedro Valero-lara , Xavier Martorell , Sergi Mateo Bellido , Jesus Labarta

Número de Páginas: 254

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Open MP, IWOMP 2018, held in Barcelona, Spain, in September 2018. The 16 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this book. The papers are organized in topical sections named: best paper; loops and OpenMP; OpenMP in heterogeneous systems; OpenMP improvements and innovations; OpenMP user experiences: applications and tools; and tasking evaluations.

Western Rock Artists, Madame Butterfly, and the Allure of Japan

Autor: Christopher T. Keaveney

Número de Páginas: 243

Using the framework of Edward Said’s Orientalism, this work examines how Western rock and pop artists—particularly during the age of album rock from the 1970s through the 1990s—perpetuated long-held stereotypes of Japan in their direct encounters with the country and in songs and music videos with Japanese content.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Register

Número de Páginas: 50

Suffrage Reconstructed

Autor: Laura E. Free

Número de Páginas: 246

The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified on July 9, 1868, identified all legitimate voters as "male." In so doing, it added gender-specific language to the U.S. Constitution for the first time. Suffrage Reconstructed considers how and why the amendment's authors made this decision. Vividly detailing congressional floor bickering and activist campaigning, Laura E. Free takes readers into the pre- and postwar fights over precisely who should have the right to vote. Free demonstrates that all men, black and white, were the ultimate victors of these fights, as gender became the single most important marker of voting rights during Reconstruction. Free argues that the Fourteenth Amendment's language was shaped by three key groups: African American activists who used ideas about manhood to claim black men's right to the ballot, postwar congressmen who sought to justify enfranchising southern black men, and women's rights advocates who began to petition Congress for the ballot for the first time as the Amendment was being drafted. To prevent women's inadvertent enfranchisement, and to incorporate formerly disfranchised black men into the voting polity, the Fourteenth Amendment's congressional...

Statement of Disbursements of the House

Autor: United States. Congress. House

Número de Páginas: 1764

Covers receipts and expenditures of appropriations and other funds.

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Autor: James Brodman , Peng Tu

Número de Páginas: 401

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC 2014, held in Hillsboro, OR, USA, in September 2014. The 25 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on accelerator programming; algorithms for parallelism; compilers; debugging; vectorization.

The Compiler Design Handbook

Autor: Y.n. Srikant , Priti Shankar

Número de Páginas: 786

Today’s embedded devices and sensor networks are becoming more and more sophisticated, requiring more efficient and highly flexible compilers. Engineers are discovering that many of the compilers in use today are ill-suited to meet the demands of more advanced computer architectures. Updated to include the latest techniques, The Compiler Design Handbook, Second Edition offers a unique opportunity for designers and researchers to update their knowledge, refine their skills, and prepare for emerging innovations. The completely revised handbook includes 14 new chapters addressing topics such as worst case execution time estimation, garbage collection, and energy aware compilation. The editors take special care to consider the growing proliferation of embedded devices, as well as the need for efficient techniques to debug faulty code. New contributors provide additional insight to chapters on register allocation, software pipelining, instruction scheduling, and type systems. Written by top researchers and designers from around the world, The Compiler Design Handbook, Second Edition gives designers the opportunity to incorporate and develop innovative techniques for optimization and...

Legends of Disco

Autor: James Arena

Número de Páginas: 245

In this candid retrospective of the disco era, 40 men and women who reigned over the dance music industry of the 1970s and 1980s recall their lives and careers before, during and after the genre's explosion. Artists interviewed include Alfa Anderson, formerly of Chic ("Good Times"); Ed Cermanski and Robert Upchurch of The Trammps ("Disco Inferno"); Sarah Dash ("Sinner Man"); producer John Davis ("Ain't That Enough for You"); Janice Marie Johnson of A Taste of Honey ("Boogie Oogie Oogie"); France Joli ("Come to Me"); Denis LePage of Lime ("Babe, We're Gonna Love Tonite"); Randy Jones of the Village People ("Y.M.C.A."); Rob Parissi of Wild Cherry ("Play That Funky Music"); producer Warren Schatz ("Turn the Beat Around"); Debbie, Joni and Kim Sledge of Sister Sledge ("We Are Family"); and many more.

Principles of Abstract Interpretation

Autor: Patrick Cousot

Número de Páginas: 833

Introduction to abstract interpretation, with examples of applications to the semantics, specification, verification, and static analysis of computer programs. Formal methods are mathematically rigorous techniques for the specification, development, manipulation, and verification of safe, robust, and secure software and hardware systems. Abstract interpretation is a unifying theory of formal methods that proposes a general methodology for proving the correctness of computing systems, based on their semantics. The concepts of abstract interpretation underlie such software tools as compilers, type systems, and security protocol analyzers. This book provides an introduction to the theory and practice of abstract interpretation, offering examples of applications to semantics, specification, verification, and static analysis of programming languages with emphasis on calculational design. The book covers all necessary computer science and mathematical concepts--including most of the logic, order, linear, fixpoint, and discrete mathematics frequently used in computer science--in separate chapters before they are used in the text. Each chapter offers exercises and selected solutions....

OpenMP: Portable Multi-Level Parallelism on Modern Systems

Autor: Kent Milfeld , Bronis R. De Supinski , Lars Koesterke , Jannis Klinkenberg

Número de Páginas: 342

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2020, held in Austin, TX, USA, in September 2020. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 21 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this book. The papers are organized in topical sections named: performance methodologies; applications; OpenMP extensions; performance studies; tools; NUMA; compilation techniques; heterogeneous computing; and memory. The chapters ‘A Case Study on Addressing Complex Load Imbalance in OpenMP’ and ‘A Study of Memory Anomalies in OpenMP Applications’ are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License via

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Autor: Mary Hall , Hari Sundar

Número de Páginas: 203

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC 2018, held in Salt Lake City, UT, USA, in October 2018. The 14 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. Specific topics are compiling for parallelism and parallel compilers, static, dynamic, and adaptive optimization of parallel programs, parallel programming models and languages, formal analysis and verification of parallel programs, parallel runtime systems and libraries, performance analysis and debugging tools for concurrency and parallelism, parallel algorithms and concurrent data structures, parallel applications, synchronization and concurrency control, software engineering for parallel programs, fault tolerance for parallel systems, and parallel programming and compiling for heterogeneous systems.

21-Hit Wonder

Autor: Sam Hollander

Número de Páginas: 321

Rising up the charts seemed, at many points in Sam Hollander’s career, highly unlikely. This is his story of failing his way to the top. As one of the most renowned, multi-platinum songwriters and producers in the game, Sam Hollander has written and produced for the likes of Panic! At The Disco, One Direction, Katy Perry, Ringo Starr, Def Leppard, Carole King, Weezer, blink-182, Jewel, Train, Fitz and the Tantrums, Billy Idol, Tom Morello, and many others. But before he was stacking Billboard hits, Hollander was piling up calamitous flops, false starts, and feeling like the world was moving on and up without him while he spun in place. Today he wears that decade of misses like a badge of honor. In 21-Hit Wonder, he’s collected anecdotes from his wild music industry rollercoaster ride to help aspiring songwriters and other creatives learn about survival, endurance, scheming, hustle, and the importance of laughing even on the worst days of the journey. Music lovers spanning generations and genres will find stories about many of their heroes and industry icons. 21-Hit Wonder is one part chronicle of a songwriter’s storied career and another part love letter to anyone who has...

The Hidden Mechanics of Exercise

Autor: Christopher M. Gillen

Número de Páginas: 353

The Hidden Mechanics of Exercise reveals the microworld of the body in motion, from motor proteins that produce force to enzymes that extract energy from food, and tackles questions athletes ask: What should we ingest before and during a race? How does a hard workout trigger changes in our muscles? Why does exercise make us feel good?

Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Autor: Barbara Chapman , José Moreira

Número de Páginas: 233

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC 2020, held in Stony Brook, NY, USA, in October 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 15 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 19 submissions. The contributions were organized in topical sections named as follows: Code and Data Transformations; OpenMP and Fortran; Domain Specific Compilation; Machine Language and Quantum Computing; Performance Analysis; Code Generation.

Handbook for monitoring and evaluation of child labour in agriculture

Autor: Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations

Número de Páginas: 119

The Handbook aims to sensitize agricultural programme staff on the importance of incorporating child labour prevention as a crosscutting issue in their planning, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system and of systematically considering the potential positive and negative impacts of agricultural programmes on child labour. The Handbook furthermore encourages the user to identify good agricultural practices for preventing and reducing child labour in agriculture.


Autor: Warren Cass

Número de Páginas: 152

Stand out in a sea of "average" and start achieving your goals Success is not only a matter of what you know and who you know, it's also a matter of who knows you; by becoming a trusted contact and a source of answers, your influence expands – and so do your opportunities. This book will show you how to build influence from the ground up. You might already know that communication is key, but do you understand how different people communicate and how you should respond? Discover the power of networking and gain valuable advice for building the right relationships with the right people – and how to leverage those relationships where it counts. Influence is a powerful asset based on a simple concept, but the actual skills required to achieve it don't come naturally to most. However skills can be learned and this book provides expert instruction with real-world application to help you get to where you want to be. Master the art of communication and build rapport Raise your profile and manage your reputation Develop strategic relationships and grow your network Become the trusted go-to person in your field If you're ready to get more out of your job, your career and your life,...

Women's Immersion in a Workfare Program

Autor: Ellen Greer

Número de Páginas: 222

Discover what challenges lie ahead for occupational therapists Single women receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) often find themselves tangled in difficulties because of current changes in welfare reform, including workfare. Women’s Immersion in a Workfare Program: Emerging Challenges for Occupational Therapists describes the journey of six single mothers in workfarea proactive alternative to conventional welfareand their emergence with unique talents and perseverance to balance motherhood and work in the face of adversity. This compassionate and informative text uses the participants’ own authentic voicesin poems, plays, and narrativesto tell their stories of survival and success in this unique governmental program. Women’s Immersion in a Workfare Program: Emerging Challenges for Occupational Therapists first provides a socio-historical overview to place the issues in context, and then comprehensively reviews the interaction between barriers to work and self-sufficiency, including kinship systems, mental health issues, complying with workfare, family role strain, and psychological well-being. The research findings examine how the women receiving TANF...

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